Thursday, June 2, 2011

King Family at Upper Clatford and Abbotts Ann

Joanna King married Joseph Blake 8 Jun 1757 at Upper Clatford and the marriage lines read:

Joseph Blake of Andover and Joanna King of this parish were married [8 Jun 1757].

No extra information other than the parish but I do find it interesting that the priest has recorded that Joseph was from Andover. Initially I wondered if Joseph had been sent off to Upper Clatford to help Thomas King with his farm since Thomas did not have any sons. But now as I look at the record I wonder if this was simply an arranged marriage and I need to look harder at the mother of Joseph (Thomas Blake married Ann Carter at Penton Mewsey 8 Dec 1728 and these were the parents of Joseph Blake). Thomas and Ann named their first son Joseph and although this is a name used in the Blake family since the marriage of Elener Blake and Joseph Hinxman 10 Dec 1610 with the first Joseph Blake baptized 14 Nov 1644 and the son of Mr. Richard Blake and Joanne Dashford. This Richard was the eldest son of Mr. William Blake and Dorothy Madgwick who were themselves married 6 Feb 1606 at Andover. It was the aunt of William Blake who married Joseph Hinxman. Richard did not name a son Joseph but it is not surprising that a grandson would do so in that Joseph Hinxman was by far one of the most important people in Andover (Lord of the Manor of Foxcott) in the 1600s. The next Joseph Blake I found baptized at Andover 24 Feb 1702 married Mary Holdway 11 Feb 1730 at Penton Mewsey and was the son of John Blake and Elizabeth (son of a brother of Richard married to Joanne Dashford). I have inserted the Mr. because it tells me something about this family which from the mid 1500s to the mid 1600s were a substantial family in Andover but appear to have dropped down from Mr. to yeoman status and then eventually down to labourer. Part of the cause I suspect in my line is the early death of Thomas Blake in 1714 (father of Thomas Blake married to Ann Carter) with his widow raising their only child.

Family lore helps a little at this point as the story was that Ann (Carter) Blake and her son Thomas lived in a cottage at Foxcott. What Thomas did for a living I have absolutely no idea and there are no records thus far to add to that lack of knowledge.

But how to look at this King family? The King family at Upper Clatford is quite large. They were farmers and millers at this small village 1 mile south of Andover. My direct line was a farmer and Joseph continued on the land with his widow Joanna eventually marrying Thomas Collins who farmed beside the Blake family (about two years after his wife Joanna died in 1779 with their marriage in 1781). Always the question, is my Thomas King related to the other King families at Upper Clatford.

In 1665 at Upper Clatford there were three King families and one King widow - Stephen King, William King and Thomas King. A son born to Thomas and Abigaill King that I had initially thought might be my Thomas but he was buried as a young child. However, the records as mentioned earlier are somewhat scanty in the early 1700s in Upper Clatford.  Find my Past does have new records up however, so I will give a check there once again. Probate Records on Find my Past for King but I have already found the will of this Thomas King and I have a copy.  Checking to see if anyone else is researching this family on World Connect and Ancestry with no new information.

I had decided I would look at the Carter wills to see if I can work anything out and I have several Carter wills in electronic and in paper form. I am curious if the marriage of Richard Carter and Elizabeth Musprett 4 Aug 1701 with daughters Mary baptized 27 Feb 1711 at Andover and Ann baptized 18 Nov 1713 at Andover are the wives of Thomas King and Thomas Blake respectively. If I can prove this (and it is likely that Richard was a son of Gyles Carter) then I think it might be possible that John Blake who married the eldest daughter of Thomas and Mary King (Mary) may have been related to Thomas Blake although this doesn't necessarily follow it might help to answer a few questions on all of these families. Perhaps the biggest one is why did Joseph Blake who lived at Andover go to Upper Clatford and marry Joanna King - were their mothers sisters?

Paper copy
Will of Martha Carter - Andover - 1737

Indenture of Mary Carter and others - Andover - 1748

Will of Gyles Carter - Charleton/Andover - 1675

Electronic copy
Will of Richard Carter -  Charleton/Andover - 1684

Will of John Carter - Charleton/Andover - 1780

Will of Robert Carter - Andover - 1725

Will of Mary Carter - Andover - 1828

I think I will start with the will of Martha Carter  and she was the widow of Robert Carter grocer in as much as I can ascertain at this point in time. I have not yet read the will. I believe this is in one of Martha's children's own handwriting and I am working from a xeroxed copy - perhaps Mary Carter although it is duly witnessed and signed. I do not think this is my direct line but it helps to establish what the sons of Gyles Carter were doing as he is the best known of the Carter family in this time interval. I suspect that Richard may be his son but need to eliminate other possibilities.

In the Name of God Amen
I Martha Carter Widow Grocer in the Parish
of Andover in the County of South[amp]ton being
weak but of a sound Mind and Memory blest be
too almighty God for it Therefore I make
and ordain my last Will and Testmament
in manner as folling. Item I give and bequeath
to my daster Martha Shergold her heirs and
assins my free living in Cholden in the
Parish of Andover Item I give too my
daster Katherine the wife of my son in
law William Neal the sum of one hundred
and fifty pounds of ____ money of Great
Britten too be paid on one year next after
my deceas Item I give and bequeath
too my daster Mary Carter all that my
messuage or tenements malt house ______
_____ gardens out houses Lands and
Premisses there too be _____
living and being in Andover aforesaid
now in my possing and also all my
In Clos. grounds lying in Andover
aforesaid contany ____ five acres
now in possesion of Mr. Carters Item
all the rest and residue of my estate both
real and personnell money securety for
Moneys Goods Chatells and Personal Estate
what so ever my debts and legacies and
funeral expenses paid and satisfied I give
and bequeath to my said daster Mary Carter
whom I make sole Executrix of this my last
will and Testament In Witness wearof I
have here too set my hand and seal
the twenty first day of December in the
seventh year of the Raine of our Souveren
Lord Gorg the second Anno Domini 1737
Mata (IS) Carter The mark of Martha Carter
 Signed Sealed published and delivered by
Martha Carter and as her last Will and
Testament in the presence of us who are
Wintesses here too yee have suscribed ____
names in the presence of said ____one
Gyles Dowling [signed]
William Stratton [signed]
Dorothy Baverstook [signed]

In the Andover parish Register

There are three daughters baptized to Robert Carter and Martha between 1692 and 1701 - Mary (d 1692), Katherine and Mary. I have not yet found the marriage of Robert Carter and Martha but it does not appear to have taken place at Andover. Robert was a Grocer and left a will in 1725. Neither Robert nor Martha were buried at Andover.

#322 - The National Archives
T[esta]m[ent] Roberti Carter

In the Name of God Amen
I Robert Carter of Andover in the County of Southampton Grocer
being in health and of a Sound mind and memory praised be
Almighty God therefore doe make and ordain this my last will
and Testament in manner following That is to say Imprimis
I give and devise unto my loving wife Martha All that my Messuage
or Tenement Malthouse Backside Garden Outhouses Lands and
Premisses therein to belonging Situate lying and being in Andover
aforesaid now in my possession and in the posession of Mr. Horlock
And alsoe all those my inclosed grounds and Lands comonly called
Mounty five acres lying in Andover aforesaid now in the
possession of Mrs. Hancock and which I have before purchased of Mr.
Thornburgh and others And allsoe All that my Meadow Ground and
four Acres and a halfe or thereabouts of arrable Land lying in
Charleton in the parish of Andover aforesaid and alsoe all ways
paths passages commons common of pasture profitts advantages
and appurtenances whatsoever to the said Messuage Lands
and Premisses belonging or appertaining To have and to hold
the said Messuage or Tenement Malthouse Lands and Premisses
with their and every or their appurtences unto my said wife
Martha her heirs and assignes forever subject and lyabiel nevertheless
(with my personal Estate) to the payment of the Legacyies herein after
given and bequeathed unto my daughter Mary Carter Item
I give and bequeath unto my son in law Mr. Richard Cook Shergold
and his wife Martha my daughter the sume of Ten pounds a peice
to buy them mourning Item I give unto my daughter Katherine
the wife of my Son in Law Mr. William Neal the summe of one hundred
and fifty pounds of lawfull money of Great Brittain Item I
give and bequeath unto my said daughter Mary Carter the
summe of Eight hundred pounds of Lawfull Money of Great Brittain
to be paid her within one year next after my decease and thereby
charge my Real and Personall Estates with payment of the
same Item all the rest and residue of my Estate be the real and
personall Money Securities for Money Goods Chattles and
Personall Estate whatsoever My debts Legacies and Funerall
expenses being first paid and satisfied I give and bequeath
unto my said loving wife Martha whom I make sole executrix
of this my last Will and Testament thereby revoking all former
Wills by me heretofore made In Wittness whereof I have hereunto
set my hand and seal the sixth day of Aprill in the eleventh year
of the Reigne of our Sovereigne Lord King George Anno Domini 1725
Robt Carter [signed] Signed Sealed Published and Declared by the
said Robert Carter as and for his last Will and Testament in the
presence of us who as as Witnesses hereunto have subscribed our
names in the presence of the said Testator Cornell Tirrell [signed]
Robert King [signed] Peter Fish [signed]

Interesting will and also interesting that Robert King is one of his witnesses.
However, I now know that the Robert and Martha Carter family are not the parents of Ann Carter but I am still left to wonder if they are the parents of Mary Carter who married Thomas King.

My next research day I shall continue transcribing the Carter wills.

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