Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Lauzon Family marriages

The most recent Lauzon marriage was in Ontario with Ontario Registration number 016425 between Télésphore Lauzon bachelor of 19 years of age, Roman Catholic living at Sturgeon Falls and the son of Augustine Lauzon labourer and Hélèna Brunet marrying Dora Lanoie spinster of 19 years Roman Catholic living at Sturgeon Falls and the daughter of Félix Lanoie labourer and Céline Rhéaume on the 23rd day of May 1919 at Sturgeon Falls and the priest present at the ceremony was the Reverend Charles Langlois with witnesses Ajugustine Lauzon of Sturgeon Falls and Félix Lanoie also of Sturgeon Falls with registration of the marriage on the 30th of May 1910 by the Reverend Charles Langlois at Sturgeon Falls, Ontario.

The parents of Télésphore being thus identified as Augustin Lauzon and Hélène Brunet who were themselves married at Notre Dame de la Salette in Papineau 17 Sep 1889.

M 46 Augustin Lauzon et Helena Brunet

Le dix-septième jour du mois de Septembre
mil huit cent quatre vingt neuf, vu la dispense
de deux bans de mariage, par nous accordée
vu aussi la publication du troisième ban faite
au prone de nos messes paroissiales entre Augus
tin Lauzon, cultivateur de cette paroisse, fils ma
jeur de Joseph Lauzon et de Rosalie Thibaut de
cette paroisse d'une part; et Helena Brunet aus
si de cette paroisse, fille mineure de Jean Bap
tiste Brunet et de Olivine Constantineau de cette
paroisse d'autre part; ne s'étant déclaré aucun
empechement, nous soussigné curé de cette pa-
roisse, du consentement du père et de la mère de
la dite Helena Brunet, avons reçu leur mu
tuel consentement de mariage et leur avons don-
né la bénédiction nuptiale en présence de Joseph
Lauzon, père de Augustin Lauzon et de
J Bte Brunet, père de Helena Brunet,
lesquels, aussi que les parties contractantes
ont déclaré ne savoir signer Etaient
aussi presents Alfred Deslauriers, Alazere Ri
cher et autres qui ont signé avec nous
Lecture faite
Alzeré Richer [signed]
Alfred Deslauriers [signed]
W.D. Richer Pretre

Augustin Lauzon son of Joseph Lauzon and Rosalie Thibaut who were themselves married 26 Nov 1860 at Buckingham.

M 20 Joseph Lauzon and Rosalie Thibaut

On the twenty sixth of November one thousand eight hun
dred and sixty, having thrice published the marriage lines of
Joseph major son of deceased Augustin Lauzon and Clemence
Chaumont of the parish of Saint Anne des Plaines of the one
part and Rosalie major daughter of Pierre Thibaut and Rosalie
Phobert of this ______ of the other part and not having un
covered any obstacles to this marriage we the under
signed Priest received the mutual consent of the
parties and gave them the nuptial benediction in presence
of Toussaint Qubinville and Charles Thibaut none of
whom could sign.

John Brady Pretre

It is perhaps a feature of the research but I had not noticed until now that the Buckingham register at this point in time was all in English. I suspect that the priest was Irish and the choice was Gaelic or English.

I will carry on with the Lauzon transcriptions the next research day.

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