Monday, June 27, 2011

Will of John Roland, 6 Jun 1702

I transcribed the will of John Roland and it read about the same as my first read through. No new information on his family other than his cousin was Martha Huish. He does not identify  his sister other than her forename Mary and he is remembering her child. However, put together with the other documents from the Surrey online catalogue it does prove to be quite interesting. I keep hoping to find something about my Christopher Buller (aka Christy Buller) and one of these days I suspect something will come to the forefront.

The other fascinating part of all this is that it is his own handwriting entirely. His refusal to waste money is quite fascinating as well.

Date: 27 June 2011
Document: Will
Source: The National Archives # 192
Date of document: 6 Jun 1702 (buried 23 Oct 1702, probate 10 Nov 1702)
Author: Johannis Roland
Relationship: 7x great grandfather
Location: Morden, Surrey, England
Document quality: 17th century English, bold, own handwriting

[In margin] T[esta]m[ent] Johannis Roland
1    This is the Last Will and
2    Testament of me John Roland of Moreden in the County of Surrey
3    being written off with my own hand Wherein First I commend
4    my soul into the hands of Almighty God in hope of his acceptance
5    into Glory And my body I commit to the Earth to be privately
6    yet decently buryed without any manner of pomp or ostentation by
7    my Executors herein after named where about my will is that they
8    shall not spend above the summe of thirty pounds And I doe desire
9    that my body may be layd as near to the body of my sonn John deceased
10    as may be in the Parish Church of Moredon aforesaid if I shall dye
11    at Moredon or within tenn Miles thereof otherwise where I shall
12    happen to dye I will that all my debts be justly paid And I doe
13    give and bequeath unto my cozen Martha Huish the summe of five
14    pounds and unto my sister Marys daughter the summe of three pounds
15    and tenn shillings and to the poor of the parish of Moredon aforesaid
16    the summe of forty shillings And my desire is that my loveing wife and
17    such of my daughters as shall be unmarryed at the time of my decease
18    shall live together in my house at Moredon aforesaid dureing the
19    life of my said wife or untill such daughters shall be marryed my
20    said wife maintaining such daughters But notwithstanding their
21    marriage my desire is that my wife shall live there and have the
    [page 2]
22    reasonable use of the furniture thereof dureing her life Yet in case
23    only that she continues herself a widdow soe long not otherwise All
24    my reall and personall Estate what soever and wheresoever whether the
25    same be in my owne name or in any other persons I give devise and
26    bequeath unto such of my daughters as shall be unmarryed at the
27    time of my decease and unto their heires Exec[utor]s Adm[inistrator]s and assignes
28    paying thereout unto such of my daughters as shall be then marryed
29    by and with my consent soe much moneys as shall amount to make
30    all such daughters portions equall as near as may be And in case
31    all my daughters be marryed I give and devise the same in manner
32    as aforesaid to such daughters only as shall be marryed by and
33    with my consent my expresse meaning being that such of my daughters
34    who shall be marryed in my life time without my consent shall have no
35    part of my reall or personall Estate And I doe make my daughters
36    Martha and Hanna Esec[utor]s of this my Will And I doe appoint my
37    good friend and neighbour Mr. Peter Batt (haveing noe Male
38    relation whatsoever of my owne family to intrust Overseer of this
39    my last Will desireing him to be assistant to my wife and Exec[utor]s in their
40    affaires and for this trouble or rather a Token of my respects to him
41    I give him two twenty shilling peices of broad Gold And I doe
42    revoke all former wills by me heretofore made And in witness
43    whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seale this sixth day of June
44    in the yeare of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and two John
45    Roland [signed] signed sealed and published as the last Will and Testament of
46    the said John Roland in the presence of us and by me subscribed in
47    his presence the same day and yeare James Braley [signed] Thomas Cope [signed]
48    Elizabeth Braley [signed]

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