Thursday, August 25, 2011

North Molton Parish Registers - Burges and Tapp families

Continuing on with the transcription of the North Molton Devon Parish Registers and at the end of 1558 I now have 446 baptisms, 87 marriages and 210 burials. The family names are fairly consistent with very few new additions thus far. Not many Pincombe records thus far which was as I had earlier read them but at that time I didn't have my Tapp and Burges information and I can also hope to find more about these families.

The Tapp family goes back to Roger Tapp who was baptized 6 Oct 1595 at North Molton and he married Margarett Burges who was baptized 24 Jul 1597 at North Molton. Fortunately the marriage of John Tapp and Anne Thomas provided me with the names of their parents (a rare enough occurrence in the early registers but Bishops Nympton where they married had a priest who duly recorded the parish of the bride or groom if they were not of Bishops Nympton in the early 1600s).

Margaret Burges was the daughter of John and Ann Burges. Ann thus far is unknown with respect to her surname but John was baptized 29 Oct 1576 at North Molton and the son of Matthew and Margaret Burges. Matthew in turn was the son of Paul Burges and was baptized 7 Apr 1546 at North Molton.  I can now extract all the children in these families to see if I can discover anything further on the Burges family. Finding a new family surname is always rather interesting especially now that I have done my Family Finder test at FT DNA. Expanding on the names by doing the collateral lines may help me with some of my brickwalls.

This is an interesting village with the baptisms being almost double the burials. It is a large areas in terms of manors/farms and some people have come to North Molton for baptisms from other parishes and this includes:

North Radderie
South Raderie

The year 1559 has been completely missed and not obviously so as the end of 1558 appears just above the beginning of 1560. No comment is made by the priest on the omission of the year 1559. The handwriting for 1558 and 1560 is virtually the same. A mystery that likely  has no solution.

I have extracted the Burges entries below from 1539 to 1558 for any one interested in the Burges family of North Molton. Paul Burges left a will in 1579 which was lost in the bombing of Exeter in WWII unfortunately. Thomas Burges left a will in 1584 which is located at the National Archives. I wonder if these two men were brothers and have included both of their families below.

Burges    John    son            Burges    Johane    1539    Jun    29
Burges    John    son    Burges    Paule            1540    Apr    8
Burges    Elizabeth    daughter    Burges    Thomas            1540    Aug    19
Burges    William    son    Burges    John            1541    Sep    20
Burges    William    son    Burges    Thomas            1541    Jan    12
Burges    Anstes    daughter    Burges    Paule            1544    Oct   
Burges    Mathewe    son    Burges    Paule            1546    Apr    7
Burges    English    son    Burges    Thomas            1547    Jan    11
Burges    Peter    son    Burges    Thomas            1553    Apr    9
Burges    Phillip    son    Burges    Thomas            1554    Mar    6
Burges    John    son    Burges    Richard            1555    Mar    2
Burges    Ellen    daughter    Burges    Richard            1555    Mar    2
Burges    John    son    Burges    Thomas            1556    Mar    4
Burges    William    son    Burges    Thomas            1556    Mar    4
Burges    John    son    Burges    Thomas            1557    May    12
Burges    Agnes    base daughter            Burges    Johane    1558    Mar    20

Burges    Richard    Hodge    Marye        1554    Nov    20
[Lowdye] Andrew    Burges    Johane        1547    Nov   
Bray    James    Burges    Agnes        1555    Jun    16
Kerbye    Harrye    Burges    Alyce        1552    Jan    18
Hodge    Christopher    Burges    Ellen    1558    Jan    15

Burges    Johane                        1540    Aug    6    widow
Burges    Ales    wife    Burges    Thomas            1543    Jan    27   
Burges    John                        1547    Aug    20    Clerk, Vicar
Burges    Johane    daughter    Burges    Mychalel            1547    Mar    6   
Burges    John    son    Burges    Thomas            1553    Mar    22   
Burges    John                        1555    Oct    14   
Burges    John    son    Burges    Richard            1555    Nov    30   
Burges    Ales                        1556    Apr    14    widow
Burges    John    son    Burges    Thomas            1556    Mar    4   
Burges    William    son    Burges    Thomas            1556    Mar    4

The Tapp family too has caught my interest and I have not yet located old wills for this family at North Molton.

Tapp    Chosen    daughter    Tapp    John            1540    July    6
Tapp    Robert    son    Tapp    John            1543    Mar    31
Tapp    Johane    daughter    Tapp    William            1545    Sep    10
Tapp    Johane    daughter    Tapp    John            1547    Feb    21
Tapp    Johane    daughter    Tapp    Peter            1551    Dec    20
Tapp    Dorothye    daughter    Tapp    John            1552    July    6
Tapp    Thomas    son    Tapp    John            1552    Nov    12
Tapp    Anstes    daughter    Tapp    Water            1552    Mar    12
Tapp    Emet    daughter    Tapp    Peter            1553    Mar    5
Tapp    Siblye    daughter    Tapp    John            1554    Feb    3
Tapp    Henrye    son    Tapp    Water            1556    Jun    19
Tapp    Johane    daughter    Tapp    John            1558    Sep    29

Tapp    John    Beare    Elizabeth        1556    Oct    20
Greade    Gregorye    Tapp    Ales        1542    Sep    30    bride of Hunston

Tapp    Anstes    daughter    Tapp    Water            1552    Mar    13   
Tapp    Johane                        1556    May    2    widow
Tapp    Johane    wife    Tapp    John            1556    May    20   

I have never received any correspondence on the Burges family but occasionally I receive an email asking about my Tapp family. I think they were probably tradesmen/craftsmen.

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