Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Back to Blake but still working on North Molton

Although I still have more Pincombe wills and documents to transcribe my mind seems to be back to the Blake family once again. I will spend most of the day working on the future Marriage Challenges by the Guild of One Name Studies members for the one-namers getting the lists ready to submit. I like to try and locate them as a Registration District is rather large.

However, my fiche time is still going to be North Molton so I suspect that I will get back into my Pincombe line as well. Reading the last batch (before the Banns which were very nice) of microfiche has been a trial but I would like to persevere and reach the nicest fiche which is usually much quicker to transcribe. I can see though that I need to buy some of the parishes around North Molton like Filleigh and a couple of others to look at for the Pincombe family. Unfortunately Filleigh registers start only in the late 1600s but still would give me a picture of the William Pincombe line that was there.

Of course there is a Blake family at North Molton as well and I am busy collecting all the Blake information in this Devon area. Originally I thought that they were from the Somerset line but Barrie Blake has discovered that descendants of James Blake at Knights Enham were also in North Devon. This means a mixture likely as James Blake's descendants would have been mid to late 1600s unless of course there were Blakes from Hampshire in Devon earlier than James Blake. One little bit of new information always provides a whole lot of new questions!

Following the line of thought of the last lecture at the BIFHSGO Conference I revisited my binders that I prepared on my sixteen great great grandparents. Most of what I had in there is online so I have eliminated half of the binders thus far and about 20 centimetres in depth of paper. A few interesting tidbits that I haven't thought about for awhile have been added to my "watch" pile. Whenever I have a dull moment or need a change I go through my "watch" pile to see if I have missed anything from earlier musings on my families.

I had always resolved to have everything online as much as possible and that is still my aim. I generally create text files with meaningful names (meaningful to me that is :) ) that I can review whenever I am inside the folder of one of my families.

I have also bundled up all my Hampshire, Devon, Somerset and Dorset, Cumbria, Midlands and Yorkshire journals. I hope to give them to BIFHSGO although might just have one last glance as some of them are seven or eight years old now and I was definitely a newbie in those days and I might have missed something interesting that would aid me in my family research. Otherwise they can all go to the library if they are wanted or can be sold to help the society at their table.

I understand that some of the societies now have online journals instead of mailing them to me (just got to be too much so I terminated all my memberships a couple of years ago). I will check and if they have online I will become a member of them once again.

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