Friday, September 16, 2011

BIFHSGO Family History Conference - 17th year

The opening of the BIFHSGO Family History Conference was a not to be missed event. Sylvie Tremblay of Library and Archives Canada revealed the upcoming additions to the website for the keenly interested genealogists. Having a nominal index for the images of Canadian census is a wonderful addition to the website and we can wait for that to come to fruition. Although I have found my few ancestors on all the census; it is still interesting to check on the siblings of my ancestors and their wives/husband's ancestors on the webpages. In my case every new immigrant to Canada in my line turned around and married another English immigrant and that continued with my first Canadian born ancestor (my great grandmother who married an English immigrant). Their son (my grandfather) in turn married a new immigrant and then my mother married yet another new immigrant from England. My father arrived in Canada in 1913 with his parents at the tender age of nine years. Hence my ongoing and strong interest in anything British! Thus far I do not have anyone who wasn't born a British Subject in my lines going back into the 1400s, 1500s, 1600s and some I have not yet achieved success before the 1700s and still working to get  back into the 1600s.

Thank you to John Reid for mentioning me in his blog - Anglo-Celtic Connections - and I will try to remember to tweet. At the beginning of my tweeting career I was doing so but have gotten away from it. It is an interesting way to do genealogy on the run though. 

Thank you as always to BIFHSGO for an outstanding Conference and selection of lectures. This year my husband and I have a table for the Guild of One Name Studies. Ed is my newest member in my Eastern Canada Group although he has been researching longer than me by a factor of seven times - I have been researching for six years and he has been researching for over 40 years. He has the largest collection of Kipp family data in the world. As the Guild become more worldwide members within the Guild are researching names other than UK origin. There is a Kipp family in England though and their origin there may prove to be quite interesting.

Conferences always pass so amazingly quickly. One must be prepared to absorb as much information as possible since you are being fast fed from the lecture stand. Although I have studied the English courses at the National Institute for Genealogical Studies (Graduate of 2007), I always find that I pick up interesting tidbits that I have glossed over in my earlier lectures and not totally absorbed or the lecturer has a different way of looking at the material that didn't occur to me. I am looking forward to several lectures tomorrow and will run between lectures and the Guild Table so as to be there for questions.

I highly recommend the Guild to people researching a particular name. The other members of the Guild are extremely helpful and with my next newsletter to our Eastern Canada Group I want to invite everyone to join the forum where much is discussed; many new styles are formulated and an incredible source of different websites to mine for one name study information are often mentioned. There are other bonuses of membership but for me I find the forum to be great.

I continue with transcribing the North Molton Parish Registers. I have not totally solved the mystery of the mixed up pages but will work away at that. I am continuing with the transcription as I mull these thoughts about and have now as of the end of 1628 transcribed 2210 baptisms, 316 marriages and 790 burials. The burials are increasing rapidly and there must have been some very nasty viruses in some time periods. Although there were instances of plague and North Molton would not have been exempt from the plague having now read a rather interesting book on the Plague I wonder about anthrax. Perhaps the next century will give a better understanding of the plague as opposed to anthrax.

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