Monday, September 12, 2011

Burials and Marriages have returned to the North Molton Parish Registers

Once again the marriages and burials are listed in the North Molton Parish Registers commencing for the most part by 1605. However, a slight change in the records as there is now a new priest and he is entering all the records in Latin. A good challenge for me as I am keen to learn Latin in order to transcribe some other records that I have acquired. Fortunately though this has only lasted until 1610. The practice was good though.

The burials of George and Dorothie Pincombe in 1610 were rather a surprise since I had a will probate in 1624. There isn't a son George and one wonders why it took 14 years to probate the will unless it was waiting for the youngest child to be 21 years of age. Henry was youngest and he would have been 22 in 1624. There were three sons Philip, William and Henrye (and two daughters Emott and Johane). I will hopefully learn more about the children of George and Dorothy Pincombe.

On the subject of the Devon/Somerset wills I always find that my annoyance level zooms whenever access to those original wills would solve a mystery. The bombing of the Record Office in Exeter in World War II has certainly proven to be an enormous problem for researching family lines in Devon although the Manor Records should also be useful where they exist. 

I shall continue working on the North Molton Parish Registers to complete them and then back to Abbotts Ann Parish Registers.

Still thinking about our motor trip in England. We are of two minds - one to do all the driving and two to take the train to specific locations and rent a car for short periods. There is a tour bus from London to Canterbury and Dover which might just be a really nice trip, then take the train to Exeter and there rent a car go to Land's End and work our way back across the south of England. Then take the train to Birmingham where I would dearly like to spend several days in the library there looking up my Buller/Welch families to see if I can discover more about my great grandparents Edwin Denner Buller and Ellen Taylor. I have a lot of details on them but have not yet found their marriage and so can not be absolutely sure that Thomas Taylor and Ellen Roberts are Ellen's parents. Edwin Denner Buller I am in no doubt about at all as I had all of his details from my grandmother and indeed I do have details from my grandmother on her mother but without the marriage registration I can not be absolutely sure since Taylor is a fairly common surname.

Then we can rent a car in Leicester and move about the Midlands and probably drive from there to Cumberland and into Yorkshire. It sounds like a good plan now that I see it written down. Although the book I read on touring England was most interesting it was written 40 years ago and the author had four months to work his way from Land's End to John o' Groats. They had never been before so that everything was new to them. We have been three times now and some areas have been explored and we have toured the entire country albeit on the main roads for the most part.

The Lake District is most beautiful and we spent several days there so that the need to repeat that portion does not come to me at the moment. We spent little time in the Midlands so would like to do more there. Our trip to Bewcastle will be quick and a day at Carlisle Record Office mostly because Thomas Routledge my cousin is doing so much there on the Routledge line and 80% or more of my lines in Bewcastle/Lanercost Cumberland are Routledge since both of my 3x great grandparents were Routledge (married second cousins) and three of their four parents were Routledge and six of their eight parents were Routledge and so it continues back. But Yorkshire both of us would like to investigate - my husband West Yorkshire and me East Yorkshire and both of us North Yorkshire and that because of the James Herriot series!

Shall do more mapping and see how this thought will work out.

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