Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Thomas Pincombe at North Molton

A lovely find as I am transcribing the parish registers for North Molton was the baptism of Thomas Pincombe son of Thomas Pincombe 30 Mar 1616. Thomas is a brother to Bartholomew whose will I transcribed earlier in my blog as well as the will of their father. Thomas is a son of William Pincombe and Emotte Snowe just to keep all the lines more or less in order. In the will of William Pincombe he leaves to Thomas:

William Pincombe of East Buckland and Filleighe in his will dated 20 Dec 1602 (see my blog 30 Jul 2011) left the property known as Over Mollande Sarazin to his three sons Symon, Richard and Thomas.

.....  if Symon Pyncombe, Richard Pyncombe and Thomas Pyncombe my sonnes
so longe lyve, or anie of them so longe lyve, all that the hall of the Tenement and Barton commonlie
called Over Mollande Sarazin, the entire, and house adioyning to the northe part of the said halle
the chambers over the saide halle and the house within the said halle, one chamber over the said house
and the shippinge in the easte part of the saide house. And all that parte or portion of the Towne
place there which is lymitted and appointed by meerts and bonds, the garden by southe the yokinge
house. One close of lands called the Southedowne, one other close of lande called the bottoms close
and dyvers other closes platts and quilletts of lande, meadowe, woods, wayes and other hereditam[en]ts
within the appurtennces in Northmolton in the countie before said, ...

Further to this Thomas in his will (see blog 21 Aug 2011):

.......Item I give unto Thomas Pincombe my sonne
one peece or parcell of grounde commonly called or knowne by the name of
Dobs Downe beinge parte of the Bartine of Molland Sarizine ......

Thus linking together the three generations of family and placing the father Thomas into William Pincombe/Emotte Snow's family and hence a brother to my ancestor Richard Pincombe at Bishops Nympton.

The loss of all the wills has to be greatly lamented although at least having names and dates does help a little. I still wonder why such a long period between the death of George Pincombe and the probate of his will. Also why the name George. It is still another century before there is a George King of England. What is the source of this forename in the Pincombe family? Perhaps it is a clue to the name of Margaret Gregoire's father? Her baptism though was not at North Molton at least not as the surname Gregoire.

In total there are now at the end of 1618 a total of 1896 baptisms, 219 marriages and 547 burials. With 30 years of marriages and burials missing, this parish register does not assist one quite so much although in the time period lacking marriages the priest did for some of the years record the forename of the mother.

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