Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Will of Elizabeth Pincombe, widow, dated 17 Oct 1816 and probated 16 Oct 1819 (Source - Inland Revenue Wills page 883)

The last will in my cache for Pincombe is this particular one written by Elizabeth Pincombe widow of the City of Exeter. I do not have any particular information on this Pincombe line other than the original chart for Exeter prepared by the earlier Pincombe investigators. I can not locate a marriage between a Pincombe and an Elizabeth Arthurs which was my first thought on reading this will. However, I am unable to clearly read the relationship between Samuel Arthurs and Elizabeth Pincombe. I do not think that it says brother but the next opportunity that I have to read this will I will clarify that item.

The will of Elizabeth Pincombe, Widow, Exeter, Devon

Recorded: 23 Nov 2011
Source: Inland Revenue Wills page 883
Place: Exeter, Devon
Type of record: Will
Dated: 17 Oct 1816 (Probated 16 Oct 1819)
Read: Electronic File
Copy: bold, 19th century writing
1 This is the last Will and Testament of me Elizabeth Pincombe
2 Of the City of Exeter Widow, I give devise and bequeath unto my ______ Samuel
3 Arthurs of the City, of Exeter, Grocer all my real and permanent Estate with Effects
4 Of what nature or Account soever To hold the same unto the said Samuell Arthurs
5 His Heirs Executors Administrators and Assignes forever Now I revoke
6 Constitute and appoint the said Samuel Arthurs sole Executor of this my Will
7 And I revoke all former wills and declare this is only to be my last Will
8 And Testament In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my Hand and
9 Seal the Seventeenth day of October One Thousand eight hundred and
10 Sixteen.
11 The Mark of the X said Elizabeth Pincombe [Seal]
12 Signed Sealed Published and Declared
13 by the said Elizabeth Pincombe the
14 Testator  as and for her last Will and
15 Testament in the presence of us who in
16 Her presence at her request and in the
17 presence of each other have subscribed
18 our names as Witness thereto
19 James Torrell [signed]
20 George Soelter [signed]
21 W[illia]m Tremlett [signed]
22 Examined with the Original Will by me
23 John Jackson
I still need to transcribe the Probate package for this will. A future endeavour that will eventually appear here

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