Thursday, January 19, 2012

Change in commitment

I decided as the New Year dawned that it was time for me to lessen my commitments in terms of managing items and as a result have stepped down as Regional Representative for Canada East for the Guild of One Name Studies. Linda Hauley responded to my newsletter query as to whether or not anyone was interested in taking over this position. Thank you very much to her.

I have another item that I am pulling back from and that is my DNA studies. I have asked on the GOONS (Guild of one name studies) list if anyone is interested in taking on the study of Hampshire yDNA. There are over 100 members and I have not found the time to investigate any further than putting people into haplogroups. I haven't been as strict as Debbie Kennett who runs the Devon DNA study although people have indicated that they have Hampshire ancestry in a number of cases. Ideally the person would have very close ties to Hampshire  (my father was born there as was his father, grandfather etc. back to at least his  11x great grandfather). The individual would also be a member of the Hampshire yDNA study group.

Enquiries on my Blake and Pincombe one name study have increased considerably and managing them will take up any spare time that I have. I would also prefer to have my time free to be available to help my husband who had another visit to emergency just after Christmas. He is greatly improved I am happy to say but my home workload has increased dramatically and I simply can not do justice to some items that require me to travel hence stepping down from the Regional Representative for Canada East.

My next item of business is to put together the Blake newsletter which will be found on my webpage for Blake once completed. I would like to produce freestanding pages for both Blake and Pincombe in order to put all of my information online that I have acquired/transcribed etc.

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