Monday, January 30, 2012

Empty Nesters again (except for the bunnies)

Back to genealogy as we said goodbye today to our youngest, her husband and their two dogs. They were here for about a month November/December and then over Christmas break (we went to their place for Christmas itself) and then back again with us looking after the two dogs whilst they went off to the sunny south for a sibling wedding (and a week in the surf and sun of Jamaica). Our house was full of running feet as the dogs kept us very very busy and my genealogy gradually decreased and finally I accomplished practically nothing. That is okay though; family time is always something wonderful that you can lock away in the memory banks as you carefully record your genealogy adding in all the other tidbits that make the story real to those who might read it later.

However, before that return to transcribing I am in cleaning mode as I must restore the house to our usual mode of living. The bunnies too may have a new home (they belong to our daughter and her husband as well) as four animals is just too much in one house but they have been so long together that it would be cruel to separate them. The older one is a dwarf bunny (but big for a dwarf) and he is four and a half years old and the younger one is a lion head bunny (full size bunny) and he is two and a half years old. Both are active and love to run about their large playpen which is basically a fence that links into a circle or any other style you might fancy. They have quite a bit of space and are used to being in that space all the time with us and then have runs when our oldest daughter comes home and give them the run of the hallways and stairs. They like that as well but do not seem to mind just having their cage the rest of the time.

Some interesting Routledge material has come my way and I will just have to transcribe it so will make time for that in between proofreading Bishops Nympton which I think I will give a two hour limit each morning and the other items I want to accomplish. I also want to build a Wiki for our Kipp and Blake research. At first I thought just a wiki for Blake but really we are a unit my husband and I and we could just divide the Wiki up into the pertinent sections and could have my husbands Kipp one name study and my Blake and Pincombe one name studies as sections of the Wiki. It would stand on our main page along with links to a Blake one name study website and a Pincombe one name study website. My husband has already established a very well looked at one name Kipp study website.

Hence my genealogy time is all blocked out for the moment but my external responsibilities are becoming smaller and smaller. I have expressed an interest in the Ontario Genealogical Society's Places of Worship database and will become more involved with that. I have a few ideas on how to construct and maintain that database from my Hampshire Genuki days with the Church database there. It is an item that interests me and would be my main external project other than my DNA studies.

A couple of Marriage Challenges to submit information to the Guild and I am back into the thick of research. As mentioned I will be doing the proofreading of Bishops Nympton parish registers, transcription of Routledge documents and working on our webpage wiki and one name study webpages for Blake and Pincombe. I also want to return once again to Abbotts Ann Parish Registers. It is nearly a year since I last worked on them.

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