Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Routledge family

Although I have stepped back from doing a really intensive study on my Routledge family, the search for our roots continues apace under the able guidance of my cousin (several times over) Thomas Routledge who lives in northern England. He has proven that the Routledge is truly a Scots Clan and has flung out the tartan for all to see on his webpages.


We are now in the process of working up information and membership so that we can eventually apply to Lord Lyon to be recognized as a Clan and to have a chieftan appointed from amongst our numbers.

When Tom first wrote to me about seven years ago now about my Routledge.xls file that I had on my webpage, I welcomed him to use it as he wished. I have since taken it down because it was so large. When I discussed it with him it was already over 2000 line entries. He had determined that we were likely related on the Routledge side and I determined rather quickly that he were also related on the Tweddle side (seventh cousins) and since then we are also related on the Routledge side at least once more through the Kirkbeckstone Routledge family. Our original relation was through the Oakshaw Routledge family.

I am trying to decide if I should try to help on this side of the ocean with Tom's desire to increase membership, encourage people with the surname Routledge to consider coats of arms in order to increase the number of such holders in the Routledge Society until we have sufficient for Lord Lyon to consider that we are a descendant group worthy to be considered a Scot Clan and part of the great Clans of Scotlands which the Routledges were in times gone by.

Perhaps, initially I will have a blog once a month or so on the Routledge family happenings in Cumberland. Tom has organized a reunion in May 2012 (see the webpage for more information).


Write Tom to join the Facebook group and learn more about the reunion in May 2012.

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