Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Blake Newsletter Volume 1 Issue 1 2012

The Blake Newsletter Volume 1 Issue 1 2012 is available on my website and will eventually be available on the Guild Blake Profile but we are moving to a new IP and I cannot revise my profile page at the moment. The newsletter can be viewed at:

I hope to keep to a quarterly publication of this newsletter and invite anyone with Blake information to send it on to me to include in the newsletter. Initially I would like to keep it to two pages.

As I mentioned I want to set up a Blake one name study website on my own webpages and a Wiki. I am gradually developing the site in my mind and hope to start constructing it in the near future.

However, I continue to invite queries and lookups on any of the information on my webpages. I have collected a fair amount of information on many of my family lines and would continue to share that with any descendants of my ancestors. 

My time commitments are shifting with the changes coming in our family life. We are about to become grandparents for the first time with a grandson expected in early summer. My fingers are busy knitting, sewing and smocking at least they will soon be doing all three. At the moment I have done some knitting.

As a result my studies will concentrate on the Blake and Pincombe one name studies and continuing with the Bedard family lines collecting stories, pictures and documents to continue proving this line as it will be half of our grandson's heritage.

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