Sunday, April 15, 2012

Abstracts of Blake Somersetshire Wills copied from the manuscript collections of the late Rev. Frederick Brown, M.A., F.S.A.

The loss of the wills during the bombing of Exeter Record Office during WWII has been a calamity for researchers in Devon and Somerset. Due to the interest of a number of people including the Reverend Frederick Brown who prepared the manuscript and Frederick Arthur Crisp who had it printed in 1888, abstracts of these valuable genealogical tools are available. I have collected the wills of the Blake family in the Six Volumes. Although I have these on Microfiche they are now all available on Internet Archive or Google Books.

I have put these abstracts up in order as they appear in each volume. There are a few typos which will get corrected as time passes. I hope to enter after each abstract how they fit into the Blake families in Somerset (if I can!).

First Series:
Thomas Blake. Will dated 23 Nov 1609, proved by Frances Blake, widow, 11 Jan 1609. Lands to my wife, then to my son Edmund, and Elizabeth my daughter. Admon. 22 Dec 1623 to John Broughton [and etc]. Elisabeth his wife, daughter of deceased, Frances Blake, widow, having died.

William Huishe, of Aller, Somerset, gent. Will dated 8 May 1611, proved 12 June 1611. To SompfordBrett, Co. Som 40 s. To each of my sons, £300. Children of my daughter Grace. My sister Grace Parker. My son in law John Marshe. My son in law Nicholas Sellacke. To Mr. Nicholas Parker, a goulde ring. To my sister Elizabeth Blake, 20 Nobles. Residue to my three sons, William, George, [and etc] John.

John Perry, of Halse, Somerset, gent. Will dated 7 Mar 1617, proved 22 May 1618. To be buried in the Churchyard of Halse, near my wife. My grandchild John Crosse, £12 yearly, for three years. My grandchild Alice Trowte. My son Robert Perry, Exor. The three sons of John Shute, deceased, my sister's son Xtopher, Robert, [and etc] Roger Shute. My sons in law, Mr. Thomas Jones, Mr. Henry Yate, Robert Blake, William Crosse, [and etc] Robert Trowte, Overseers. Symon Sydenham, a witness.

Humfrey Blake, of Overstowey, Somerset, Gent. Will dated 19 Nov 1 Eliz: proved 11 May 1559. To be buried in the parish church of Overstowey, with such orisons [and etc] prayers to be said [and etc] done for me at my Buriall, months mind [and etc] in the daye of my annyversarie as shall be thought most mete by my Executors, [and etc]. To the Parson of Aissheholt to pray for me, 10 s. To Anstice Blake, one of the daughters of Robert Blake, for her advancement in marriage, £6. 6. 8. To Jone Slocombe, daughter of George Slocumbe, 20 s. To Agnes Mannynge, my daughter, £4. To Catherine Cabull, 6 s 8 d. To Alice Cabull, my sister, 6 s 8 d. To John Blake the elder, my son, £100. To Robert Blake [grandfather of the famous admiral, his namesake: b 1599 d 1657] my son, £100. To Thomas Blake, my son, £20. To Eleanor Langham, my daughter, 10 s. To Alice Slocombe, my daughter, 6 s 8 d. Manor of Tuxwell, Somerset, to my son Robert Blake [and etc], his heirs, [and etc], then to Thomas, my son, then to John Blake the younger, my son. To John Blake the elder, my son, [and etc] his heirs, lands, [and etc], in Bishops Lydiard. My friend, Humphrey Coles, esq., £5, to see my will performed, [and etc]. Residue to Anne my wife, [and etc] my son John Blake the younger, Executors. Overseers, John Blake the elder, Robert Blake, William Luker.

Second Series:
Humphry Blake the Elder (of Over Stowey, clothier, deceased and buried 20 Mar 1619); his wife Ann was buried 11 Dec 1645). Will dated 21 Sep 1618, proved 27 Jun 1620, by his son Humphry Blake. To be buried at Over Stowey. Advowson of Aisholt to my son Edmund, in default to Mary my daughter, then to my son Robert. Elizabeth, wife of Humphry my son. To Ann Blake my wife, 100 marks. My son Richard. My son John. Robert Perry, gent. Humphry Blake, of Bridgewater, gent. William Blake. Richard Blake, of Stogumber, gent. Robert Blake.

Arthur Blake, of Wiveliscombe, Somerset, gent. Will dated 3 Nov 1652, proved 16 Jun 1653 by the Overseers during the minority of Elizabeth Blake. Arthur Blake my nephew and godson. My two youngest brothers. Mary my youngest daughter. Jane my now wife. Elizabeth my eldest daughter. My uncle Edward Blake, my brother Humphry Blake, and John Michel, Overseers.

Richard Blake, of Neather Weacombe, Stogumber, Somerset, gent. Will dated 17 Sep 1654, proved 15 Dec 1666, by his relict Ann Blake. My wife Ann. My eldest son John. My 2nd son Richard, [and etc].

Humphry Blake, of Planisfield, Over Stowey, Somerset, gent. Will dated 17 Jan 1664, proved 22 Dec 1665 by Elizabeth, the relict. My son John Blake. To my son Nathaniel Blake, the advowson of Aisholt, [and etc] an annuity of £30. To my son Arthur, an annuity of £10. Tenement in Charlinch, late in the occupation of my brother Richard Blake, dec . To my son Roger, an annuity of £10 out of the tenement in Lowe Aisholt which I bought of Edward Huish, of Donyford, dec. My daughter Elizabeth Blake, £300 at age of 21. Elizabeth, now wife of my son John Blake, [and etc]; Dorothy, daughter of John Blake, 20s each for rings. My daughter Mary Blake, a silver tankard, [and etc]; £300, at age of 21. Residue to Elizabeth (Elizabeth, wife of Humphrey Blake, was daughter of [Nathaniel] Upton, of Fifehead. Humphrey Blake was buried 14 Jun 1665, at Asholt. Memorial Inscription in Asholt Church to him, and also to Humphry his son, who was buried 27 Sep 1664) my now wife, Extrix. My friends Drs. John Sellick, of Nether Stowey, D.D., John Pratt, of Thurloxton, [and etc] George Upton, of Fifehead, Overseers. Codicil. £200 to my son Arthur Blake.

Arthur Blake, of Middlesex, gent. Will dated 13 Mar 1724, proved 26 Jul 1725, by Sarah Blake, the relict. My father Mr. Arthur Blake, of Padnoller (in the parish of Cannington), Somerset, gent. Edmund, Nathaniel, Elizabeth, [and etc]; Joane Blake, [and etc]; Mrs. Catherine Ritson, children of the same Arthur Blake, and John, Jane, Elizabeth, [and etc]; Catherine Ritson, children of Robert [and etc]; Catherine Ritson 10s each for rings. My wife, Sarah Blake, Extrix.

William Sealey, Mercer, of Bridgewater, Somerset. Will dated 18 Feb 1632, proved 24 Mar 1633 (Old Style), by Joan the relict. My sons in law, John Devenish, clerk, & Humphry Blake. My brother Edward Sealey, [and etc] Bartholomew Safford, clerk, Trustees.

Thomas Hawker, of Spargrove, Battcombe, Somerset, Esq. Will dated 11 Mar 1628, proved 24 Jun 1636, by Ladie Hawker (Thomas Hawker, 1594, married Ladie, daughter of William Fillol, of Woodlands, Dorset), widow, power reserved to his daughter Ladie Hawker. To my wife Ladie Hawker, all my goods, [and etc]. My daughter Elizabeth Bisse, wife of Edward Bisse the younger, of Spargrove. My daughter Ann Blake, wife of William Blake of Kensington, Middlesex, esq. My daughter Ladie Hawker, £1,000, now in the hands of William blake aforesaid, [and etc]; also various sums of money owing to me on bonds, [and etc], [and etc]; if she dies during her minority [and etc]; before her marriage, John Fillott, gent., my brother in law, to be my Exor.

Thomas Blake, of Wedmore, Somerset, yeoman. Will dated 17 Dec 1580, proved 27 Jan 1580 (Old Style) by Isabell the relict. My sons Thomas [and etc]; John. My daughters Luce [and etc]; Elizabeth. Residue to Isabell my wife, Exix. William Baber, [and etc]; my brother John Blake, overseers.

Robert Blake, of Porlock, Somerset, Clerk. Will dated 17 Apr 1646. Admon. 23 Jun 1646, to his brother George Blake. My daughter Mary blake, Exix. My sister Ursula [and etc]; her husband. My sister Mary [and etc]; her husband. My father Mr. Elias Blake, Parson of East Anstie.

Agnes Blake, of Halse, Somerset, spinster. Admon. 23 Jan 1646 (Old Style) to her brother Robert Blake.

Ann Blake, widow of William Blake. Will dated 1 Nov 1650, proved 6 Apr 1651, by her daughter Ann Blake. Lands in Kensington [and etc]; Brompton, Midd., [and etc]; £800, to my daughter Ann Blake, at age of 23, but my son Xtopher Blake to have the lands on payment of £800 to her. My friend John Maynard of the Middle Temple. My daughter Mary Blake, £100. To my dear mother Mrs. Lady Hawker, my sister Bisse, [and etc]; my sister Chafin, 20s each for rings. Poor of St. Andrew, Holborn, £3. Residue to my daughter Ann Blake, Exix.

Elizabeth Blake, of Overstowey, Somerset, widow. Will dated 22 Dec 1655, proved 16 May 1656, by John Sellick. To poor of Halse [and etc]; Overstowey. My son John, £80. My daughter Grace, £80 at 21. My son Robert. My brother John Sellick, my brother in law William Hawkins, [and etc]; my cousin George Corner, Overseers.

William Blake, of Bridgewater, Somerset, Dr of Laws. Will dated 24 Oct 1667, proved 30 Nov 1667, by Nicholas and Benjamin Blake. To the poor of Bridgewater, £100. My brother Humphry Blake, £10. Nicholas Blake, £50. Brothers Benjamin Blake and Alexander Blake, £50 each. To George, Robert, Sarah, elisabeth, [and etc]; Bridget, children of my brother George Blake, of Plymouth, dec, £50 among them. To the two children of my niece Gorges, of Fowey, Cornwall, dec, £40. My sister Bowdich, of Chardstock, Dorset, £10. My niece Sarah Blake, daughter of my brother Humphrey Blake, £5. To my niece Bridget Chapell, £10. My farm at Knowle in Bawdripp to my brothers Nicholas [and etc]; Benjamin Blake, for raising legacies. All my plate to my niece Sarah, daughter of my brother Benjamin Blake.

George Blake, of Plymouth, Devon, gent. Will dated 3 Feb 1667 (Old Style), proved 19 Feb 1667 (Old Style). My sons George [and etc]; Robert. My daughters Bridget [and etc]; Jane. My son in law William Bickton.

Richard Blake, of Exeter, merchant. Will dated 31 Mar 1690, proved 22 Jan 1702 (Old Style) by Johanna Crosse. My cousin Elisabeth Kempe, daughter of Alexander Kempe, late of Wellington, Somerset, dec. Residue to my sister in law Johanna Crosse, daughter of my father in law John Crosse, of Trull, Somerset, gent, Exix.

Mary Blake relict of William Blake, merchant, of Bridgwater. Will dated 20 Jan 1725, proved 15 May 1727 by Henry Sellick. Thomas Minturne, my first husband. To Henry Sellick, of West Monckton, £20. Many Sealeys named.

Third Series:
Robert Blake, of Halse, Somerset, Yeoman. Will (date not given), proved 15 Jun 1639. My wife Agnes. My daughter Agnes. Her grandmother Edith Blake. My daughters Jane [and etc]; Edith. My sons Richard, John, [and etc]; Edmund. My son Robert, Exor. 

Agnes Blake, of Halse, Somerset, Widow. Will dated 9 Jan 1640, proved 5 May 1641. My daughters Edith, Grace, [and etc]; Jane. My sons Robert, Edmund, [and etc]; John. Residue to Richard Blake, my son, under age.

John Musgrave, Merchant, of Barnstaple, Devon. Will dated 4 Mar 16 Ch II, proved 2 Dec 1691, by his brother Thomas Musgrave. Poor of North Petherton, 40s. My father in law Mr. Martin Blake. My Mother. My brother George Musgrave. My cousin Mary Musgrave. My brother John Blake, 20s for a ring. My sister Hannah West, £5. My cousin Ann Prideaux, daughter of Mr. James Prideaux, of Plymouth, £10.

 William Sealey, of Bridgwater, Somerset, Merchant. Will dated 27 Mar 1644, proved 10 May 1646, by Susan Sealey, widow. My wife Susan. My eldest son William Sealey, my 2nd son Alexander, my 3rd son John, [and etc]; 4th son Samuel. My daughters Joan [and etc]; Susan, £100 each. Overseers, my father in law Mr. Alexander Horwood, my brother in law Mr. John Horwood. My brother Mr. Edward Sealey. My brother in law Mr. Humphry Blake.

Robert Studdier, of Fitzhead, Somerset, Yeoman. Will dated 26 Aug 1646, proved 7 Jul 1647. My sister Elisabeth Blake, wife of Humphrey Blake. My cousin Marie Robins. Nathaniel Upton, my beloved father in law, Exor. Poor of Milverton, [and etc].

Nathaniel Upton, of Fitzhead, Somerset, gent. Will dated 11 Oct 1650, proved 8 May 1651, by Katherine, the relict. To my wife Katherine, farm of Great Bickley. My son George Upton. The four sons of my son in law Humphry Blake, viz., Humphry, Nathaniel, Arthur, [and etc] Robert, all under 21, £40 among them. Poor of Fitzhead, Milverton, Wiveliscombe, 20s each parish. My wife Katherine, Exix.

Catherine Upton, of Fitzhead, Somerset, widow. Will dated 28 Jun 1665, proved 16 Feb 1665 (Old Style) by George Upton. My daughter Mary Harrison, wife of Alexander Harrison, gent., £40. Ames Harrison, one of the sons of Alexander Harrison. Other children of Alexander Harrison [and etc]; my said daughter Mary, viz., Alexander, John, William, Roger, George, [and etc]; Katherine Harrison, £20 each at ages of 21. My daughter Elisabeth Blake, wife of Humphry Blake, gent., dec., [and etc]; their children John, Nathaniel, Arthur, Roger, Elisabeth, [and etc]; Mary Blake. Henry Upton, of Burlescomb, my kinsman, £10. John Robbins, son of James Robins, gent., my brother, dec., £10, [and etc]; if John Robins is dead, then to Dorothy [and etc]; Jane Robins, his sisters, £5 each. Frances thomas, my kinswoman, £10. to Robert, Mary, Frances, Roger, [and etc]; alexander, children of John Wynter, my kinsman, dec 40s. to my grandchild Roger Upton, my silver tankard, [and etc]. to Katherine, Ann, [and etc]; Elisabeth, children of my son George Upton, £20 each. George Upton, Exor.

Robert Jessopp, Rector of Kilve, Somerset, Clerk. Will dated 14 Feb 1650 proved 27 Jun 1651, by his son Nathaniel Jessopp. My wife. Joan. My grandchildren John [and etc]; richard blake, sons of Richard blake, of Stogumber, [and etc]; Ann his wife.

Richard Molleins, of Bridgwater, Somerset, gent. Will dated 22 Aug 1574, proved 18 Oct 1574, by Ellen the relict. My son Robert Cuffe, my farm of Hamme. To my wife during the life of William Cuffe, one close of 17 acres. My wife Ellen, Exis. Robert Blake, Mayor of Bridgwater, a witness.

Fourth Series:
William Vawer, of Birdcombe Court, Wraxall, Somerset, gent. Will dated 28 Apr 1748, proved 2 Mar 1750 by elizabeth Hollister, former Vawer, daughter of Testator. Household goods to my beloved [and etc]; only child Elizabeth Vawer. Annuities of £10 each to my brothers John [and etc]; thomas Vawer. William, son of my brother James Vawer. My sister Hanna Butcher. Mill House, [and etc], in Wraxall. My late wife. Lands, [and etc], to Edward Kington, of St George's, gent., [and etc]; richard Blake, in Trust, [and etc].

George Raleigh, of Fardell, in the parish of Cornwood, Devon. Will dated 25 March 1595; proved 18 Mar 1596. Dorothy, my wife. To George Blake alias Raleigh, son of Margaret Blake, of Withicombe Raleigh, £150. To Henry Snidall, my shipp, The Lyon of Exmouth. to Margaret Drake, daughter of thomas Drake, of Harpforde, £50. To George Blake, all lands, [and etc], in Ilsington, Newton Abbott, [and etc], he to be Exor. Lands purchased by my brother John Raleigh.

John Selleck of Overstowey, Somerset, gent. Will dated 1 Sep 1660, proved 6 Jun 1662. My wife Mary. Lands [and etc]; Rectory of Overstowey. My mother Mrs. Joane Selleck. My nephew Robert Blake. My nephew John Blynman. My neices Grace Blake, Joane Upton, and Elisabeth Hawkins. My sisters Joan Blynman [and etc]. Ann Upton.

Julian Webb, of Bridgwater, Somerset. Will dated 26 Jan 1587, proved 16 Apr 1589 by R Blake and [and etc]; Ceeley, Overseers, the extrices being Minors. My two daughters Elizabeth [and etc]; Joane, Extrices. Mr. Robert Blake, Mayor, Mr John Pike & Mr. William Ceeley, Overseers. Further admon. 8 Feb 1597 to Jane Webb, Elizabeth Webb being dead. Another grant 9 Feb 1599 to Thomas Oldmixon, brother of the defunct, Joan Webb being also deceased.

William Keene, of Bishops Compton, Somerset, Gent. Will dated 18 Aug 1604, proved 13 Nov 1604 by Isabel Keene, the relict. To the church, 40s, and to poor 6 s 8 d. Poor of Axbridge, £5, [and etc]; of Wedmore, £3 . 6.8. to Robert Keene, my brother Methuselah's son, all my right to the White Hart at Chipping Norton, Oxon, & a tenement in Wedmore. To Methuselah, £200. To Robert Whiting of Axbridge, [and etc]; John Blake of East Brent, £5 each. John Wells, clerk of Allerton, £5. George Gifford of Tiverton, Devon, [and etc]; Robert Perry, gent, Overseers. My wife Isabel, Exix.

Fifth Series:
Anstis Haviland (née Blake), of Charlinch, Somerset, widow. Will dated 30 Apr 1669, no date of proof. Inventory (£61.10.6) taken 27 Mar 1673. To be buried at Charlinch near my husband. To the poor 10 s. To my youngest son Matthew Haviland, my wedding ring [and etc]; one shilling, [and etc]; to my daughter in law his wife Elizabeth, wearing apparel. Elizabeth, his daughter, [and etc]; to each of her sons, one shilling. To John, son of my son John, my mother's wedding ring [and etc]; my lesser wedding ring. To Mathew, son of my son John, £20, for his advantage till he is 21, 20 s and my signet ring. Residue to my eldest son John Haviland, Exor. William Webber, a witness. Seal, with Arms. Three Castles.

Mary Keyt (she was daughter of William Pratt, of Thurloxton, and widow of John Keyt, grandson of Sir William Keyt, Bart.) of Liversdon in Thurloxton, Somerset, Widow. Will dated 24 Jan 1752. Codicil 22 Oct 1756, proved 7 Jan 1758, by her cousin elizabeth, wife of William Harrison. Deed of Agreement 24 Jan 1752, between me [and etc]; Elizabeth Blake, spinster, daughter of Francis Blake, of Glastonbury, gent., [and etc]; William Harrison, of thurloxton, Yeoman, [and etc]. Marriage intended between William Harrison [and etc]; Elizabeth Blake, [and etc]. 

Married at Thurloxton, 12 Feb 1718, John Keyt, Esq., and Mrs. Mary Pratt
Married at Thurloxton, 22 Feb 1753, Mr. William Harison and Mrs. Elizabeth Blake, both of Thorloxton
Baptized at Thurloxton 7 Mar 1693, Mary daughter of William Pratt, gent., and Mary his wife
Burial at Thurloxton 16 Jul 1731 Mr William Pratt
Burial at Thurloxton 17 Sep 1742 Mrs. Mary Pratt

John Tuxwell, of Spaxton, Somerset. Will dated 16 Jun 1586, proved 1586. To be buried in the Church before my seat. Lands, [and etc], to my mother alice Tuxwell for life, [and etc]; at her death to George Dodington, Gent., my father in law, John Haines alias Milton, my uncle, Humphry blake [and etc]; others, for 21 years in trust for Mary, my daughter, under 21. My wife Johan [and etc]; my daughter Mary, Extrices.

Sixth Series:
Ann Luttrell, relict of Edward Luttrell, the younger, Gent., deceased. Will dated 19 Mar 1721 [Old Style], proved 27 Oct 1722, by Walter Hungerford. To be buried in the Parish Church of Brimble (Bremhill), Wiltshire, near my Mother Dame Frances Hungerford, [and etc]; £100 to be laid out in a monument to her [and etc] to myself, [and etc] £100 for my funeral [and etc]; Carriage of my Corpse. to my cousin diana blake, daughter of James Blake, of russell Street, Bloomsbury, my gold watch, chain, [and etc]. My brother Walter Hungerford's wife. Mourning rings of 10s each to my brother Ducy Hungerford [and etc]; my cousin Jane Blake. To my nephew John Keat, £10 for mourning. Residue to my brother Walter Hungerford, Esq., in Trust for the benefit of my only son until he is 21 or married, [and etc]; if my son should die, then I give the said residue to my brother Walter, he to be Executor. To my brother Ducy Hungerford [and etc]; my nephew John Keate, £100 each. To the poor of Brimble (if my said Son should die), £500, the Interest thereof for the poor, as the Incumbent should think fit. I give to him 40 s for Sermons on Lady Day [and etc]; Michaelmas.

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