Monday, April 9, 2012

Blake family at Aisholt Parish, Somerset

Having extracted all the Blake records that were available online in the transcription sites, on Find My Past and Ancestry, I spent the morning looking at the records by parish. I tried a number of ways of sorting the entries but I found the most meaningful was to work with the Parish and the wills. Humphrey Blake married to Elizabeth Upton appears to be buried at Aisholt 24 Sep 1664 (having left his will dated 17 Jan 1664) in which he wrote "To my son Nathaniel Blake, the Advowson of Aisholt, & an annuity of £30" and indeed Nathaniel was Curate at Aisholt until his death 17 Nov 1705 (buried 22 Nov 1705 at Aisholt). Nathaniel married Sarah Blanchflower 7 Feb 1672 at Fitzhead and they baptized three children at Aisholt Nathaniel (baptized 9 Jan 1681 and buried 8 Aug 1688 at Aisholt), John (baptized 17 Jan 1684 and buried 23 Apr 1686 at Aisholt) and Katherine who was baptized 14 Mar 1689 at Aisholt, married to the Reverend John Brice (incumbent at Aisholt) 3 Apr 1706 and she was buried at Aisholt 8 Apr 1721. John and Katherine had seven children all baptized at Aisholt with the first child being named Nathaniel Blake Brice.

Verification of Nathaniel can be found in the Oxford University Alumni: Nathaniel Blake son of Humphrey of Plainsfield, Somerset, gent. All Soul's College, matriculation, 13 Feb 1664-5, aged 19, BA from Hart Hall 1668, MA 1671, Rector of Aisholt, Somerset 1670 until his death in 1706. 

Humphrey Blake in his will of 17 Jan 1664 also mentioned his son Roger: To my son Roger, an annuity of £10 out of ‘the tenement in Lower Aisholt' and in the records of the Parish Church Roger Blake and Susannah (unknown) baptized six children at Aisholt beginning in 1680. Their children: Sarah (baptized 12 Apr 1680), Roger (baptized 26 Aug 1681), Francis (baptized 4 Jul 1685), John (baptized 8 Jul 1687), Nathaniel (baptized 28 Nov 1689) and Robert (baptized 20 May 1693).

Since Humphrey is buried at Aisholt then likely it is his widow Elizabeth buried there 5 Apr 1683. Roger Blake is buried 24 Jul 1702 at Aisholt and his widow Susannah 19 Sep 1718 at Aisholt. Roger their son is the Roger baptized 26 Aug 1681 at Aisholt. The Roger Blake mentioned in the Oxford University Alumni as being Roger Blake son of Roger of Aisholt, Somerset, gent., Balliol College, matriculation 12 June 1700, aged 17. BA 1704, vicar of Kilton, Somerset 1721. The slight discrepancy in age of one year will be kept in mind until I see the original parish registers for Aisholt. The question at mind though is his son Roger Blake who married Jane St Albyn 21 Oct 1747 at Nether Stowey? I do not find a marriage for Roger Blake baptized 26 Aug 1681 nor have I found a burial for him.

There was another Roger Blake baptized at Aisholt 27 Jul 1723 but he was the son of John Blake and Anne Brewer. Looking at this particular family in Aisholt they appear to descend from John Blake also son of Humphrey Blake and Elizabeth Upton. Humphrey makes mention of his son John Blake and that his wife's name is Elizabeth and that they have a daughter Dorothy. In the Stogursey Parish Registers there is a John Blake, gent of Overstowey and Eliza Farthing married 1 Jan 1662 (old style) by licence. This is likely John mentioned in his father's will. Later in the Overstowey Register there is a John Blake junior who married Hannah Rich 8 May 1690 at Overstowey. We then find a John Blake son of John Blake junior and Hannah baptized 13 Feb 1690 at Aisholt. A second child Hannah is baptized there 20 Sep 1692. This family appears to continue at Aisholt with John marrying Anne (possibly Brewer) and their two children are baptized at Aisholt - Sarah baptized 17 Apr 1720 and Roger, as mentioned earlier, 27 Jul 1723. Sarah married Roger Hill 26 Dec 1745 at Aisholt and Roger married Ann Lane 29 Dec 1750 also at Aisholt. Roger was buried 17 Apr 1803 and Ann 19 Jan 1766 at Aisholt. Their children all baptized at Aisholt were Nathaniel (10 Dec 1751), Mary (8 Dec 1753), Francis (27 Jun 1756), Betty (6 May 1758), and Sarah (21 Jun 1761). The Blake family then disappears from the Parish Registers at Aisholt and do not appear there on the census at a later date either.

Will deal with the parishes and the information that I managed to glean from them one at a time. I have added all the information into my Legacy one name Blake study.

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