Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Will of Agnis Blake, widow, of Halse, Somerset, National Archives PROB 11/186 #110 (images by me), probated 5 May 1641

The next will on the National Archives website is for Agnis Blake and she lives at Halse. Halse is in the Williton Hundred and is 8 miles NNE of Over Stowey. The fourth daughter is not identified in this will and she is likely Agnes whose administration was given to her brother Robert Blake 23 Jan 1646 (old style) (blog post of 15 Apr 2012:  http://kippeeb.blogspot.ca/2012/04/abstracts-of-blake-somersetshire-wills.html).

Still to come is the will of Robert Blake (of halse, yeoman and husband to Agnes and mentioned in the blog post of 15 Apr 2012) and in his will he mentions his daughters Agnes, Grace, Jane and Edith (Grace is missing from that will). His mother was Edith Blake and his sons are named Richard, John, Edmund and Robert (executor).  I hope to complete his will tomorrow.

Blake baptisms, marriages and burials at Halse:

BLAKE     William     23 Jul 1659     Richard     Elizabeth     (at Kingston)
BLAKE     Richard     18 Jun 1667     Richard     Elizabeth   
BLAKE     John             24 Nov 1704     Robert             Sarah   
BLAKE     Robert             30 Feb 1706        Robert             Sarah   
BLAKE     Richard     10 May 1711     Robert             Sarah   
BLAKE     Robert             25 Feb 1719     Robert             Joan   
BLAKE     Elizabeth     28 Oct 1719     Robert             Joane   
BLAKE     Robert             12 Dec 1740     Robert             Joan   
BLAKE     Elizabeth     28 May 1742     Robert             Joan

BLAKE     Richard     27 Mar 1668   
BLAKE     un-readable     22 May 1685   
BLAKE     Robert             06 Aug 1712   
BLAKE     Robert             09 Jun 1732   
BLAKE     Joan             27 Apr 1732   
BLAKE     Robert             04 Jan 1751   
BLAKE     Sarah             27 Apr 1760     wife of Robert
BLAKE     Sarah             06 Dec 1761   
BLAKE     Robert             16 Oct 1771   
BLAKE    Joane             William Morle      Jul 1563
BLAKE     Elnor             Abraham Morse     15 Jan 1590
BLAKE     Alice             John Bruforde     29 Apr 1594
BLAKE     Joane             Walter Pearce     18 Apr 1597
BLAKE     Robart              Elizabeath Smythe     17 Jun 1616
BLAKE     Katheren     Anthony Cade     10 Feb 1624
BLAKE     Anne              Henry Haddridge     20 Jan 1640
BLAKE     Richard     Elizabeth Clement     22 Jun 1658
BLAKE     Elizabeth     John CROSS     06 Apr 1671   
BLAKE     Robert             Joane CAPE     28 Aug 1718   
BLAKE     Robert             Sarah SHUTT     11 Feb 1752   
BLAKE     Betty     Thomas HANCOCK     04 Apr 1768 (L) Witnesses:John Hancock     Abraham Hancock

Looking also at the Visitation of Somersetshire in 1623, the marriage of Robart Blake and Elizabeath Smyth 17 Jun 1616 is a rather interesting one as John Perry in his will of 1617 mentions his son in law Robert Blake. Could this be the same person but why the forename change from Elizabeth to Agnis. They all live in Halse. Elizabeth Perry daughter of John Perry (and his wife Elizabeth Warren) of Halse married first John Smith and second Robart Blake. The visitation of Somerset 1623 has the above information but no indication of the parentage of Robart Blake however. According to document 74/55/1-2 dated 1590 John Perry of Halse, Somerset, gent and Robert, his son received by conveyance the Rectory of Sutton Prior, otherwise Plymouth. The marriage settlement of 1609 for Elizabeth Perry of Halse included the rectory of Sutton Prior with tithes. At a quick glance I do not see mention of any property in Robert's will so perhaps he is another Blake line.

Robert (husband of Agnes) mentions in his will John Blake of Kingston and this may be the son of Thomas Blake of Wedmoore whose will I transcribed a couple of days ago (http://kippeeb.blogspot.ca/2012/04/will-of-thomas-blake-of-wedmore.html).

Other places near Halse include 2 miles NE Bishops Lydeard and 2 miles WNW Fitzhead, Finding the parents of Robart Blake would be most interesting especially with his sons named Robert, Edmund, John and Richard. All four of these sons were born prior to 1640. Interesting to find everyone in the same place - Halse - Perry family and Blake family. Could there be two distinct Blake families in Halse?

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 17 Apr 2012
Source:  The National Archives PROB 11/186, #110 (images by me)
Name of testator: Agnis Blake, widow
Place: Halse, Somerset, England
Type of Record: Will
Dated: 9 Jan 1640 (old style), probated 5 May 1641
Read: Electronic file
Condition: smudges, 17th century, light copy

[In margin] T. Agnesis
[In margin] Blake

1    In the name of God Amen the nynth day of January
2    in the sixteenth yeare of the reigne of our Sovereigne Lord Charles by the grace of God
3    of England Scotland France and Ireland kinge defender of the faith etc. Anno Domini
4    and thousand six hundred and fortie I Agnis Blake of halse in the countie of Somersett widow
5    beinge sick of bodie but of p[er]fecte memory thankes be unto Almightie god, doe make and ordaine
6    this my last will and testament in manner and forme followinge Imprimis I bequeath my soule
7    unto the handes of Allmighty god my maker not doubtinge but through the merrits and passion
8    of my blessed Saviour, Jesus Christ to have free p[ar]don and remission of all my synnes and my
9    body to the Christian buriall, And for my worldly effects which it hath pleased God to bless
10    me withall, I do geve and bequeath in manner and forme followinge, Imprimis I geve and
    [In margin] Item I geve and bequeath unto my godchildren two shillings a peece.
11    bequeath unto the poore of halse tenn shillings Item I geve and bequeath unto my four daughters
12    all my app[er]ell equally to be devided amongst them by my Ov[er]seers, Item I geve and bequeath unto
13    my daughter Edith my bedd and bedsteed p[er]formed, Item I geve and bequeath unto my daughter
14    Grace my gould ringe Item I geve and bequeath onto my daughter Jane three Edward
15    shillings and three peeces of old gould, and a silv[er] __stle, Item I geve and bequeath unto
16    three of my sonnes Robert Edward and John one shillinge apeece, All the rest of my goods
17    and chattells not before geven and bequeathed I geve and bequeath unto Richard Blake my
18    sonne whome I make my whole executor of this my last will and testament, And I desire
19    Henry Hancock and Thomas Comier to be my Ov[er]seers and to take the Administra[t]ion of my
20    goodes for the use of my executor duringe his mynoritie, and to theire care and gardienship
21    com[m]end my fouer younger children, John Blake, Jane Blake, Edith Blake and the foresaid
22    Richard Blake untill they attaine theire sev[er]all ages of descri[t]ion and for their paines I doe
23    geve them thirtie shillings apeece, Item my will is that my sonne John Blake shall pay nothinge
24    for his dyebt for the tenn first years after said Father's death In witness whereof I have hereunto
25    sett my hand and seale the daie and yeare first above written  signed Agnis Blake, Witnesses
26    to this my will John Perry, Humphery Perry, Katherine Diamond [sp]

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