Monday, April 30, 2012

Will of Robert Blake, Wharfinger of Reading, National Archives PROB 11/615, Image Reference 131/125, probated 5 May 1727

Robert's will was written in 1705 (he was born circa 1662 by his gravestone and so married by 1705 according to his will) before the birth of his two daughters but he does mention the forenames of his sisters which is most helpful. The daughter were 24 years of age when they died in 1732 and so born circa 1708. His sisters are identified as Mary Blake married to a Mr. Burd and Jane Blake married to a Mr. Peach. Only two nephews are mentioned in this will whereas Mary mentions a few more that have been born since 1705 (William and Mary Bird).

The next will to transcribe in Berkshire is for John Blake and his will was written in 1616 and probated 16 Sep 1618. His executor is his son John and possibly is this the John Blake that was mayor of Reading in 1671 and 1683? He was a clothier and burgess at Reading. Was this John the father of Robert? I have not yet been able to discover that as the John who was the mayor of Reading in 1671 and 1683 and clothier/burgess at Reading did not have a will that was probated by the PCC.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 29 Apr 2012
Source:  The National Archives PROB11/615, Image Reference 131/125  (images by me)
Name of testator: Robert Blake (husband of Mary Blake), Wharfinger (owner of a wharf)
Place: Reading, Berkshire, England
Type of Record: Will
Dated:, 14 Jun 1705, probated 5 May 1727
Read: Electronic file
Condition: well formed letters, 18th century, bold copy
[In margin] T  Roberti
[In margin] Blake

1    In the Name of God Amen
2    I Robert Blake of Reading in the County of Berks Wharfinger
3    being in perfect health and of sound minde and memory praised be
4    Almighty God therefore but considering the certainty of death and the
5    uncertainity of the time thereof do make and declare my last Will and
6    Testament in manner following (that is to say) My soule I commend to
7    God who gave it and my body to the Earth to be decently buried
8    according to the discretion of my Executrix hereinafter named And as
9    to my temporall Estate I dispose thereof as follows Imprimis As for
10    touching and concerning all that messuage or Tenement wherein I now
11    live with the Wharfe waters Lock Fishings lands arrable pasture
12    and meadow in Reading aforesaid and all other lands tenements
13    and hereditaments in Reading aforesaid which I hold by lease or
14    Leases from Walter Clarges My Will is and I do hereby give devise
15    and bequeath the same and every of them to Mary my loveing wife for
16    and dureing so many yeares of my respective terms and interests
    [Page 2}
17    therein as she my said wife shall live And from and after the death of my
18    said wife I give devise and bequeath the same and every of them and all
19    the then residue of my respective Estates and termes therein then to
20    come equally to and amongst such of my Children hereafter to be borne as
21    shall survive my said wife but in case my said wife shall depart this life
22    leaving no Child by me liveing at her death or in case such Child or
23    Children who shall survive my said wife shall all of them depart this life
24    before they or either of them shall attaine the age of Fifteene yeares.
25    Then in either of those cases first happening I give devise and bequeath
26    the then residue of my terms Estates and interests therein then to
27    come equally unto my two sisters Mary Burd and Jane Peach their
28    Executors and assignes Item I give to each of my Children which shall
29    be borne before or after my death the summe of one hundred pounds apeice
30    But if I shall leave but one Child then I give such Child the summe of One
31    hundred and fifty pound and my Will is that in case all my Children shall
32    depart this life before they attaine the age of Fifteene yeares and my
33    said wife shall then survive then in such case I give the legacies hereby
34    given to my said Children unto my said wife Item in case I shall have
35    no Child liveing at the time of my death then in such case I give to my
36    two Nephews Richard Burd and John Peach the summe of Twenty
37    pounds a peice to be paid unto them as they shall severally attaine the
38    age of one and twenty yeares but if both or either of my said Nephews
39    shall depart this life before they shall attaine that age then in such case
40    I give the legacy of legacies of such my said Nephews as shall so dye
41    unto my said wife if then liveing Item all and singular the rest and residue
42    of my moneys goods chattells and Estate whatsoever unbequeathed
43    I give devise and bequeath unto the said Mary my wife and I do make and
44    ordaine my said wife full and sole Executrix of this my last Will and
45    Testament in witness whereof I have here unto sett my hand and seale
46    the fourteenth day of June in the yeare of our Lord God One thousand
47    seaven hundred and Five Robert Blake signed and sealed published
48    and declared by the said Robert Blake and for his last Will and
49    Testament in the presence of us who subscribed our names in the
50    presence of the said Testator Will: Douglas Sen Mary Pryor Wm:
51    Douglas Jun

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