Sunday, May 6, 2012

Eskdale Ward Protestation Returns (Cumberland, England)

The Protestation Returns are now complete for Eskdale Ward at least as much as I found on film at the Family History Library in Salt Lake City. I found them very useful for my Routledge family which is principally found in Bewcastle but also in Stapleton (my cousin Thomas descends from this family), Lanercost and Walton. My line was living at Bewcastle when they emigrated to Canada in the summer of 1818.

For anyone researching Routledge who isn't descended from George Routledge and Jane Summers living in London Township, Middlesex County, Ontario, Grace Routledge married to George Kennedy, Margaret Routledge married to Thomas Carling or my line Mary Routledge married to Robert Gray then you can eliminate Thomas Routledge baptized 25 Jul 1763 at Bewcastle, Cumberland and Elizabeth Routledge baptized 27 Aug 1763 at Bewcastle as they are my 3x great grandparents and these four children are their only descendants who had children. Thomas himself is the only descendant of Henry Routledge baptized 30 Jul 1720 at Bewcastle (his two siblings were buried as children) and Margaret Tweddle baptized 6 Mar 1728 at Lanercost, Cumberland. Elizabeth was the only surviving child of George Routledge and Grace Routledge (her father did remarry and have a second family with Elizabeth Armstrong).

George (likely baptized  17 Apr 1729 at Todhills, Bewcastle) and Grace daughter of Thomas Routledge and Mary Routledge (married 18 Nov 1733 at Bewcastle with Thomas being of Hill, Bewcastle and the son of Thomas Routledge and Mary being of Kirkbeckstown and the daughter of William Routledge). A baptism for Grace has not yet been located. Grace's siblings were Adam, Henry, John and Mary all mentioned in the will from the:

Carlisle Record Office
Will of Archibald FORRESTER of Cleughside, Bewcastle [Bc] 1767, pg 63. [buried 8 May 1767]
Grace Forrester, deceased
John Forrester, Wit
Adam Routledge s o Mary, Wid
George Routledge, of Oakshaw, Bc, father of 2 children
Grace Routledge, daughter of [d o ] Mary Routledge, Wid
Henry Routledge, s o Mary R*
Henry Routledge of Borderrigg, dec., father of 3 children
John Routledge s o Mary R*, Wid
John Routledge, my “sister’s son, possibly s o Grace
Leondard Routledge of Oakshaw
Mary Routledge of Crossgreens or Strandsheads, Wid, mother of Grace, Mary, Adam, John & Henry
Mary Routledge, d o Mary, Wid
William Routledge of Oakshaw, deceased, father of William R*
William Routledge of Oakshaw s o late William Routledge
Francis Armstrong, Wit
Catherine Dowglass of Ash w o Thomas Douglas
Thomas Dowglass [sic Douglas] of Ash husband of Catherine
Catherine Henderson d o Robert & Helenor Henderson
Helenor Henderson wife of Robert and mother of Catherine
Robert Henderson husband of Helenor & father of Catherine
Alexander Kennedie of Cleughside, Friend husband of Sibella
Catherine Kennedie of Cleughside, d o Alexander
Elizabeth Kennedie of Cleughside
John Kennedie of Cleughside s o Alexander
Sibella Kennedie of Cleughside w o Alexander
William Kennedie of Cleughside s o Alexander

If this helps anyone researching Routledge to either be part of this family or eliminate this family from their research, that is the main aim of this post and to spell the finish of the Protestation Returns for Eskdale Ward.

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