Thursday, May 10, 2012

Will of Henry Blake, Waggoner of Alton Hampshire, National Archives PROB 11/1991, Image Reference 90/79, probated 31 Jan 1844

Continuing with the Blake wills that I photographed at Kew from Hampshire. They are in numerical order of the *.pdf number assigned to them by the National Archives.

To place Henry Blake the testator in his location in Hampshire, he is living at Alton when he writes his will. Alton lies relatively in the middle of Hampshire, 17 miles north east of Winchester and 10 miles south south east of Basingstoke. The only death I find on FreeBMD for Henry Blake is in Winchester Registration District December quarter 1843. Perhaps he has died in the hospital away from Alton.

He mentions Charles Blake as his principal Legatee with his father as John Blake of Hamms Middlesex which is presumably East or West Ham in Middlesex. On the 1851 Census there is a Charles Blake living at Alton married to Charlotte and with three children Harry 16 years of age, Ann 12 years and James 9 years. All were born in Hampshire with Charles born at Preston Candover.

As I look at all these facts, I am remembering the Charles Blake family of Abbots Ann. Charles Gilbert Blake married Mary Marsh possibly at Preston Candover as I do not find their marriage on the Abbots Ann fiche. Their eldest son was Henry Blake although online I found him dying as a child of two years of age. He had a brother Charles who married Mary Charlotte Goodall and this does appear to be the family above living at Alton on the 1851 census. However Charles is the son of Charles not John as mentioned in the will. Possibly a coincidence only but worth noting in my blog for future reference as I look at the Abbots Ann Charles Blake/Mary Prince family. The family of Charles Gilbert Blake (parents Charles Blake and Jane Gilbert who married 6 Jan 1761 at Abbots Ann) did have a son John baptized 16 May 1777 for whom I have no further information.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 9 May 2012
Source:  The National Archives PROB 11/1991, Image Reference 90/79  (images by me)
Name of testator: Henry Blake, Waggoner of Alton, Hampshire
Place: Alton, Hampshire, England
Type of Record: Will
Dated:  29 Jun 1843, probated 31 Jan 1844
Read: Electronic file
Condition: 19th century, bold handwriting, dark
[In margin] Henry Blake 3

1    This is the last Will and Testament
2    of me Henry Blake of Alton in the County of Southampton Waggoner I
3    give and bequeath unto Charles Blake son of John Blake of Hamms in the
4    County of Middlesex all my wearing apparel watch chattels monies
5    Securities for money Personal Estate and Effects whatsoever and wheresoe-
6    ver to and for his own use and benefit subject to the payment of my just debts
7    funeral and Testamentary expences and I hereby nominate constitute and
8    appoint the said Charles Blake sole Executor of this my will and I
9    hereby revoke all former wills and Testamentary dispositions by me at any
10    time heretofore made In Witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand this
11    twenty ninth day of June in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred
12    and forty three. The Mark of Henry Blake the Testator Signed and declared by
13    the above named Henry Blake as and for his last will and Testament in the
14    presence of us present at the same time who in his presence at his request
15    and
    [Page 2]
16    and in the presence of each other have subscribed our names as witnesses
17    thereto this twenty ninth day of June in the year of our Lord one thousand eight
18    hundred and forty three the same having been first read over to him and which he
19    perfectly understood and approved of William French Fred[eric]k W[illia]m French of
20    Alton Hants
21    Proved at London 31st Jan 1844 before the worshipful Joseph
22    Pullimore Doctor of Laws and Surrogate by the oath of Charles Blake
23    the sole Executor to whom admon was granted having been first sworn duly
24    to administer

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