Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Will of John Blake, Gentleman of Portsea, National Archives PROB 11/1676, Image Reference 38/39, probated 8 Oct 1823

It isn't often that I find a family tree for Blake that fits into one of the wills that I am looking at. This particular one is on World Connect  but not updated since 17 May 2001 and the contact person is She is likely descended from the marriage of Elisabeth Blake  and Joseph Tickner since that is the only line traced down further in this family grouping. Joseph and Elizabeth were married 20 Oct 1813 at St Mary Parish Church in Portsea. They had 12 children and again only one child is traced down being Emma Tickner baptized 23 May 1833 at St Mary Parish Church in Portsea. Emma married William Willmott Hatherly 27 Jun 1852 at St Mary Parish Church in Portsea and this couple had five children all born in New South Wales Australia. Only their daughter Emma Hatherly born 29 Oct 1857 in Newtown, New South Wales is traced down and her daughter was named Emily Maud Hatherly and born 8 Dec 1877 in Sydney New South Wales. Emily married Joseph George Minter 2 May 1895 in Waterloo New South Wales and they had eight children born between 1895 and 1912. None of these children are traced down by the author Merrilyn  J Minter. Six of the children were sons.

Elizabeth Blake's parents are identified in this information at World Connect as John Blake (baptized 12 Dec 1761 in Portsmouth Hampshire England) and Rebecca Tilberry who were themselves married 14 Jan 1787 in Portsea (also located this marriage on Find my Past).
Children of the marriage of John Blake and Rebecca Tilberry from World Connect (all are baptized at St Mary Parish Church Portsea unless indicated otherwise):

John Blake baptized 29 Jul 1787; buried 30 Jan 1798
Thomas Blake baptized 28 Jun 1789 (number of burials at Portsea for Thomas Blake)
Mary Blake baptized 1 May 1791
Elisabeth Blake baptized 28 Sep 1794
Ann Blake baptized 12 Jun 1796
John Blake baptized 8 Jul 1798
Rebecca Blake baptized 4 Feb 1800 in Portsmouth
William Blake baptized 27 Aug 1802 in Portsmouth
Rebecca Blake baptized 9 Jan 1803
William Blake baptized 9 Jan 1803
Martha Blake baptized 20 May 1804

I must admit to being somewhat ambivalent about the Portsmouth entries although it does leave a large gap otherwise between John in 1798 and William in 1803. I did find all of these records on Find My Past along with the bolded entries added to the above chart which I found on World Connect. When I research on William baptized 9 Jan 1803 at Portsea he was born 31 Jul 1802 and Rebecca was born 5 Jan 1800 and baptized 9 Jan 1803 at Portsea. Were they perhaps baptized first in Portsmouth for some reason and then rebaptized at Portsea which is rather unusual in the Anglican Church.

On Find My Past there is a John (baptized 12 Dec 1761) and the son of Thomas and Elizabeth Blake published by the Hampshire Genealogical Society. Just to give a little credence to this possibly being the correct John I also found the second page of a will by James Blake PROB 11/1261 and proved 1 Jun 1795 which is only the second page but rather interesting and the text is below:

"same unto my beloved father Thomas Blake living at the sign of the Rainbow, St Georges Square in the town of Portsea in the County of Hampshire and in default thereof to my brother John Blake of the town and County aforesaid.  And I do hereby nominate and appoint my father and brother of the town and County aforesaid executors of this my last Will and Testament hereby revoking all former and other Wills Testaments and Deeds of Gifts by me at any time heretofore made and I do ordain and ratify these presents to stand and be for and as my only last Will and Testament.  In witness whereof to this my said Will I have set my hand and seal the tenth day of June in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety three and in the thirty third year of the Reign of His Majesty King George the Third over Great Britain &c.  Jas Blake.

    Signed sealed published and declared in the presence of RM Sutton, Captain;  H Quinton, Master

    This Will was proved at London the first day of June in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and ninety five before the Right Honorable Sir William Wynne, Knight, Doctor of Laws, Master Keeper or Commissary of the Prerogative Court of Canterbury lawfully constituted by the oaths of Thomas Blake the father and John Blake the brother of the deceased and the executors named in the said Will to whom administration was granted of all and singular the goods chattels and credits of the said deceased having been first sworn by Commission duly to administer

Transcribed from a downloaded copy by Dave Woolven, 2 Aspen Way, Malpas Park, Newport, South Wales.   NP20 6LB    Tel 01633 858 359   11 November 2005 "

This is not one of the wills that I photographed so will have to wait to see the first page another time. Interesting that John did name his second son Thomas (first was named John). He did not, however, name a son James. There is a James baptized 23 Mar 1756 at Portsea St Mary with father Thomas Blake (mother not identified) on Find My Past. There isn't a John Blake baptized at Portsea son of Thomas on Find My Past in the correct time interval. Since his will was probated in 1823 he is too early for the census and civil registration. However the burial registration 30 Jul 1823 for John Blake gives his age as 63 years so a birth circa 1760 (buried at St Mary Parish Portsea). Given the two baptisms at Portsmouth in John and Rebecca's family the baptism of John himself at Portsmouth is reasonable and he does name his second daughter Elizabeth which is the name of the mother identified on the baptism of John Blake son of Thomas and Elizabeth Blake at Portsmouth 12 Dec 1761. He could have been in his 63rd year rather than 63 years of age. There is a Rebecca Blake buried 8 Apr 1816 at Portsea (51 years of age).

There were nine children born to John and Rebeckah Blake and by the will John, William, Mary, Elizabeth, Ann, Rebeckah and Martha survived to adulthood with Martha being just 19 when the will was written and probated. The first John and Thomas were both dead at the time of writing the will unless John didn't mention Thomas for some reason.

If Thomas is the father of John then he would have been born around 1725 to 1740 and according to the IGI there are two baptisms at St Marys Parish Church Portsea - Thomas baptized 21 Dec 1735 and son of Thomas and Thomas baptized 8 Jul 1739 at Saint Marys Portsea with father Richard. Both entries are from the parish register of Saint Marys according to the IGI. On Find My Past (records of baptism are not yet available for Portsea but marriages are available from 1752 on) Thomas Blake widower married Jane Morlen widow 13 May 1762. There are burials for Elizabeth Blake in 1759 and 1760 at Portsea. A good start on this family at Portsea and will see what other wills yield for information.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 8 May 2012
Source:  The National Archives PROB 11/1676, Image Reference 38/39  (images by me)
Name of testator: John Blake, Gentleman of Portsea, Hampshire
Place: Portsea, Hampshire, England
Type of Record: Will
Dated: 21Jun 1823, probated 8 Oct 1823
Read: Electronic file
Condition: 19th century, bold handwriting, dark
[In margin] John Blake 15

1    The  last Will and Testament of me John Blake of the
2    Town of Portsea in the county of Southampton Gentleman Whereby I commend
3    my Soul to God and dispose of all my worldly Estate and Effects in manner
4    following that is to say All that my messuages and tenements situate being
5    and being in Lake Lane in the parish of Portsea being fourteen in number
6    viz No 1 No 2 No 3 No 4 No 5 No 6 No 7 No 8 No 9 No 10 No 11 No 12 No 13 and No 14
7    with four other houses situate in Smiths Lane in the Town of Portsea
8    being No 14 No 15 No 16 and No 17 and also that Dwelling house messuage or
9    tenement being No 23 Marlborough Row in the Town of Portsea and
10    dwellinghouse being No 4 Brittain Street in the Town of Portsea
11    aforesaid and now in my occupation and also that piece or parcel of land
12    situate in Buckland Place in the Island of Portsea which I purchased
13    of Mr Munk being about fifty feet in front and about thirty feet in depth
    [Page 2]
14    With all my household goods and furniture plate linen and china shall be
15    sold immediately after my decease (except as hereinafter excepted in the case
16    of my daughter Martha not being of age) either by public auction or private
17    contract for the most that can be got of good and lawful money of Great Brittain
18    and the purchaser or purchasers shall not be obliged to see to the application
19    of their purchase money but the receipt or receipts of my Executors or the
20    survivour of them shall be a sufficient discharge for the same And the residue
21    and every part of the money arising from the sale of the same with my aime
22    in the now four per cente being eight hundred and forty pounds as also the
23    sum of two hundred and fifty pounds being money lent on mortgage to Mr
24    Tho[ma]s Haskell and also the sum of one hundred and fifty pounds lent on
25    mortgage to Mr Pook Milkman with all other monies estate or effects
26    whatsoever over which I have any disposing power at the time of my
27    decease after payment of my just debts funeral expences and the expence of
28    proving this my will. I give and bequeath unto and equally between my
29    son John Blake my son William Blake my daughter Mary the wife of
30    Henry Bull my daughter Elizabeth the wife of Joseph Tickner my daughter
31    Ann the wife of Edward Chiverton my daughter Rebeckah the wife of
32    Robert Dixon and my daughter Martha Blake share and share alike to and
33    for their own separate use and benefit excepting with the following
34    exceptions viz That my daughter Mary the wife Henry Bull shall
35    not possess the principal of her share of my property but that she shall
36    receive the interest of such her share during the term of her natural
37    life and immediately after her decease the principal of her share of such
38    property shall go equally to and between my surviving children above
39    named who might be living at the time of her decease to and for their own
40    separate use and benefit. Also my daughter Rebeckah the wife of Edward
41    Dixon shall not possess the principal of her share of my property but
42    she shall receive the interest of such her share during her natural life
43    and immediately after her decease the principal of her share shall go
44    equally to and between her surviving children to and for their own use
45    and benefit share and share alike but if no such child or children then
46    the principal of her share shall go equally between my surviving
47    children before named who might then be living at the time of her decease
48    and in order that each of my children may have an equal share of my
49    property I do hereby will and direct that as my son in law Edward Chiverton
50    has had of me the sum of three hundred and seventy pounds for the purpose
51    of purchasing a vessel between himself and his brother Thomas Chiverton
52    with other five pounds making in the whole three hundred and seventy five
53    pounds such sum of three hundred and seventy five pounds shall be deemed apart of the share of my daughter Ann his wife
54    and the vessel shall be my son in law Edward Chivertons and his brother
55    Thomas shall pay unto him such part of the vessell as he might hold and
56    over which I have any disposing right of power Also that as my son in law
57    Henry Bull is indebted to me the sum of two hundred pounds such sum of
58    two hundred pounds shall be deemed apart of my daughter Mary his wife's
59    share of my property Also that as my son in law Joseph Tickner is in debtor
60    to me in the sum of three hundred and ninety pounds such sum of three
61    hundred and ninety pounds shall be deemed apart of my daughter Elizabeth
62    his wife's share of my property Also as my son in law Edward Dixon is
63    indebted to me in the sum of fifty one pounds such sum of fifty one pounds shall
64    be deemed apart of my daughter Rebeckah his wife's share of my property
65    intending that neither one or other of my children shall have over and
66    above an equal benefit with the other excepting as before excepted in the
67    case of my daughter Mary the wife of Henry Bull and my daughter
68    Rebeckah the wife of Edward Dixon and I do further will and direct that as
69    my daughter Martha Blake now living with me is not arrived at the age
70    of twenty one years that should my decease take place before she attains
71    that
    [Page 3]
72    That age then in such case not any of my property before named shall
73    be sold untill my said daughter Martha shall arrive to the age of
74    twenty one years but that my Executors hereinafter named shall receive
75    the rents profits and interest of the whole of my property over which I have any
76    disposing right or power and shall pay unto my daughter Martha
77    after the rate of thirty pounds per annum in order to provide for her
78    maintenance till she attain the age of twenty one years and the remainder
79    of such profits and interest of my property shall go unto and equally between
80    my son John Blake William Blake Mary the wife of Henry Bull
81    Elizabeth the wife of Joseph Tickner Ann the wife of Edward Chiverton
82    and Rebeckah the wife of Edward Dixon share and share alike of such
83    remaining interest and profits and should either of my children die
84    before my daughter Martha shall arrive at the age of twenty one not
85    leaving any issue then his or her share shall go equally between my
86    surviving children but should the deceased leave any children then his
87    or her share shall go to and be equally between the children of such
88    deceased but immediately on my daughter Martha arriving at the age
89    of twenty one years then the whole of my property shall be sold and
90    disposed off as before directed And lastly I do hereby nominate my son
91    John Blake and my son in law Joseph Tickner with my friend Thomas
92    Slade School Master of the Town of Portsea Executors of this my will
93    hereby revoking and making void all former or other wills by me at any
94    time heretofore made and declare this to be and contain my last will and
95    Testament In testimony whereof I John Blake the Testator have
96    hereunto set my hand and seal this twenty first day of June in the
97    year of our Lord One thousand eight hundred and twenty three
98    John Blake [seal] Signed Sealed Published and declared by the said
99    John Blake the testator as and for his last Will and Testament upon
100    the day of the date in the presence of us who in his presence and at
101    his request have subscribed our names as witnesses Witnesses Philip
102    Stockman William Haskett John Carey
103    Proved at London 8th October 1823 before the Judge by the oathe of
104    John Blake Joseph Tickner and Thomas Slade the Executors to whom
105    adm[inistrati]on was granted being first sworn by Comm[issi]on duly to adm[iniste]r

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