Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Will of Samuel Blake, Brandy Merchant of Christchurch, Hampshire, National Archives PROB 11/1530, Image Reference 35/30 , probated 13 Feb 1812

I have already transcribed one will for the Blake family in Christchurch and this is the second one. I do not see any links between these two families. Samuel appears to be reasonably comfortable and has established his two sons in a business which he ran (he was a Brandy Merchant).

A few tidbits of history from


notes that a William Blake in 1744 gave a secular salver to the Church at Christ Church. From A Genealogical and Heraldic History of the Commoners of Great Britain Volume 2 by John Burke. Sarah daughter of William Blake of Christ Church, Hants, married Thomas Moody 22 May 1755.

The will of Henry Blake at Christchurch was probated 15 Oct 1594 and appear on my blog:


Henry does mention a Joseph Blake and his children as legatees in his will. Linking the various Blake families at Christchurch will be a future endeavour.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 7 May 2012
Source:  The National Archives PROB 11/1530, Image Reference 35/30  (images by me)
Name of testator: Samuel Blake, Brandy Merchant of Christchurch, Hampshire
Place: Christchurch, Hampshire, England
Type of Record: Will
Dated: 29 Jun 1811, probated 13 Feb 1812
Read: Electronic file
Condition: 19th century, small indistinct handwriting, somewhat light
[In margin] Samuel Blake 17

1    This is the last Will and Testament
2    of me Samuel Blake of Christ Church in the County of Hants Brandy
3    Merchant whereas the partnership of which lately existed between me and my
4    Sons John and Samuel as Malsters and Common Brewers Farmers dealers and
5    chapmen at Sherborne in the County of Dorset has been virtually dissolved
6    though not publicly announced and a valuation of the Stock in Trade - property
7    and effects relating to or in any wise concerning such partnership hath been made
8    and taken by which it appears that my share thereof amounts in value to the
9    Sum of Three thousand one hundred and sixty six pounds with which I am
10    perfectly satisfied and for which amount I have accepted the joint word of my
11    said two sons payable at the expiration of three years with Interest in the
12    mean time and have in consequence thereof relinquish to them all my right
13    and interest in the said Stock property and Effects but as no legal conveyance or
14    Release of my right or share of and in any of the Messuages Tenements and
15    Premises which have been purchased in our joint Names has been made
16    I think it proper in order to obviate every doubt hereby to ratify and confirm
17    the said valuation of this said Stock property and Effects and to declare that
18    it is my will and desire that the Messuages Estates and Heriets purchased
19    and con___ed in the joint names of myself and my said two sons John and
20    Samuel shall be and become their absolute joint property Estates and Effects to
21    all intents and purposes whatsoever and that no claim article or thing
22    mentioned or contrived in our deed or copartnership or in any other
    [Page 2]
23    other Instrument whatsoever by me or either of us at any time evente shall
24    be operative valid or effectual either in Law or Equity to retain or prevent
25    their taking and becoming absolutely retitled to the said messuages Estates and Premises
26    as joint Tenants by Survivorship and my will further is and I do declare that my
27    said two Sons John and Samuel shall not be called on or be compelled or
28    compellable to pay off the said principal Sum of Three thousand one hundred
29    and Sixty Six pounds or any part thereof other than the annual Interest until
30    the expiration of three yeares to be computed from the day of my decease in
31    order that they might not be put to any inconvenience in their Business for
32    the want of it during that period I give and bequeath all my Goods and Table
33    Linen of every sort and kind unto my four daughters Elizabeth Harriet Sarah
34    and Lucy to be divided equally between them and if any difference shall arise
35    touching the division then I direct that my Executors and Trustees hereafter
36    appointed shall then divide and allot the same and that their division and
37    allotment shall be conclusive Also I give and bequeath to my said daughter
38    Elizabeth such part of my other household Goods and Furniture plate or China
39    as she shall make claim of not exceeding in value the Sum of Twenty pounds
40    in the estimation of my Executors or otherwise if she prefers taking it Also
41    Sum of Twenty pounds in money as to all other my household Goods and
42    Furniture plate and China Stock in Trade Monies and Securities for Money
43    particularly the said Bond for Three thousand one hundred and Sixty six
44    pounds and all other my personal Estate whatsoever wheresoever I give and
45    bequeath the same and every part thereof unto my freinds George Aldridge
46    of Christchurch afor[esai]d Banker and Joseph James of Blandford in the said county
47    of Dorset Mercer and Draper Upon this trust and for this intent and purpose
48    hereinafter inscribed and declared concerning this will that is to say that
49    they the said George Aldridge and Joseph James or the Survivor of them
50    the Executors or Adm[istrat]ors of such Survivor is and shall with all convenient
51    speed after my decease make sale of and convert into money all such parts
52    of my said personal Estate as shall not consist of money and the Security
53    above mentioned which they shall have so soon it is my will that in this
54    first place they pay and satisfy all my just debts funeral and other Expenses
55    and their costs of proving or otherwise relating to this my will and in the
56    next plan lay out and invest on Government or other their security as they shall
57    deem sufficient in the gaines of them the said George Aldridge and
58    Joseph James or in the name of the Survivor of them his executors or
59    adm[istrat]ors or suche and ___ part of my said Estate as by their dividends or
60    Interest thereof will produce a clear annuity or yearly Sume of
61    fifteen pounds which it is my will shall be paid to ______ _____ to be
62    received by my said daughter Elizabeth during the time of her natural
63    life if she remain sole and unmarried but not otherwise and after such a
64    de__ntion the rest and subject thereto there In trust ____ that they the said
65    George Aldridge and Joseph James or the survivor of them his Executors or
66    adm[inistrat]ors so and shall pay distribute and divide the residue and clear surplus of my
67    said personal Estate unto all and every my before mentioned and other children
68    Sons and daughters in equal shares and proportions and as for the money by
69    and out of which the said annuity of fifteen pounds shall arise it is my will
70    that after the decease or marriage of my said daughter which ever
71    event shall first happen the same shall be equally divided in manner
72    following viz[a vi]t in the event of her marriage then between herself and such of
73    her brothers and sisters as may then be living and Also Issue of any or other
74    that may be then dead leaving Issue and in the event of her dying
75    unmarried then equally between her Brothers and Sisters and their Issue
76    if any shall have died leaving Issue but in both cases the Issue of
77    any deceased brother or sister shall not be entitled to share and take
78    more than the part which their parent whom they represent would
79    have been entitled to if living and my will further is that in case my
80    daughter Lucy shall not have attained the age of Twenty one years
81    at the time of my decease her share of my said Estate shall
82    altogether remain at Interest for her maintenance and support during
83    her minority and that should she die under the age of Twenty one yeares
84    without having been married ____ her share shall go and be paid over
    [Page 3]
85    surviving brothers and Sisters and their Issue in like manner as I have before denoted
86    with regard to the Annuity money in the event of my daughter Elizabeth dying
87    unmarried provided always and my will further is that before my said children
88    shall be entitled to receive their distribution shares of the residue of my
89    Estate they and each of them shall bring into Such pot all such sum and
90    sums of money as they have at any time received of me either on marriage
91    or otherwise in the shape of their advancement in the world in like manner
92    as if I had died Intestate and if any doubt or dispute shall arise between my
93    said Trustees and any or either of my said children respecting the amount
94    which they shall been so advanced dower and direct that my Book or
95    Books of account if there be no better direction shall be decidur
96    concerning the amount of such advancements and I hereby nominate and
97    appoint my said Trustees the said George Aldridge and Joseph James joint
98    Executors of this my will In trust for the purposes afor[esai]d Lastly I direct
99    that my said Trustees respectively shall direct and retain all the costs
100    charges and Expences which they shall sustain or be put into in the
101    Execution of this my will and that they and each of them shall not be
102    answerable for none of the said Trust Monies than they shall
103    respectively actually recover non for any loss that may happen in
104    placing out the same unless such loss shall arise from wilful neglect
105    or misconduct nor shall one of them be answerable for the acts deeds
106    receipts and default of the other but each of them for himself and his own
107    acts deeds and defaults only In witness whereof I the said Samuel Blake the
108    Testator have to this my last Will and Testament contained in three sheets of
109    paper to the two first  I have subscribed my name and to this third and last sheet
110    subscribed my name and affixed my Seal the twenty ninth day of June in the
111    year of our Lord 1811 Sam[ue]l Blake [Seal] Signed Sealed published and declared
112    by the said Samuel Blake the Testator as and for his last will and Testament
113    in the presence of us who at his request and in his presence and in the presence
114    of each other have subscribed our names as witnesses Also to John Goddard
115    Surgeon Rich[ar]d Thornton John Chater
116    On the 13th day of February 1812 Adm[inistrati]on with the will
117    annexed of Samuel Blake late of Christchurch in the County of Southampton
118    deceased was granted to John Blake and William Blake the Sons and heirs of
119    necessary Legators assured in the said will they having been first
120    sworn by Commission duly to administer George Aldridge and Joseph
121    James the Executors and ____ Legators In Trust named in the said Will
122    of then _____ having first renounced the probate and Execution

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