Saturday, May 5, 2012

Will of Thomas Blake, gent of Little Baddow, Essex, National Archives PROB 11/102, Image Reference 716/1212, probated 12 Dec 1603

I picked this will to photograph in Essex because some Americans have attached themselves to a line that begins with William Giles Blake and Dorothy Tweedy from Little Badow, Essex. They have this couple marrying about 1593 in Little Baddow, Essex and the Thomas the son of John Blake the Elder. Linking back from their son William as being born 10 July 1594 at Pitminster Somerset England and dying 25 Oct 1663 Dorchester Suffolk MA. This claim for the ancestry of William Blake who emigrated to America around 1630 with wife Agnes and children (many have them on the Ship Mary and John is the one used by some and others stick with William coming down from the Overstowey Blake family). At least two well known American Blake researchers have discounted the Blake/Tweedy line and support the William Blake of Pitminster/Overstowey line.

I did find a webpage for this Essex Blake family mentioned in the will on Geni. The parents are named as Richard Blake and Mabel Coverte with children  Christopher (b c 1570), Mabel (b c 1572), Richard (b c 1574), John (b c 1576), Thomas (b c 1578),  Vincent (b c 1580) and one other not identified all born at Little Baddow, Essex. Richard is said to be born circa 1542 also at Little Baddow, Essex and the son of John Blake and Anna Rawson with brothers Humphrey and Christopher. This John is said to be born circa 1516 at Little Baddow, Essex with parents John Blake and (unknown). There are no sources and I would not put a lot of faith into this information although it is correct from the will that he has brothers Christopher and Giles.

Looking at the FamilySearch website there is a Vyncent Blake son of Richard and Mable Blake baptized 27 Aug 1561. Christopher Blake was baptized 26 Jan 1566 son of Richard. Edward Blake was baptized as a son of Richard and Mable 18 Mar 1564. No other Blake entries on the LDS website that have parents Richard and Mable. When the opportunity presents itself I shall have a look at the Parish Registers for Little Baddow.

The Will follows and Thomas is in the military and being sent to Flaunders. The time period is the rise of the federated Dutch states which were Protestant and this is a time when England supported the protestant cause in the Low Countries.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 3 May 2012
Source:  The National Archives PROB 11/102, Image Reference 716/1212  (images by me)
Name of testator: Thomas Blake, gent
Place: Little Baddow, Essex, England
Type of Record: Will
Dated: 5 Jun 1599, probated 12 Dec 1603 by Christopher Blake
Read: Electronic file
Condition: old writing, 16th century, bold copy
[In margin] T. Thome
[In margin] Blake

1    In the Name of God Amen The fifte daye of June
2    in the yeare of our Lorde God One Thousande Fyve hundredthe ninety nyne and in the one
3    and Fortithe yeare of the raigne of our Soveraigne Ladye Queene Elizabeth etc: I Thomas
4    Blake of Lytle Badowe in the Countye of Essex gent: goinge into her ma[jesti[es service in the
5    Lowe Countryes into Flaunders doe ordayne and make this my Testamente and laste wille
6    renouncinge all other willes guifts or graunts whatsoever by me heretofore made in maner and
7    forme followinge wherein Firste I bequeathe my soule into the hands of Allmightie God / And
8    as for my temporall goods, money, plate, or Jewelles whatsoever I geve and bequeathe the same to
9    my deere and wel[l ]beloved brother Christopher Blake whom I make my full and sole Executor
10    In wytnes whereof I the said Thomas Blake have hereunto sette my hand and seale the daie and
11    yeare above wrytten / Thomas Blake / Sealed and delyvered in the presence of Willyam
12    Wentworthe and of me John Hobson Script / Memorand that uppon the daye of the makinge of
13    this my will and together withe my will, I Thomas Blake delyvered to my said brother xpofer
14    Blake a certen note of a Bill of debte made unto me by my brother Giles Blake, dated the
15    fourthe of June One Thousande Fyve hundrethe nynety nyne. / Thomas Blake. /

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