Thursday, May 3, 2012

Will of Thomas Blake, of Saint Breage, Cornwall, National Archives PROB 11/84, Image Reference 80/68, probated 15 Jun 1594

I have absolutely no ideas on the origin of the Blake family in Cornwall. Have they moved over from Devon? Did they come from Ireland to Cornwall? Did they spontaneously choose the name Blake?

There is a marriage of a Thomas Blake and Elizabeth (unknown) 30 Sep 1551 at Landulph Cornwall which is just inside the Cornwall border from Devon. Their children: Christopher, Reignolde, Elizabeth, Grace, Frauncis, Dorothye. Their grandchildren: Thomazine and two other Jenkins, William, Pascowe, Richard and Alson children of Frauncis, Grace's children not identified by name, Dorothy, Christopher and Reignolde do not appear to have any children. Wife of Reignolde is Anstice. The Thomas in this will is a grandfather so this could be his marriage in 1551. The will was written in 1594. It was just rather interesting to find a marriage on the Family Search website that is a possibility. The Cornwall Family History Society has a lot of material transcribed but this material is too early.

I need to read more of the Blake wills in Cornwall to see what I can learn about this branch of the family. It is interesting to see so many branches of the family in English Counties prior to 1600. When I decided to do the Blake one name study, I made my decision to do it without prejudice removing any thoughts from my mind about my own Blake family's origin and that of any other that has been published with a couple of exceptions. The Blake Pedigree Chart at the Swindon and Wiltshire Record Office outlining the descent of the Blake family at Calne is one of my cornerstones. The recording of Margaret and John both as children of William Blake married to Avis Ripley (William is listed as a son of Roger Blake and Mary Baynard) is incorrect. I hope one day to be able to determine if my thought that John is the son of William Blake (son of Nicholas at Knights Enham) and Margaret daughter of William Blake and Avis Ripley. The published history of the Blake family in Ireland is a second "cornerstone" that I use when looking at the Blake family there. There is a history of the Blake family of Suffolk that I am looking forward to receiving one of these days which has been thoroughly researched. As well the Visitations of Blake families in different Counties is another item on which I will place a good deal of confidence although realizing that errors can and do creep in. But the general flow is what I am looking for with regard to tracing lines of the various Blake families. The yDNA Blake study is the other cornerstone of my research.

This particular will is very interesting and will probably be helpful looking at the southwest of England. Thomas' sons have unusual forenames.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 2 May 2012
Source:  The National Archives PROB11/84, Image Reference 80/68  (images by me)
Name of testator: Thomas Blake, of Saint Breage, Cornwall
Place: Saint Breage, Cornwall, England
Type of Record: Will
Dated:, 20 Apr 1594, probated 15 Jun 1594
Read: Electronic file
Condition: old writing, 16th century, fine copy
[In margin] T  Thome
[In margin] Blake

1    In the Name of God Amen The six and
2    twentith daye of Aprill Anno D[o]m[ini] A thousand five hundreth ninety foure And in the six and
3    thirtith yeare of the Reigne of our Soveraigne Ladye Elizabeth the Quenes Maiestye
4    that nowe is I Thomas Blake of Badellicke within the parishe of Saint Breage
5    nere Slade Bridge in the County of Cornewall being sicke in Bodye but in perfecte memorye
6    praised be god doe make and ordayne this my Last Will and testament in manner and forme
7    following that is to saye Imprimus I bequeathe my Soule to Almighty god My bodye to
8    christian Buriall. Item I give to the poore mens Boxe of the same parrishe three shillings and
    [Page 2]
9    foure pence. Item I give towards the Repara[t]ion of the foresaide parrishe churche three shillings
10    and foure pence Item I give to my sonne Christopfer Blake my best newe panne of white brasse
11    a payre of yron banded wheeles with a weyne and Buff to the same belonging (Lately the goods of Charles
12    Blake deceased) as also one horse harrowe with his appurten[an]cs Item I give to the saide Christofer
13    the somme of seaven poundes to be paide him his Executors or Assignes within seaven yeares next after
14    my deathe. Item I give and bequeathe to my sonne Reignolde Blake the somme of threescore pounds
15    to be paid him his Executors or assignes within seaven yeares next after my deathe / Item I
16    give to him and his assignes my Terme of yeares yet to come of and in twoe closes of Lande thane
17    named the Calves Parke in Pewtor holden of Frauncis Tredimocke Esquire the other in Bodmen
18    holden of one John Hicks for terme of yeares yet to come / Item I give and bequeathe to my saide
19    sonne Reginolde Blake and his assignes my terme of yeares yet to come of and in all suche messuags
20    Landes and Tenements as I holde in Bodellicke and Pengreane of Alson Best Widowe
21    deceased as by Lease thereof made dothe appeare To have holde occupye and enioye the same
22    from and ymmediatly after and not before the deathe of Elizabeth Blake my Wyfe / Item I
23    give to my daughter Elizabeth Jenkins my best silver girdle Item to my daughter Grace
24    my second best silver girdle / Item to Dorothye my daughter my best third silver girdle Item
25    I give and bequeathe to Thomazine the daughter of my sonne in Lawe Pathricke Jenkin
26    the somme of tenne pounds to be paide within twoe yeares next after my deathe / Item to Pathericke
27    Jenkin his twoe other children eche of them a sheepe / Item to every of my daughter Grace her
28    children a sheepe / Item to William Pascowe Richard and Alson the children of my daughter
29    Frauncis eche of them a sheepe / Item to Walter her sonne twoe keene to be delivered him at
    suche time as he shall accomplishe the age of one and twenty yeares / Item I give to my daughter
30    Frauncs the somme of forty shillings to be paide unto Pathericke Jenkins to her use after the
31    rate of tenne shillings by the yeare to begaine ymediatly after my deathe / Item I give to
32    every of my servants a sheepe / Item I give to William Bettye a cowe / Item to Anstice the
33    wyfe of my sonne Regnolde Blake the somme of twenty shillings / Item I give to my sonne in lawe
34    Pathericke Jenkins twenty shillings / Item my will is that three of the best bedsteds nowe remayneing
35    in my house shall Lykewise there contynue and remaine to the next inhabitannt there after the
36    deathe of my wyfe. The Residue of all my goodes and cattells moveable and unmoveable and
37    all utensills whatsoever not given nor before bequeathed my debts and Funerall charges paid
38    I give and bequeathe to Elizabeth Blake my wyfe. And her I make and ordayne my wholle and
39    sole Executrix  And I appointe my sonne in Lawe Pathericke Jenkins my overseer to see this
40    my Last Will and Testament performed. Those being Wittnesses Pathericke Jenkins Robert
41    Willton Johan Trevithan and many others

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