Friday, May 11, 2012

Will of William Blake, Gentleman, Gosport Hampshire, National Archives PROB 11/561, Image Reference 112/104, probated 4 Dec 1717

Gosport is situated on the western side of the entrance to Portsmouth Harbour.  The Blake family in Gosport could be descendant of the Wiltshire or the Hampshire Blake family or any other. The name Gosport came from the story of King Stephen being able to land there during a storm and he called it "God's Port" and so it became Gosport. We could see Gosport from our Ferry when we came back from the Isle of Wight on our tour of England. The cliffs are still substantial along the Hampshire coast and I was most impressed thinking that truly as elegant as the white cliffs of Dover until I saw the Dover Cliffs on our next trip to England. But still the cliffs along the Hampshire coast are quite spectacular.

As I complete the wills that I have thus far for Hampshire some of these families may or may not link together. I will do a summary post at the end as I look at all of them one after the other.

The Blake families in the Andover area were large in the 1500s and early 1600s. The younger sons may have moved towards the larger cities to the south of Hampshire but equally there was a gradual migration of Blake families down from the Calne Wiltshire area in this same time period moving into Salisbury and then down into the New Forest area and thence to Southampton and Christchurch and Portsmouth and area.

The helpful forenames of his close Blake family will probably help me zero in on this family eventually. His brother John with children John Junior, Henrietta and Bridget (wife was Bridget as well) and brother Thomas with children Elizabeth, Joanna and Martha. His wife's niece Mary Breder and nephew John Breder.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 10 May 2012
Source:  The National Archives PROB 11/561, Image Reference 112/104  (images by me)
Name of testator: William Blake, Gentleman now Purser of His Majesty's Ship Boyne of Gosport, Hampshire
Place: Gosport, Hampshire, England
Type of Record: Will
Dated:  29 Dec 1714, probated 4 Dec 1717
Read: Electronic file
Condition: 18th century, round script, dark
[In margin] Tm. Gulielmi Blake

1    In the Name of God Amen
2    The Twenty ninth day of December in the first year
3    of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord George by the grace of
4    God King of Great Britain France and Ireland defender
5    of the Faith etc And in the year of our Lord one Thousand
6    seven hundred and fourteen I William Blake of Gosport
7    in the County of South[amp]ton Gent now Purser of his Majestys
8    Ship Boyne being in good health of body and of sound
9    and disposing mind and memory and considering the
10    perils and dangers of the seas and other uncertainties of
11    this transitory life doe for preventing controversies after
12    my decease make publish and declare this my present last
13    Will and Testament in manner and form following That
14    is to say my Soul I recommend to Almighty God that gave
15    it hoping through the meriterious passion and death of my
16    blessed Saviour and Redeemer Jesus Christ to have full and
17    free pardon and remission of my sins and to inherit
18    everlasting Life and my Body I commit to the Earth or
19    Sea as it shall please God to order And as for and
20    concerning all such Temporal Estate it hath and shall
    [Page 2]
21    please God to bestow on me I do give and dispose
22    thereof as followeth that is also to say First I will
23    that all lawful debts and funeral charges (if any) be paid
24    and discharged within convenient time after my decease
25    Item all that my Annuity or Stipend of fifty pounds per
26    Annum issuing and payable forth of his Majesties Exchequer
27    for all the residue and remainder of the Term of ninety
28    and nine years that shall be to come and unexpired at the
29    time of my decease I give devise and bequeath to my dearly
30    Beloved wife Jane To have and to hold to the said Jane Blake
31    and her Assignes for and during the term of her natural life
32    only and after her decease Then I give and bequeath the
33    said Annuity to John Blake Jun[io]r Henrietta Blake and Bridget
34    Blake the son and daughters of my welbeloved Brother John
35    Blake and to the Survivors and Survivor of them in even and
36    equal por[t]ions and if it shall hapen that the said John
37    Blake Jun[io]r Henrietta Blake and Bridget Blake do dye before
38    they or any or either of them be possessed of the said
39    Annuity then it is my Will and I do hereby ordain and decree
40    that the somme shall descend and come to my said brother
41    John Blake and in case of the death of the said John my
42    Brother before he's possessed of the Annuity aforesaid I do
43    hereby father ordain declare and decree that the same
44    shall descend and come to my Brother Thomas Blake and
45    his heirs Then I give and bequeath to my Brother John
46    Blake my diamond Rose Ring as also I give him and his
47    Wife Bridget and their Son John and their daughters Henrietta
48    and Bridget to each of them five pounds to buy Mourning
49    As also I give to my aforesaid Nephew John Blake Jun[io]r
50    my Silver Batch and Snuff Box Then I give to my Brother
51    Tho: Blake and to his wife and to his three daughters Blake
52    Elizabeth Joanna and Martha to each of them one Guinea
53    to buy a mourning Ringes Item I give to my Wife's Nephew
54    John Breder and to her Niece Mary Breder one guinea
55    to each of them to buy a Ring Item all and singular my
56    Tickets of and in any Publick or National Lottery or Lotterys
57    whatsoever whether domestick or Forreign all and every
58    the Interest advantages and produce whatsoever arising and
59    to arise by and from them and every or any of them I give
60    devise and bequeath to my said Wife Jane and to my Brother
61    John Blake to be divided in even and equal shares or
62    proportions betwixt them And in case of the decease of my said
63    Wife Jane then my said Brother John is to have all the said
64    Lottery Ticketts and benfit that shall arise from and on the
65    same And then all the Rest residue and remainder of
66    the summe and sums of money whatever due and to be due
67    and payable to me for and in respect of my Wages and
68    pay Allowance Bill of Bills Tobacco Sold and issues Prize money
69    and other claims and demands in any of his Majesties Ships
70    or Ship whatsoever and also all the rest and remainder of my
71    goods Chattells Implements of household stuff wearing apparel
72    both Linnen and woollen plate Matches Rings Jewells and Credits whatsoever
    [Page 3]
73    wheresoever which shall be due owing and belonging or
74    of right to me appertaining of the time of my decease
75    I do give devise and bequeath the same one every part and parcell
76    thereof to my said Wife and to her heirs (note the diamond
77    Rose Ring which I have given to my Brother and the
78    Batch and Snuff Box which I have given to my Nephew
79    John they are so to have and not my Spouse or Wife) And
80    I do by these presents nominate constitute and appoint my
81    said Wife Jane Blake sole Executrix of this my said last
82    Will and Testament And also my said Brother John Blake
83    Trustee and Overseer of the same earnestly praying and
84    intreating his care and diligence in seeing and causing the
85    same to be duly and rightly executed according to the contents
86    purpose and true meaning thereof hereby also revoking and
87    making void all former and other Wills Testaments and Goods
88    of Gift By me at any time heretofore made either by word of
89    muth of in writing And I do ordain and ratify these presents
90    to stand and be for and as my only last Will and Testament
91    In Witness whereof to this my said Will contained in two
92    Sheets of paper I the said William Blake has set my
93    hand and seal the day and year first above written W[illia]m
94    Blake. Signed sealed and published in the presence of us
95    James Harkes Walter Kinkes Frances Sandgell
96    Mem[oran]d[um] the 26th day of March 1717 the Testator William
97    Blake did then recognize to have written the name W[illia]m
98    Blake against the seal hereunto affixed and did so now
99    publish and declare that these presents contained in two
100    sheets of paper to be his last Will and Testament in the
101    presence of us and sealed the same accordingly Mary
102    Fox W[illia]m Wise

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