Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Will of William Blake, Gentleman of Portsmouth, Hampshire, National Archives PROB 11/1644 Image Reference 136/135, probated 15 Jun 1821

Two wills that fit together is always a nice find. This William is the father of Arthur who left his will dated 1838 and probated in 1841. The one clue that really connects them is the individual to whom William the father has given a mortgage and that Arthur forgives him the interest owed to him from that mortgage at the time of Arthur's decease. Arthur did not marry and so his father's legacies now will go to the grandchildren. There must be a story connected to Arthur but the will doesn't reveal it to us. Why he is living with the Mitchell family? Even by 1821 he appears to not be living with his father. Perhaps the marriage of William to Mary is a second marriage as they have a daughter under 21 when the will was written. It was also three years before Arthur's will was probated.

William's (testator) sister Ann Blake married (unknown) Smith and a search of the LDS website reveals a few possible marriages.

Henry Sherman Fennell married Ann Smith 4 Jun 1815 at Saint Thomas Parish Church, Portsmouth.More work on this will later as I put the wills together of family members.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 14 May 2012
Source: The National Archives PROB 11/1644 Image Reference 136/135
Place: Portsmouth, Hampshire, England
Testator: William Blake, Gentleman of Portsmouth, Hampshire
Type of Record: Will
Dated: 3 Jan 1820, probated 15 Jun 1821
Read: Electronic copy
Condition: image, small script, contrast medium, probably in his own handwriting

[In margin] William Blake 24

1    This is the last Will and Testament
2    of me William Blake of Portsmouth in the county of Hants Gentleman
3    made whilst in an indifferent state of health but of sound and disposing
4    mind memory and understanding to hereby, I give devise bequeath and
5    bequeath dispose of all my real and personal estate and effects in manner following
6    that is to say I give and devise unto my wife Mary and to my son in law Richard
7    Batchelor of Portsmouth aforesaid Surgeon and my friend William
8    Prince of the same place Hatter and to the survivor of them and his heirs
9    all those my two messuages or dwelling houses with the appurtenances
10    there to belonging situate and being at Buckland in the parish of Portsea
11    in the said County was occupied by Mr. Hoffmister and Mr. Saunders and
12    also all that my messuage or dwelling house situate in Fredrick Street
13    in Portsea aforesaid No 18 occupied by Mrs Balfour sublett to a charge
14    of two hundred pounds now existing on such said messuage and
15    premises and chargeable therewith To hold the same three messuages
16    subject and chargeable therewith To hold the as aforesaid to my said
17    wife Mary the said Richard Batchelor and William Prince and
18    to the survivor of them and his or her heirs upon trust nevertheless
19    to permit my son said Arthur Blake to receive the writs of the said
20    messuage and Premises from and after the expiration of twelve
21    calendar months from my decease for his life and immediately after
22    his decease or in case my said son shall die leaving a wife and child
23    or children Then In trust to retain the rents of my said three messuages
24    and premises and pay the same unto the widow of my said son Arthur
25    for her life and after her decease upon trust and I devise the said three
26    messuages and premises unto all and every the child or children of my
27    said son lawfully begotten if more than one as tenants in common
28    and if but one than to such only child his or her heirs and assigns
29    for ever but in case my said son should die without having a
30    wife or child or children lawfully begotten then I give and devise
31    the said three messuages and premises unto my sister Ann Smith of
32    Portsea aforesaid widow for her life and after her decease I give and
33    devise the said three messuages unto the children of the said Ann
34    Smith living at her decease their heirs and assigns for ever as tenants
35    in common and not as joint Tenants I give and devise unto Charlotte
36    White Butler of Portsea aforesaid spinster and to her heirs and
37    assigns for ever all that my messuage or dwelling house situate
38    in Daniel Street in Portsea aforesaid and lately occupied by my
39    mother in law Francis Blake deceased but now by the said
40    Charlotte White Butler and I give and bequeath the principal
41    sum of eight hundred pounds now secured to me on mortgage of an
42    estaate on Oyster Street in Portsmouth aforesaid belonginge to Mr
43    Joseph Puelman unto my said wife Mary and the said Rich[ar]d
44    Batchelor and William Prince upon trust and confidence
45    nevertheless that they my said trustees or the survivors or survivor of them
46    or the executors or administrators of such survivor do and shall
47    after twelve calendar months from my decease call in one
48    hundred pounds principal money part of the said sum of eight
49    hundred pounds and when received upon trust and I direct sixty
    [Page 2]
50    pounds par thereof to be paid to my said sister Ann Smith
51    for her own use with the interest to accrue from twelve
51    calendar months next after my decease twenty pounds other part
52    thereof to her son John Smith of Portsea aforesaid Shipwright and
53    twenty pounds remaining part thereof unto her daughter Ann
54    Fennell wife of Henry Fennell of Portsea aforesaid Labourer and
55    also upon further trust to receive the interest of the remaining sum of
56    seven hundred pounds every three calendar months if payment can
57    be so obtained and to pay the same when and as borrowed unto my
58    said son Arthur Blake for his life and after his decease upon
59    trust to pay the interest of the said sum of seven hundred pounds
60    other part thereof unto the widow of my said son Arthur for her
61    life and immediately after her decease then In trust and I give the
62    said sum of seven hundred pounds unto all and every the children of
63    my said son Arthur living at the time of the decease of his said widow
64    in equal shares and proportions but in case my said son should
65    die leaving only a widow and without child or children then I direct
66    my said trustees to pay the interest of four hundred pounds only part
67    of the said sum of seven hundred pounds to my said sons widow
68    for her life and the remaining sum of three hundred pounds I
69    hereby direct them to pay to my two Grandsons in law William
70    Cunningham Batchelor and Richard Batchelor sons of my son
71    in law William Cunningham Batchelor late of Portsmouth afor[esai]d
72    Merchant and in case my said son Arthur should die without
73    leaving either a widow or child or children then after his decease I
74    give and bequeath the said sum of seven hundred pounds in
75    manner following that is to say four hundred pounds part thereof
76    to my said daughter Ann Blake for her own use and one hundred and
77    fifty pounds to each of my said Grandsons in law the said William
78    Cunningham Batchelor and Richard Batchelor and in case of the decease
79    of my said daughter Ann Blake under the age of twenty one years
80    I give and bequeath twelve hundred pounds stock five percent Ann[uitie]s
81    under the power reserved in my marriage Settlement and now standing
82    in the joint names of myself John Whitlow and Harrison Deacon in
83    manner following I give and bequeath six hundred and forty
84    pounds stock part thereof unto my son in law and my three daughters
85    in law namely the said Richard Batchelor Sarah Batchelor Mary
86    Batchelor and Elizabeth Batchelor in equal shares and proportions
87    to and for their own use and benefit absolutely and one hundred and
88    sixty pounds stock other part of the said twelve hundred pounds
89    stock I give and bequeath unto my said two Grandsons in law
90    William Cunningham Batchelor and Richard Batchelor
91    equally share and share alike and the remaining four hundred
92    pounds stock I hereby give and bequeath unto my said wife Mary
93    Blake and to the said Richard Batchelor and William Prince their
94    executors administrators and assigns upon trust and confidence that
95    they my said trustees or the survivor of them or the executors or
96    administrators of such survivor shall and do permit and suffer my
97    said son Arthur to receive and take the dividends and interest thereof
98    for his life and from and immediately after his decease then  I give
99    and bequeath the sum of two hundred pounds part thereof to the
100    children of my sister Ann Smith widow equally share and share
101    alike and the remaining sum of two hundred pounds I give and
102    bequeath unto and equally between my said son in law and three
103    daughters in law namely Richard Batchelor Sarah Mary and
104    Elizabeth Batchelor to and for their own use and benefit and I give
105    and bequeath unto my said trustees the said Richard Batchelor
    [Page 3]
106    and William Prince the sum of ten pounds each as a
107    compensation for the care and trouble they will be put to in the
108    execution of the trusts hereby in them reposed to be paid  them
109    at the expiration of fifteen calendar months next after my decease
110    and I give and bequeath unto my said wife Mary all my household
111    Goods and furniture of household plate linen and China together
112    with all my ready money securities for money debts rents and interest
113    and money due and owing to me and to grow due and accrue then to me
114    from twelve calendar months next after the day of my decease and
115    all the residue and remainder of my personal estate and effects of
116    what nature the same shall consist at my decease and not
117    hereinbefore by me disposed of subject nevertheless to the payment
118    of my just debts funeral expences and the costs of proving this my
119    will I give to her my said wife for her own use and benefit absolutely
120    and I authorize and fully empower my said trustees or the survivor
121    of them and his or her heirs to sell and dispose of my said three
122    freehold messuages and premises hereunto first by me herebefore devised
123    or any or other of them by public or private sale as they he or she may
124    think most advantageous and on sale of such my said real estate
125    or any part thereof I direct that the receipt or receipts of my said
126    trustees or the survivors or survivor of them shall be a good and
127    sufficient discharge to a purchaser or purchasers thereof and on sale
128    as aforesaid to plan the consideration money arising there from in
129    the public stocks or funds of this Kingdom or on good real security
130    on the trusts aforesaid and it is my will that my said trustees or the
131    survivors or survivor of them shall from time to time as often as
132    they shall think proper alter and change the securities on which
133    the said trust monies or any part  thereof are now or shall hereafter
134    be placed out and from time to time as often as they shall think
135    fit again the place the same out upon Government or other good
136    real sufficient security or securities in such manner as they shall
137    think most beneficial and it is my will and meaning that my said
138    trustees or either of them shall not be liable to make good any
139    loss of losses that shall happen in the execution of the trusts
140    mentioned in this my will unless the same shall appear to
141    happen by or through their or either of their wilful neglect or
142    default nor shall either of my said trustees be answerable or
143    accountable for the acts deeds receipts or disbursements of the
144    other of them but each of them shall be answerable for his and
145    her own separate acts deeds receipts and disbursements only and I
146    hereby direct that my said trustees shall reimburse themselves out
147    of my said estate and effects all necessary costs charges and expences
148    whatsoever that they or either of them shall be put into in the
149    execution of this my will or the trusts hereby in them reposed
150    and lastly I hereby nominate constitute and appoint my said
151    wife Mary and my son in law the said Richard Batchelor
152    and William Prince my trustees executrix and executors of this
153    my last will and testate testament and hereby revoke and make
154    void all former and other will and wills by me at any time
155    heretofore made and do declare this only to be said testament my last will and
156    testament In witness whereof I the said William Blake the
157    testator have to this my last will and testament the whole whereof
158    is contained in five sheets of paper set my hand and seal that is to
159    say may hand to the first four sheets hereof and my hand and seal
160    to this fifth and last sheet thereof this third day of January in the
161    year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and twenty W[illia]m Blake
162    [seal] Signed sealed published and declared by the said William Blake
    [Page 4]
163    the Testator as and for his last will and Testament on the day
164    of the date in the presence of us who at his request in his presence
165    and in the presence of each other have subscribed our names as
166    witnesses hereto W[illia]m Glendening Sol Portsea W[illia]m Allen James Garrate
167    Proved at London 15th June 1821 before the Judge by the oaths
168    of Mary Blake widow the Relict Richard Batchelor and William
169    Prince the executors to whom administration was granted having
170    been first sworn duly to administer

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