Monday, May 14, 2012

Will of William Blake, late of her Majesty's Navy, now Gentleman of Milford, Hampshire, Source: The National Archives PROB 11/2017 Image Reference 140/120, probated 26 May 1845

Another military man, William Blake has identified himself as having property in Portsea as well as Milford where he lived which I shall keep in mind as I work on other wills. His brother was John Gregory Blake of Lymington (Tailor) with a daughter Ann Marsh. John G Blake is found on the 1841 census at Lymington and he was born circa 1777 according to the census. Listed on the census with him is his wife Anne and his daughter Ann Marsh and her children Emma March 10 years, Susanna Marsh 5 years and Thomas Marsh 4 years (none of the children were born in Hampshire). John was born in Hampshire and he was 64 years of age. He is listed as a tailor and was living on the south side of High Street.  According to Free BMD he died Dec quarter of 1842 at Lymington RD. He is listed on the LDS site as having been baptized 2 Jun 1777 at Lymington (non conformist).

William is also located living at Milford with his wife Ann and he was born circa 1775 also in Hampshire and they have one servant living with them.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 13 May 2012
Source: The National Archives PROB 11/2017 Image Reference 140/120
Place: Milford, Hampshire, England
Testator: William Blake, late of her Majesty's Navy, now Gentleman of Milford, Hampshire
Type of Record: Will
Dated: 7 Feb 1845, probated 26 May 1845
Read: Electronic copy
Condition: image, small round script, contrast medium

[In margin] William Blake 16

1    I William Blake late of her Majesty's Navy but
2    now  residing in the Tithing of Parrington in the parish of Milford in
    [Page 2]
3    the County of  Southampton Gentleman being of sound and disposing mind
4    on this seventh day of February one thousand eight hundred and forty five
5    make th is my last will and testament in manner and form following First I
6    will that all my just debts funeral and testamentary expences be fully
7    paid and satisfied and after paiement and satisfaction thereof I give devise
8    and bequeath unto my dear wife Ann Blake all that my messuage or
9    tenement with all the appurtenances thereunto belonging situate No 20
10    in Trafalgar Street Landport in the Parish of Portsea in the aforesaid county of
11    Southampton To hold the same to her my dear wife Ann Blake her heirs
12    executors administrators and assigns to and for her or their own proper
13    and absolute use benefit and disposal for ever Next I give devise and
14    bequeath unto my said dear wife the said Ann Blake all that my messuage
15    tenement or dwelling house garden and appurtenances thereunto belonging
16    situate in the Tithing of Parrington in the Parish of Milford aforesaid and
17    now in my own occupation To hold the same to her my said dear wife Ann
18    Blake and her assigns for and during the term of her natural life And  from
19    and immediately after the decease of her my said dear wife I give devise
20    and bequeath the same the said last mentioned messuage tenement or
21    dwelling house and garden with all the appurtenances thereunto belong-
22    ing unto my niece Anne Marsh the daughter of my late brother John
23    Gregory Blake of Lymington in the aforesaid County of Southampton
24    Tailor deceased and wife of Thomas Marsh a Jeweller to and for her
25    own sole separate peculiar and absolute use benefit and disposal
26    exclusively of her present or any future husband or husbands and
27    not to be in anywise subject or liable to his or their debts control inter-
28    meddling or interference whatsoever And I do declare it to be my will
29    that the receipts in writing of her my said niece the said Anne Marsh
30    alone notwithstanding her present or any future marriage or marri-
31    ages shall be a good and effectual discharge or good and effectual discharges in the case I also further
32    give or devise and bequeath unto my said dear wife Ann Blake all and
33    singular all household goods and furniture money and securities for all
34    money debts due and owing to me at the time of my decease To hold the
35    same to my said dear wife her heirs executors or administrators or
36    assigns to and for her and their own absolute use benefit and disposal
37    for ever with all the rest residue and remainder of my estate real
38    and personal and effects whatsoever and wheresoever and of what
39    kind or sort soever that I may be possessed or interested in or in any
40    way entitled unto at the time of my decease I give and bequeath the
41    same to her accordingly and I do hereby ordain nominate constitute
42    and appoint my said dear wife Ann Blake Executrix and my executo[rs]
43    friends Mr. Thomas Hatchard of Lymington in the said County of
44    Southampton draper and Mr Joseph Benjamin Darling of Lymington
45    in the county of Southampton aforesaid Surveyor and the
46    survivor of them and the executors of administrators of such survivor
47    to be the Executors or executor of this my will and I hereby declare
48    that my said executors and the survivor of them and the executors
49    and administrators of such survivor shall and may at all times reim-
50    burse and indemnify themselves and himself respectively all such costs
51    charges damages and expences as they or either of them may at any
51    time expend lay out or be put into by reason of all any or either of the
52    trusts hereby in them reposed and that neither of them shall be answer
53    able for any loss which may happen to the said trust premises unless
54    such loss happen through his her or their wilful neglect or  default
55    nor the one for the other of them nor for more moneys than shall
56    actually come into each of their hands respectfully and hereby revo-
57    king and making void all former or other wills by me at any time or
58    heretofore made I declare this to be my only here last will and testament
    [Page 3]
59    In witness whereof I the said William Blake the testator have to this
60    my will set my hand and seal the day and year first above written William
61    Blake L.T Signed sealed and declared by the within named William Blake
62    as and for his last will and testament in the presence of us present at the
63    same time who at his request in his presence and in the presence of each
64    other  have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses Ann Pack
65    William May Stone Mason
66    Proved at London 26th May 1845 before the Judge by the oath of  Ann
67    Blake widow the relict one of the Executors to  whom adm[inistratio]on was gran
68    ted having been first sworn by Commission duly to administer power reserved
69    of making the like grant to Thomas Hatchard and Joseph Benjamin
70    Darling the other Executors when they shall apply for the same

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