Friday, May 18, 2012

Will of William Blake, Mercer of Christchurch, Hampshire, National Archives PROB 11/738 Image Reference 196/202, probated 8 Mar 1745

I will be posting a will today for my Blake one name study and then a will tomorrow for my one name Blake study. The next items will then be for the Routledge papers that my cousin asked me to transcribe. It will likely be a couple of weeks before I return once again to the Hampshire Blake wills. In the meantime if Blake is an interest of yours please consider doing yDNA testing to help discover all the Blake lines of the Isles. The yDNA project at FT DNA can be seen here:

All of the originals of these wills are available for download on the National Archives website for the extremely reasonable price of  £3.50. Once you discover your ancestor on a will it is wonderful to have a copy of that will.

William Blake of Christchurch was married twice with his second wife being Elizabeth Hook and they were married 24 May 1719 at Christchurch. Hook, one of their daughters, was baptized 8 Dec 1727 at Christchurch.

Elizabeth Dorothy Blake (daughter from his first marriage) was baptized 5 Jun 1711 at Christchurch. Elizabeth Dorothy Blake married her cousin John Garrett Blake 1 Oct 1728 at Christchurch.  Their first child William was baptized 5 Dec 1729 at Christchurch and their second child was Dorothy for whom I could not locate a baptism yet.

In his Will, William mentions his siblings and their children which is always a very nice linking document to have. He has brothers Stephen Blake and John Blake (deceased) and sister Dorothy Slade (deceased). His father was Johannis Blake, his mother Dorothea and his will is the next one to be transcribed.

Stephen his brother has children baptized at Christchurch: Stephen baptized 23 Apr 1710, Richard baptized 29 Sep 1713, Mary baptized 12 Oct 1715, Sarah baptized 27 Sep 1717, Dorathe baptized 4 Nov 1719. Possibly his son Stephen has children baptized at Christchurch: Katherin baptized 22 Feb 1733 and Stephen baptized 19 Sep 1735.

John his brother is the father of John Garrett Blake who married William's eldest daughter Elizabeth Dorothy Blake. John's daughter Jane married (unknown) Boorne (sp).

His sister Dorathey Blake married Nicholas Slade on 26 Dec 1694 at Christchurch. Their daughter Sarah was baptized 3 Dec 1696 at Christchurch and she  married Thomas Janes 13 May 1719 at Christchurch. Their son Nicholas (not mentioned in this will) was baptized 14 Jan 1692 and 31 Jan 1701 (likely the first Nicholas died, Nicholas is mentioned in his grandfather's will).

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 16 May 2012
Source: The National Archives PROB 11/738 Image Reference 196/202
Place: Christchurch, Hampshire, England
Testator: William Blake, Mercer of Christchurch, Hampshire
Type of Record: Will
Dated: 9 Jun 1744, probated 8 Mar 1745
Read: Electronic copy
Condition: image, small script, bold text

[In margin] William Blake

1    In the Name of God Amen I
2    I William Blake of the Borough of Christchurch in the
3    County of Southampton Mercer being in good health of Body
4    and of sound and perfect Mind and Memory (blessed be
5    God therefore) but calling to mind the uncertainty of this
6    transitory life and that all flesh must die do make and
7    publish this my last Will and Testament in manner following
8    that is to say First and principally I commit my Soul to the
9    hands of Almighty god who gave it me and my Body to
10    the Earth from whence it came to be decently buried at
11    the discretion of my Executrix hereinafter named and as
12    for that Worldly Estate wherewith it hath pleased God to
13    enrich me I dispose thereof as followeth (that is to say) First
14    I will that all my just debts and funeral Expences be first paid
15    and satisfied and I give and bequeath unto David Worsley
16    of the Isle of White Esq[uir]e and Lawrence Jackson of the Borough
17    of Christchurch aforesaid Gentleman my Trustees the Sum of
18    two hundred pounds of lawful British Money upon this
19    special Trust and Confidence in them reposed and to the
20    intent and purpose that they the said David Worsley and
21    Lawrence Jackson and the survivor of them and the said
22    Executors and Administrators of such Survivor do and shall
23    as soon as conveniently may be after my decease place
24    out and continue the same at Interest on such security and
25    Securities as can be got for the same and the Interest and
26    produce thereof during the natural Life of my daughter
27    Elizabeth Dorothy Blake now wife of John Garret Blake
28    the same from time to time becomes due shall pay unto her
29    my said daughter Elizabeth Dorothy Blake into her own
30    hands to be for her own proper disposal and for her personal
31    and separate use and benefit exclusive of her husband
32    whose receipts alone (notwithstanding her coverture) shall
33    from time to time and at all times during the continuance
34    thereof be sufficient discharges for the same and from and
35    after the death of my said daughter Elizabeth Dorothy
36    Blake then upon this further Trust and confidence that they
37    the said David Worsley and Lawrence Jackson and the
38    Survivor of them of them and the Executors and Administrators
    [Page 2]
39    of such Survivor to and shall pay the said Sum of two hundred
40    pounds and all interest due for the same unto my Grandchildren
41    William and Dorothy Blake children of my said daughter
42    Elizabeth Dorothy Blake equally Share and Share alike at
43    their several and respective ages of twenty one years or
44    days of Marriage and if either of them die under age and
45    unmarried then the whole to the Survivor of them at the age
46    of twenty one years or Marriage as aforesaid and in case
47    both of my said Grandchildren die under age and unmarried
48    Then upon this further Trust and confidence that they the said
49    David Worsley and Lawrence Jackson and the Survivor of
50    them and the Executors and Administrators of such Survivor
51    do and shall pay the said Sum of two hundred pounds and all
51    Interest and for the same unto my two daughters Hook and
52    Sarah Blake equally or to the Survivor of them or to the
53    Executors Administrators and Assigns of such Survivor also I
54    give and bequeath unto my said Grandchildren William and
55    Dorothy Blake the sum of fifty pounds a piece of like Money
56    to be paid them severally at their respective ages of twenty
57    one years or days of Marriage and if either of them dye
58    under age and unmarried then his or her Legacy of fifty
59    pounds so dying I will to the Survivor to be paid at the age
60    of twenty one years or Marriage as aforesaid and in case both
61    of them dyes under age and unmarried then I give their
62    Legacys equally betwixt my said daughters Hook and Sarah
63    Blake also I give and bequeath unto my said daughters Hook
64    and Sarah Blake the sum of four hundred pounds a piece of
65    like Money to be paid them severally at their respective ages
66    of twenty one years or days of Marriage And if either of
67    them dye under age and unmarried then I give her Legacy
68    of four hundred pounds so dying to the Survivor of them at the
69    age of twenty one years or Marriage as aforesaid and I gave
70    devise and bequeath unto my loving Wife Elizabeth Blake
71    all my freehold and Leasehold Messuages Lands Tenements and
72    Hereditaments whatsoever and wheresoever that I shall die
73    seized and possessed of to hold to her my said Wife and her
74    assigns for and during her natural life spent in case my
75    said wife marries again then my Will is that my said Wife
76    and her assigns do and shall out of the Rents and Profits of
77    my said Messuages Lands Tenements and Hereditaments well
78    and truly pay or cause to be paid unto my said daughters
79    Hook and Sarah Blake the yearly annuities or clear yearly
80    Sums of ten pounds apiece in lawfull money of Great Britain
81    during the natural life of my said Wife by two equal half a
82    yearly payments (that is to say) at Michaelmas and Lady Day
83    and the first payment thereof to be made on each of the said days
84    as shall first and next happen after the marriage of my said
85    Wife and I do hereby charge my said Lands Tenements and
86    Hereditaments with payment of the same accordingly and
87    from and after the death of my said Wife I give and devise
88    all my freehold Messuages Lands Tenements and Hereditaments
89    lying and being in the Borough of Christchurch aforesaid and my
    [Page 3]
90    Freehold land containing twelve acres of Meadow (more or
91    less) lying in Bure Meade within the parish of Christchurch
92    aforesaid unto my said daughter Hook Blake and the heirs
93    of her Body lawfully to be begotten and for want of such Issue
94    I give and devise the same to my said daughter Sarah
95    Blake and the heirs of her Body lawfully to be begotten and
96    for want of such Issue I give and devise the same to my
97    Grandson William Blake son of my said daughter Elizabeth
98    Dorothy Blake and to his Heirs and assigns for ever and as
99    from and after the death of my said Wife I give and devise
100    my freehold Estate at Hubborne my close of land containing
101    six acres lying against Summerford Lane which I purchased
102    of Mr. John Smith and my dwelling house Mealhouse Lands
103    and premisses at Common Gate which I purchased of Henry
104    and Mark King all within the parish of Christchurch unto
105    my said daughter Sarah Blake and the heirs of her Body
106    lawfully to be begotten and for want os such Issue I give
107    and devise the same and every part thereof unto my said
108    daughter Hook Blake and to the heirs of her Body lawfully
109    to be begotten and for want of such Issue I give and devise
110    the same unto my said Grandson William Blake the Son
111    of my said daughter Elizabeth Dorothy Blake and to his
112    heirs and assigns for ever and I give five pounds to be
113    distributed amongst the poor of the Borough of Christchurch
114    aforesaid one Month after my decease at the discretion of
115    my Executrix hereafter named and I give five pounds to the
116    Church Wardens of the parish of Christchurch to be laid out
117    in ornamenting their Parish Church and I give to my Brother
118    Stephen Blake and to his Son and three daughters Stephen
119    Mary Sarah and Barbariah and to my late Brother John
120    Blake's son and daughter John Garrett Blake and Jane
121    Boorne and to my late sister Dorothy Slade's daughter
122    Sarah the wife of Mr. Thomas Janes and to each of them
123    one Guinea and I give to my friends in Trust the said
124    David Worsley and Lawrence Jackson five pounds a piece
125    desiring them to take upon themselves the Trust herein in
126    them reposed and to see that this my Will be duly and
127    truly performed all the rest and residue of my Lands Goods
128    Chattels and Credits whatsoever and wheresoever (not before
129    given) I give devise and bequeath unto my loving Wife
130    Elizabeth Blake whole and sole Executrix of this my last Will
131    and Testament and I do hereby revoke and make void all
132    former and other wills by me made In Witness whereof I
133    the said William Blake have to this my last Will and
134    Testament (being contained in two Sheets of paper) set my
135    Hand and Seal the ninth day of June in the year of my
136    Lord one thousand seven hundred and forty four Will[ia]m Blake
137    Signed Sealed Published by the said William Blake the
138    Testator to be his last Will and Testament in the presence
139    of us who subscribed our Names hereto as Witnesses at his
    [Page 3]
140    request and in his presence and in the presence of each
141    other Jno Scott, Joseph Jeans, Jno Oake
142    This Will was proved at London before the
143    Right Worshipfull John Bettesworth Doctor of Laws Master
144    Keeper or Commissary of the prerogative Court of Canterbury
145    lawfully constituted on the eighth day of March in the
146    year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and forty
147    four by the Oath of Elizabeth Blake Widow the Relict of
148    the deceased and sole Executrix named in the said Will to
149    whom administration was granted of all and singular the
150    Goods Chattels and Credits of the said deceased being first
151    sworn Commission duly to administer

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