Saturday, June 9, 2012

Blake queries and gardening

I have had three Blake queries in the last little while and will prepare a blog on all of them with the material that I was able to draw out from their query and my searching (and material that I have on hand).

Gardening has preoccupied me this past month and limited my time spent on genealogy. Along with that I have arthritis in my right thumb which is a nuisance. It is greatly aided by knitting and knitting is something I have been doing quite a bit of lately as it turns out so that is a nice coincidence. I just completed a six month sweater in yellow and have just begun one in blue.

We have had a good deal of rain which has been a blessing but also has increased the lawn cutting and weeding of the gardens. Gardening is a never ending occupation I am convinced and not being particularly "green thumbed" it has always had a low priority with me but my husband enjoys his garden and I am helping him this year as he is able to do a great deal.

Hopefully I will be back to my wills and other posts in another couple of months. My next priority is working on the Blake website which will accommodate excel files that people might want to put up of their data to share and the material that I have transcribed will also go up on my webpage.

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