Friday, July 13, 2012

Blake marriages from 1837 to 1950 in Bedfordshire and Berkshire

I have completed Bedfordshire marriages from 1837 to 1950 and working on the same years in Berkshire. I sought advice from my colleagues at the Guild of one name studies and the approach I am using of a flat file (Excel) for all the marriages seems to be the most frequent and I will continue to fill in that one. Eventually when I have more details on family lines then I will move to registration district pages again in an Excel file. I can readily bring Excel into Access for querying.

I am still committed to using TNG for my web page display but will not rush into that at the moment. I find it interesting but will continue to look at other types of web display. The Blake family will be very large so I need something that is easy to use. As my research groups become more familiar to me then I will be able to let them work on their individual portions. It will require documentation of sources though to move backwards in time. That way all members will achieve the most benefit from the webpages. My own line continues to sit with Nicholas Blake and Robert Blake at Enham Hampshire with mother Jone Blake (widow, who left her will in 1527 naming her children but unfortunately no indication of her husband's name). A little more research on my part to see if reading the old wills in Hampshire can help me to discover his name.

Reading the Berkshire wills for the Blake family did reveal at least an acquaintanceship between the Enham Blake family and the Blake families found in Berkshire. I also want to pursue that to see if I can find any other documents linking these two lines.

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