Friday, July 6, 2012

John Routledge document from 160?

The document transcribed below has been precised by the National Archives (UK) to read:

John Rowtledge and others v. The Right Hon. the Earl of - [illegible].: Forest of Nichol (Cumberland?). [Apparently touching the meets and bounds of the forest, but the document is much defaced, &c.] [The names of Thos. Musgrave, late captain of Bewcastle of the Massethorne (Cumberland), and of places called Artoveth, Rondo Leavurloo, Lydell, the forest of Nichol, the waters of Lydd and Eske and Leaven (Cumberland), and of other places in the county, are discernible, but hardly legible.]: Cumberland
Covering dates 8 Jas 1 1609-10

Nichol Forest Chapelry is a part of Kirkandrews on Esk Parish, being the northeastern portion of the parish and bordering on the parishes of Bewcastle and Stapleton. It extends about ten miles along the rivers Liddel and Kershope which separate it from Scotland. Catlowdy and Scuggate are two small hamlets within the township.

With the "Debatable Land", Nichol Forest formed the barony of Liddel which served as a buffer state between England and Scotland along the English West March. This area was the scene of many a raid and outrage during the reiver era.

Situated on the Anglo-Scottish border, the barony of Liddel consisted of the parishes and manors of Arthuret, Nicholforest, together with the manor of Solport. The barony passed through several hands before descending to the Crown in the late 14th century, during which time it appears to have been treated as parcel of the honour of Dunstanburgh (Northumberland) and Duchy of Lancaster. In the early seventeenth century, Liddel, Arthuret and Nichol Forest were granted to the Earl of Cumberland, to be held under the Crown, and the lands eventually came into the hands of the Grahams of Netherby. Few records survive for the barony or for Liddel and Arthuret, but there is a body of manorial material pertaining to Nicholforest and Solport. Thus most records relating to this area will be found with Nicholforest and Solport on the MDR.

Still working on page 2 and it is slow going. Usually I can breeze through the handwriting but in this case it is very elaborate with a few extra quirks in the mode of letters making it more difficult. I shall revise this page as the time passes.Basically though this does achieve the desired information. There is no abode listed for John Rowtledge other than lands in the mannor of Bewcastle and the use of the Forest of Nichol. Knowing the name and abode of the last laird of the Routledge family is the hoped for aim of transcribing these early documents.

Transcriber - Elizabeth Kipp
Transcription Date - 28 May 2012 (page 1), 6 Jul 2012 (Page 2)
Document Read - Image DSCN0375, DSCN0376 (E 134/8Jas1/East37)
Location of Document - The National Archives, Kew, London, England
Date of Document - James VI  Octobris 6

Title: [illegible]

[Above]: _______ vi   te die Octobris

1    Whereas upon setteing this day of an order made in this _____S___ nono  d__ I nny the last
2    terms in the suit depending by english bill betwene John Rowtledge and others the lemits of
3    certaine lands claimed to be p[ar]tee of the mannor of Bewcastle dale in the countie of Cumberland pl[anti]fs and the
4    right honorable Francis Garls of Cumberland defend[an]t  It appeareth that a Commission was formed the _____ of this
5    court directed to certaine gentleman indifferentlie named and agreed of on both sides to examine Witnesses
6    on both p[ar]tes and oth[er]s to ____ such _____ or otherwise  to make a true and p[er]fect plott and boundrie of the lands
7    in question and to take bond of anye of the said p____ to his _____ use to ensure the said _____ the meene
8    pffits if upon _____ it should fall out against the said pl[ain]ts. Which Comission  was reternable the first
9    returne of the last terme Which for some reasone men[t]io[n]ed in the said order could not be executed on the
    datte prommised by the said compl[ain]ts _____able the first returne of this terme
10    pl[ain]ts behalf Whereupon a new Comission the last terme ^ to examine Witnesses on both sides and also by _______
11    suche __rie or otherwise to make a true and p[er]fect plott and boundarie of the lands in question and likewise to take bond
12    of three of the said _____ for answering the meane p[ro]fitts to the said karls of the said c____rs should
13    falb out against them as by the said order  & & appearetly S__w forasmuch as the courte was this
14    day informed by the Servent _____ of the defend[an]ts counsell in the p[re]sence of Mr. Prideaux of counsell for the
15    pl[ain]tfs what the said latter Comission was not executed according to the said order notwithstanding the same
16    was pemptazie to the pl[ain]ts who having the ca__age thereof and did likewise inform this court that it was
16    through the meanes, delayes of the said compl[ain]ts Nevertheless for that it appeareth to this court upon the
17    pading of severall certificate of the v[iz a]v[it] severall comissions that the comission was not executed according to
19    the order principallie for that the _____  refused to goe upon the land and to take a ____ thereof and of the
20    awarded out of the court to comissions to be named by this court to make a plott and boundarie of the
21    lands in question aswell by _____ _____ examination of Witnesses as otherwise Whereby the trusth may
22    appears the _____ to be p[er]formed neare adioyning to the said lands held by intendent best known the
23    boundaries of the lands in question and to be also named by this court And to the end the Jurie may
24    not be careles in p[er]forming their duties the court doth inioyne ev[er]ie one of the said Jurie that shalbe
25    inpannelled upon the said _erdue upon paine of fortie pound a peece that they and everie of them doe
26    repaire to the grounds in question and take a full _______ thereof before they shall deliver up their ______ And
27    that the said Commissions to examine Witnesses en both p[ar]ties and the pl[ain]ts to have the carrage of the said
28    Commission And the defend[an]t to have a duplicate thereof yf the Will the Commission to be retornable the
29    first returne of Easter terme next and thereupon publication to be furth__ity had and this Commission to be
30    pemptorie Without any further Commission. And for that three of the said _____ have not put in bond
31    according to the former ___  It is likewise ordered that the pl[ain]ts here in ta____ shall deliver the
32    names here in tenrt of such three p[er]sons as shalbe bond to his ma[jes]tie before the said Commission in the
33    somme of a xx Li for answering the measne rates of the said lands in question of Upon Ge__in
34    it shall falt out against them.

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