Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Derbyshire marriages for Blake now complete post 1837

When I write complete that is with a slight adjustment. They are as complete as I can get them using the census and in most cases I am only missing about 10% of the marriages between 1837 and 1911. Eventually I hope to be able to decrease the number of marriages that I can not complete but I will need to purchase parish registers to do that.

The next county to work on is Devonshire. The overlap in the Registration Districts between counties is rather interesting. It wasn't something that I had thought about when I first started this project looking at counties. It does mean that eventually I will work with Registration Districts. It is however easier to work with counties at the moment because that is the smaller number. I simply have double and triple entries in my flat file under the pertinent counties. Once I start looking at the census with regard to births and deaths I will be looking at individual families and already I can see that people were moving about quite a bit by the 1841 census although there are still a lot of people whose births are in the exact same registration district as their marriage.

Devonshire Blake families have interested me for quite a while. I found the Blake families in my South Molton Registration District parishes that I transcribed a few years ago. I am quite curious about their relationship to the Somerset/Wiltshire/Hampshire families. That of course brings me back to the yDNA Blake family study at FT DNA. No one has tested for the Devonshire Blake family and I am rather convinced that the families in Devon are likely descendant of several different Blake lines some of which are known to me from my studies on the Somerset and Hampshire families.

Once life settles down (if it ever does!) I want to get back to my new website for the Blake one name study. I also have several emails to answer on Blake families queries and work to do on the Blake yDNA study.

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