Sunday, October 7, 2012

Updating Blake one name study website on Wordpress

I have finally begun the process of working on the website for the Blake family to be attached to my one name study at the Guild of one-name Studies.

I have now put up a new page which will have a link to the Blake Newsletter. If you want to know that a new one has been released then you would have to set up a notification on your own system to show that that particular webpage has changed. I will try to continue to produce the newsletter four times a year. I am always looking for items to put into the newsletter although would like to keep it to just two pages at maximum. The next issue will look at the various yDNA groups that we have in our Blake yDNA study. Our newest member belongs to the group R1b which was designated by the earlier co-administrator of the project as the Richard Caddell descendant group. Richard Caddell took on the surname Blake when he went to Ireland. There is no information as to why he did that thus far but I will continue to seek more information in that regard.

Blake yDNA study at FT DNA

The deep ancestry of the Blake family is the result desired from this yDNA study. Thus far the Norfolk Blake line of Peter Blake and Elizabeth Spelman has been separated out from the rest of the "English" Blake families. Another new member has matched English Ancestry (4) with members in England and the United States and a possible resting point for this particular Blake line of Wiltshire/Dorset but still to be determined. The Theophilus Blake line (English Ancestry (2)) has the unusual haplogroup I2b1 and the ancestral home of this line has not yet been determined although there is a possibility that they descend from the Planters in Ireland and this group (also known as Scot Irish in the United States) could have come from Northern England/Scotland to Ireland and thence to America. My own line of I2a2b ended up being a surprise and I have renamed it more appropriately as British Isles Ancestry with my line tracing back to the Andover Hampshire England area in the late 1400s and the other member showing Ireland as the place of origin of this line. It remains a mystery that may some day solve itself but I2a2b is a relatively small haplogroup and thought to trace back to the earliest settlements in the British Isles so could be quite widespread throughout the Isles but always in small numbers. English Ancestry (3) is equally interesting as are all of the groups but the members of this group can trace back to William Blake and Agnes Band (née Thorne) who were early emigrants to the Massachusetts Bay Colony. It is thought that they were descendant of the Somerset Blake family at Plainfield and someone testing with a paper trail back to this family would be interesting.

More on the yDNA groups with the January 2013 newsletter.

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