Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Will of John Walker, Yeoman, Charlton upon Otmoor, Oxfordshire - The National Archives PROB 11/366/356, probated 7 May 1681

I purchased this will about five years ago but never got around to transcribing it. His daughter Elizabeth has married Thomas Blake and that was of course my interest. I was looking at all the Thomas Blake lines living in or near the Andover area or who mentioned Andover in their wills. John Walker the testator actually lived at Charlton and I was new to genealogy and didn't realize it wasn't the Charlton near Andover so is likely the reason that I bought the will in the first place. However the name Walker does appear in the will of Hercules Blake where he mentions his kinswoman Joane wife of Anthony Walker. Hercules Blake lived at Kings Enham and his will appeared in my blog of 15 Oct 2012 (http://kippeeb.blogspot.ca/2012/10/will-of-hercules-blake-yeman-enham.html). His will is written in 1656 whereas this will is written in 1680. Is it possible that this is the same Walker family?

I have never transcribed this will as I bought it in error but it could be that it might provide me with interesting information in the future particularly as he is living in Oxfordshire where Thomas Blake, Merchant of Oxford, lived and Thomas is mentioned in his mother's will of 1689 and she lived at Kings Enham. I do not appear to have blogged that will so will add it to the growing pile of Blake wills likely tomorrow or in a couple of days.

The Feast Day of St Philip and St Jacob (St James the Less) is May 3.

John Kirby is likely the John Kirby baptized 1 May 1642 at Charlton Upon Otmore and married to Ann Walker 20 May 1667 at Noke. They had ten children: Henry, Elizabeth, Thomas (died as an infant), John (died as an infant), William (died as an infant), John (died as an infant), Ralph (died as an infant) Anne, John (died as an infant) and Bridgett. With just the four mentioned in the will living to adulthood. Henry (baptized circa 1677), Elizabeth (baptized circa 1668), Anne (baptized circa 1673) and Bridgett (baptized circa 1675). The mother Ann was buried 25 Nov 1679 at Charlton Upon Otmore.

I wonder who George Blake is actually. I do not have many George Blake entries in my early file thus far.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 15 Oct 2012
Source:  The National Archives, PROB 11/366/356
Name of testator: John Walker, Yeoman
Place: Charlton upon Otmoor, Oxfordshire, England
Type of Record: Will
Dated:8 Dec 1680, probated 7 May 1681
Read: Electronic file images
Condition: 17th century, middle English, clear copy (few smudges)
[In margin] T[esta]m[ent]
[In margin] Joh[ann]is Walker

1    In the Name of God Amens
2    the eighth day of December in the Two and Thirtyeth yeare of the
3    reign of our Souvereign Lord Charles the Second by the grace of God
4    of England Scotland France and Ireland Kinge defender of the Faithe
    etc. Anno Domini One Thousand Six hundred and Eighty I John
5    Walker of Morrcutt in the Parish of Charlton upon Otmoor in the County
6    of Oxon Yeoman being weak in Body but of sound and perfect memory praise
7    be given to God for the same and knowing the uncertainty of this life on
8    earth and being desirouse to settle things in order doe make constitute ordaine
9    and declare this my last Will and Testament in manner and forme
10    following that is to say First I give and bequeath my soule to Almighty
11    God who gave it confidently hoping that I shall receive full pardon and free
12    remission of all my Sines and be saved by the precious death and merritts of
13    blessed saviour and redeemer Christ Jesus and my Body to the Earth from
14    whence it was taken to be buryed in a decent and Christian manner and
15    those transitory blessings of this life which Gods goodnesse hath bestowed
16    on
    [Page 2]
17    On me as followeth I will that all the debts I owe in right or confidence be
18    duly paid by my Executor Item I give and bequeath unto my Sonne Walker
19    my best Bedstead and my best chest and my best Brasse pott Item I give
20    and confirme to my Sonne Thomas Walker my Lease at Doddington
21    and all my Lands there during my intenst therein Item I give and
22    bequeath unto my Sonne William Walker fifty pounds in money hee
23    releasing a Legacy of fifty pounds given to him by his late Grandfather
24    Crockstone More I give and bequeath unto my said Sonne William one
25    half of all my household goods which are now in my dwelling house in Ambros=
26    den Item I give and bequeath uto my said Sonne Thomas and my daughter
27    Elizabeth Blake all the other halfe of my household goods which are now in
28    my dwelling house in Ambrosden to be equally parted betwixt them Item I
29    give and bequeath to my said daughter Elizabeth the now wife of Thomas
30    Blake One hundred pounds in money to be paid unto her or her Assignes
32    on or upon the Feast day of Sts Phillipp and Jacob next ensuing the date
33    hereof if the said Elizabeth or any Child begotten on her Body shall be then living
34    or she not Item I give and bequeath to my Sonne in Law Thomas Blake fifty
35    pounds in money he releasing a Legacy of fifty pounds given unto Elizabeth his
36    Wife by her late Grandfather Crockstone Item I give and bequeath unto my
37    Grandchildren Elizabeth Anne Bridget and Henry the children of John Kirby
38    Twenty shillings apeece And their Father's acquittance shall be my Executors discharge
39    And I will that the abovesaid Legacies shall be paid by my Executor at the end of two
40    yeares from my death without Interest And of this my last Will and Testament
41    I nominate and appoint my Sonne Thomas Walker my sole Executor to whom
42    I devise all other my Goods undisposed and personall Estate whatsoever to pay my debts other
43    then the moneyes which lye on my Lands which must carry its own burdden) and
44    discharge those my Legacies Revokeing and making void all former Wills
45    by me heretofore made and declared In witnesse whereof I have hereto sett my hand
46    and seale the day and yeare above written The marke and seale of John Walker [signed]
47    Sealed signed and published as his last Will and Testament by the said John
48    Walker in the presence of Thomas Ivyett Edward Sponer The marke of
49    George Blake

1 comment:

  1. Thomas Blake (bp 1749) who married Elizabeth Walker in 1679 at Ambrosden was the son of a George Blake and also had a younger brother George born abt 1658. Thomas and Elizabeth settled in Winslow Bucks in the early 1680s.
