Sunday, October 7, 2012

Will of Henry Blake - National Archives 11/1852/307, probated 11 Aug 1837

An interesting will left by Henry Blake son of Nathan and Jane Blake of Dean. West Dean lies in Wiltshire and East Dean in Hampshire and separated by less than a mile.

An online transcription for West Dean baptisms 1779 - 1790 includes the following:

1785, 18 Aug Blake James son of Nathaniel Blake and Jane Blake formerly Jane Beauchamp, received at Church Nov 6, 10 days old, private baptism

1788, 12 Oct Blake Ann daughter of Nathaniel Blake and Jane Blake formerly Jane Beauchamp, about ten weeks old

On the 1841 census this is perhaps the family of Nathaniel and Jane Blake with daughter Anne living at Eling (near Marchwood) and Nathaniel is "independent." Nathaniel and Jane are 75 years of age and Anne is 50 (works well with the record above as the ages were approximate to the nearest 5 years, Ann baptized at West Dean would have been 53 years old). They were not born in Hampshire. East Dean is 11 miles (West Dean is 12 miles away) from Eling. Nursling where their son worked is three miles away from Eling and Marchwood where the statement was written is two miles from Eling.  Missing from the baptisms are William and Henry and they could have been older or younger as I have not yet found a marriage for Nathaniel Blake and Jane Beauchamp.

Death of Nathan Blake on Free BMD December quarter 1845 in Stockbridge RD which includes West Dean (East Dean lies next to West Dean) but a portion of West Dean lies in Wiltshire which is why this statement has been taken to the Court of Canterbury to be dealth with and registered.

An interesting bit of data on the Blake family that was possibly at West Dean, Wiltshire likely since they say they are not born in Hampshire. Family is missing thus far from the 1851 census.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 6 Oct 2012
Source:  The National Archives, PROB 11/1852/307
Name of testator: Henry Blake
Place: Marchwood, Hampshire, England
Type of Record: Statement of Intention
Dated: 26 Nov 1836, probated 11 Aug 1837
Read: Electronic file images
Condition: 19th century, bold copy
[In margin] Henry
[In margin] Blake
[In margin] 3
[Top of document] Marchwood 26th November 1836

1    The last and sincere wish of H: Blake Son of Nathan and Jane
2    Blake of Dean in the County of Hants Is That the said Henry Blake gives the whole
3    of his property consisting of money in the Funds to the said Nathan and Jane Blake his
4    Father and Mother for their lives after their deaths to be equally divided between his
5    Brother and Sister Will Blake and Anne Blake of the parish of Dean in the County
6    of Hants the said Henry Blake lived Servant with Mr. Sowman of Nursling  near
7    Southampton in the County of Hants where the money was bought in. The Mark of
8    H Blake + Witness to the Mark of Henry Blake Robert Bloxham [signed]
9    The Mark of Eliz Pile + 26 Nov 1836
10    On the 11th August 1837 Admon (with the Will annexed) of the Goods Chattels and
11    Credits of Henry Blake formerly of Dean in the County of Wilts afterwards of Nursling
12    but late of Marchwood respectively in the County of Southampton Servant was granted to
13    Nathan Blake the natural and lawful Father of the said deceased having been first
14    sworn by Commission duly to administer. No Executor or Residuary Legatee named in the s[ai]d Will

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