Thursday, October 11, 2012

Will of James Blake, Laborer, Upton Hampshire - PROB11/2090/398, probated 13 Apr 1849

James Blake is not known to me. I could not find a marriage that would fit in with the likely dates nor could I isolate him using the three children's baptisms. He is likely the James Blake who died in Mar quarter 1849 in Andover Registration District  (Free BMD) where his grand daughter is living with her husband James Ball. The will indicates that James Ball is of Upton. Upton is only 2 miles north west of Hurstborne Tarrant not to be confused with Upton Grey in Hampshire.

On the 1841 census (District 4) there is a John Blake family at Hurstborne Tarrant: John Blake 30, Charlotte Blake 30, Edward Blake 8, Sarah Blake 6 and Thomas Blake 4.    There is also a John Blake 60, Mary Blake 50 and Elizabeth Blake 15. There were a number of Ball families but did not find James and Elizabeth in District 4 but there is a James Ball 30 and Elizabeth Ball 20 (actually she would have been 24 or 25 so they have rounded her age down) with James 5 years in District 5 Hurstborne Tarrant (Brickleton Upton). I expected to find James Blake in Upton but could not locate him there. James did have two sons John and James and perhaps the Johns at Hurstborne Tarrant are his son and grandson. No sign of the younger James Blake either.At Vernham's Dean there is a William Blake shoemaker 50, Harriett Blake 45 (not born in Hampshire), William 9, Goerge 7. There is a Parker family there: William Parker 20, Lucy Parker 20, Charles Parker 7, Jane Parker 5, Charlotte Parker 2, James Parker 6 mo. Also a William Parker 25, Jane Parker 20, Alfred Parker 8 mo.

James' daughter Mary Blake married William Parker 29 Apr 1811 at Hurstbourne Tarrant.

Children of William Parker and Mary Blake:

James Parker born 16 Dec 1813 and baptized 26 Dec 1813 at Hurstbourne Tarrant (C02265-3 Family Search)

Elizabeth Parker born 15 May 1816 and baptized 26 May 1816 at Hurstbourne Tarrant (C02265-3 Family Search)

John Parker born 3 Apr 1819 and baptized 16 May 1819 at Hurstbourne Tarrant (C02265-3 Family Search)

Did not find a Thomas Parker that I could definitely place with these parents in a place that fitted with the rest. There was one in Warwickshire but does seem quite far removed from Hurstborne Tarrant where the rest were born. Only Thomas Parker and Elizabeth (Parker) Ball were mentioned in the will below.

Elizabeth Parker married James Ball 15 Oct 1835 at Vernham's Dean which is 2 miles north west of Upton (M13672-2 Family Search).

Looking at my own Blake family as this is very close to Andover where my family lived, James's daughter Mary married in 1811 so she was likely born around 1790 and he names her last in the will which may mean that she is the youngest but not necessarily. However, James would have been born likely before 1770. I have a singleton 4x great grandfather in Joseph Blake born in 1730, married in 1757 and he left only two sons William who lived at Andover (and does not appear to have left children) and Thomas who lived at Upper Clatford. These two are in the right time frame but I do not have a James in my line. Joseph's father was also an only child so that I go back to his father Thomas (b 1685) and he had four brothers - John baptized 23 Nov 1690 at Andover (buried 27 Nov 1729 at Andover), Richard (b 23 Nov 1691 and buried 25 May 1694 at Andover), William (b 9 Jan 1698 at Andover and no further information) and Joseph (b 24 Feb 1702 at Andover) married to Mary Holdway 11 Feb 1730 at Penton Mewsey with son Joseph who was buried 1746 at Andover (I have the will of Joseph and he did not have a son James). Once I return to working on Andover Parish Registers (I stopped at 1757) then I may be able to trace the Blake lines down there that I do not yet have. I do not have the parish registers for Hurstbourne Tarrant or Vernham's Dean but will acquire them one of these days.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 8 Oct 2012
Source:  The National Archives, PROB 11/2090/398
Name of testator: James Blake, Laborer
Place: Upton, Hampshire, England
Type of Record: Will
Dated:, 16 Jan 1847, Codicil 5 Oct 1848, probated 13 Apr 1849
Read: Electronic file images
Condition: 19th century, smudged tiny print
[In margin] James
[In margin] Blake
[In margin] 6

1    I James Blake of Upton Hants Laborer do by this my
2    last Will and Testament give and bequeath unto and equally between
3    my three children John Blake James Blake and Mary Parker all my mo-
4    nies security for money funded property household goods and all other
5    Estate and Effects  of which I may die possessed or entitled to and whether in
6    possession or otherwise To hold the same unto these my said three children
7    in equal shares for their own use and benefit And in case of any or
8    either of them dying in my lifetime then it is my will and I do hereof
9    give and bequeath unto and equally between the Children of such of these
10    my said children the share or shares of him her or them so dying and
11    which he she or they would have taken and been entitled to under this my
12    will if alive at my death And I hereby constitute and appoint my Son
13    James Blake the Executor of this my will In witness whereof I have here
14    with set my hand this sixteenth day of January 1847 James Blake X
15    his mark Signed and published by the said James Blake the Testator
16    as and for his last Will and Testament in the presence of us who in his pre-
17    sence at his request and in the presence of each other have hereto set our
18    names as witnesses and declare that the said James Blake made his mark
19    hereto in our presence and that we signed our names in his presence and in
20    the presence of each other Henry Earle [signed] William Henry Earle [signed]
21    This is a Codicil to the within will of me James Blake
22    of Upton hants Laborer I hereby revoke and make void the appointment of
23    my Son James Blake as Executor of my Will and in lieu and instead there-
24    of I hereby nominate and appoint James Ball of Upton aforesaid Laborer
25    the husband of my Granddaughter Sole Executor of my said Will and this
26    Codicil and my daughter Mary Parker in my will named being dead I give
27    and bequeath unto and equally between her two children Thomas Parker
28    and Elizabeth Ball, the wife of my Executor; the one third part or share of my
29    monies and personal estate which she the said Mary Parker would have
30    been entitled to under my will if alive at my death And I revoke the bequest
31    of my household goods and furniture and other household Effects as included
32    under the general bequest in my will and do hereby give and bequeath
33    my said household goods furniture china and other articles of household
34    Goods unto my said grand daughter Elizabeth Ball for her own use and
35    benefit and I confirm my will in other respects In witness whereof I have
36    hereto set my hand this fifth day of October 1848 James Blake X his mark
37    Signed by the said James Blake as a Codicil to his will in the presence of us
38    who in his presence  at his request and in the presence of each other have
39    hereto set our names as witnesses and we declare that the said James Blake
40    made his mark in our presence the above Codicil having been first read over
41    to him and we signed in the presence of each other and all present at the same
42    time Henry Earle [signed] Lloyd Joorey [signed]
43    Proved at London with a Codicil 13th April 1848 before the Judge by the
44    Oath of James Ball the Executor named in the said Codicil to whom admon
45    was granted having been first sworn by Commission to administer.

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