Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Will of James Blake, late Brewer Romsey Extra formerly Gosport - National Archives 11/2126/302, probated 5 Feb 1851

James Blake is the testator and I do not know the ancestry of James. He is involved in the brewery business though which reminds me of the Robert Blake line at Andover/John Blake line at Abbots Ann. He is not likely a descendant of Charles Blake just because I know the line of James son of Charles Blake and Jane Gilbert. This nine page will (from the National Archives copy) is the most detailed I have seen with regard to management of a trust fund for his family. James has been most precise. He has not mentioned any siblings intentionally but the reference to Thomas Blake Barrow allowed me to find a likely sister Elizabeth (mother of Thomas Blake Barrow). Later in my researching I will try to pinpoint the family line as also there is a mention of the King family which might be helpful.

James Blake married Mary Naish 19 Sep 1809 at Romsey (M13669-3 Family Search). Samuel was baptized 29 Oct 1810 (RG4_0401 Family Search) son of James and Mary Blake. Mary Anne Blake was baptized 29 Dec 1816 at Gosport daughter of James Blake and Mary Nash.  James Blake son of James and Mary Blake baptized 4 Apr 1819 at Portsea (I04385-6 Family Search). Alfred Blake 21 Jul 1824 at High Street Independent Gosport with a date of birth 19 Dec 1819. Eliza Blake was baptized 21 Jul 1824 at the same place with a date of birth 14 Feb 1822. Frederick William Blake was baptized 24 Jul 1824 at Gosport (RG4_0401). Thomas Naish Blake was baptized 22 Mar 1827 at Gosport son of James and Mary Blake. Thomas Naish is on the 1841 census at living at High Street, Newport with the Silcock family (Obadiah and Elizabeth) as well as George Granger and Sarah Saunders. Obadiah Silcock is a grocer and Thomas is a visitor. Interestingly right next door is John Blake with his wife Caroline L Blake, son William G Blake, son Robert Ellmon Blake and he is a brush maker (2 servants and Hannah White who is 60 and independent). Perhaps a coincidence as there are a number of Blake families living on the Isle of Wight. In 1891 Thomas Naish Blake is married to Fanny (37 years of age) and he is a brewer and it is said he was born at Alverstoke Hampshire. He was married at Chelsea to Fannie Leahy june quarter 1880. He was buried at Alverstoke at the age of 79 years march quarter 1906.

There are several James Blake born in this area between 1750 and 1790 so will need more information before I can locate him into a particular family line.

There was a Thomas Blake Barrow christened 15 Oct 1769 at Saint Marys Portsea son of Thomas Barrow (C06261-1 Family Search). I find a marriage 1 Sep 1768 of Thomas Barrow and Elizabeth Blake at Saint Marys Portsea. He appears to have been buried 27 Nov 1824 at Alverstoke (I04160-3 Family Search). There isn't a birth near to that time and James does mention the will of Thomas Blake Barrow. If it is the same person christening in 1769 then he would be 55 years of age in 1824.This will is online at the National Archives and I have now purchased the same. Although I had decided not to veer from my straight course through the Blake wills of Hampshire, I will transcribe this will next although it will follow the wills of Peter Blake and Alexander Blake which I have transcribed in order thus far and prepared for the next two postings. Since it is 13 pages I may not have it ready by Saturday but time will tell.

The S & T N Blake Brewery continued in business until 1947 and was located at South Cross Street, Gosport. Mentioned in the History, Gazetteer and Directory of the county of Hampshire (by William White). Mentioned in the writeup on the Church at Gosport (page 16) At the corner of Upper South Street and South Cross Street there was Blake's Brewery, and there was a Malt house near the corner of New Road (Holy Trinity Gosport in the County of Hampshire, Church, Parish and People 1696 - 1954 by Catherine M Barclay).

This is a picture of the front of Blake's Brewery on South Cross Street Gosport.

Just as a verification of the public acclaim of Blake Brewery in Gosport the following from webpage:

Gosport’s own breweries, notably Blake’s, also attempted to entice customers into their pubs with colourful ceramics. Of their thirty Gosport pubs, the King’s Head in Brockhurst Road and the former Royal Oak in Avery Lane (both west of the centre), and the Royal Arms in Stoke Road (west of the High Street) have fancy displays of tiling in green and yellow featuring the Blake’s name.

And perhaps the most helpful in my searching thus far is this particular document:


which states: Of the breweries which no longer remain, the most significant must be that of James Blake and Thomas Barrow: South Cross Street Brewery, c. 1814 to 1935, the largest commercial brewery formerly on the site of Gosport’s Police Station and Magistrates’ Court. Which rather answers the question of how Thomas Barrow was involved with James Blake. He was his brother in law. Discovering who James Blake is in terms of his parents will have to wait for the moment.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 1 Oct 2012
Source:  The National Archives, PROB 11/2126/302
Name of testator: James Blake, Gentleman, late Brewer of Romsey Extra
Place: Romsey Extra, Hampshire, England
Type of Record: Will
Dated:, 25 Dec 1847, probated 5 Feb 1851
Read: Electronic file images
Condition: cramped English writing, 19th century, bold copy
[In margin] James
[In margin] Blake
[In margin] 69

1    This is the last Will and Testament
2    of me James Blake late of Gosport in the County of Southampton
3    Brewer but now of Greatbridge in the Parish of Romsey Extra in the
4    same County Gentleman I give to my dear wife Mary Blake all my
5    household furniture plate linen china books pictures and other house
6    hold effects to and for her own absolute use I also give to my said
7    dear wife the sum of one hundred pounds to and for her own im-
8    mediate use Whereas a part of the premises whereon my business of
9    a Brewer at Gosport aforesaid is carried on is held by me under a
10    contract for or purchase thereof from the executors or other Trustees
11    of the will of the late Mr. Thomas Blake Barrow at a price of one
12    thousand pounds but intermediately to the completion of such contract
13    as Tenant only thereof at a cost equal to the interest on the said
14    purchase money and a further portion of the said premises is subject
15    as to one part thereof to a mortgage in favor of John Naish for a
16    sum of three hundred and fifty pounds and as to the other part
17    thereof namely the dwelling house in which I lately resided adjoin-
18    ing the said Brewery and forming par thereof to a mortgage in favor
19    of Thomas Naish of four hundred and fifty pounds besides interest on
20    the same principal sums respectively Now in case such purchase shall
21    not have been completed at my death I direct my Trustees and execu-
22    tors hereinafter named as soon as conveniently may be after my de-
23    cease by and out of my estate other than the premises wherein my
24    said business at Gosport is carried on as aforesaid or the stock in Trade
25    capital and effects employed by me in such business and other than
26    the dwelling house in which I lately resided to complete the said pur-
27    chase by payment of the purchase money and the expenses of such
28    completion and I direct them also out of the same funds to pay
29    my general debts and my funeral and testamentary expenses But I
30    direct that the debts owing by me in the same business shall be
31    paid out of the capital employed in the said business and I direct my
32    Trustees to obtain the necessary conveyance of the premises the com-
33    pletion of the purchase whereof shall be so made either to themselves
34    or otherwise as occasion may under the provision herein after made
35    require I give to the said Mary Blake and to my son Frederick Wil-
36    liam Blake and John Richard King of the Town and County of the
37    Town of Southampton Brewer and Spirit Merchant and George
38    Turner the younger of Portsea in the said County of Southampton
39    Draper their heirs executors and administrators all my real estate wha-t
40    soever and wheresoever (inclusive of the premises the subject of the
41    contract for purchase where I have hereinbefore directed the com-
42    pletion and the aforesaid premises wherein my business is carried on
43    and my dwelling house and All my personal Estate other than
44    that herein before specifically bequeathed as aforesaid To hold the
45    same real and personal estate to them their heirs executors and ad-
46    ministrators according to the respective natures of the same upon the
47    Trusts and for the intents and purposes following (that is to say) Up-
48    on Trust to call in and convert into money my said personal estate
49    and stand possessed thereof for the intent and purposes hereinafter
50    declared and upon further Trust that the Trustees or Trustee for the
51    time being hereof do and shall pay or otherwise permit and suffer
52    the said Mary Blake to receive and take the rents and profits of
53    my said real estate (subject nevertheless as to the said premises where
54    in my business is carried on and the several Public Houses Malt
55    houses and premises connected therewith to the provisions herein
56    after contained) for and during the Term of her natural life she
    [Page 2]
57    nevertheless keeping doing and discharging the interest which may
58    from time to time accrue due on any mortgages or principal sums
59    charges or secures thereon respectively and after her decease Upon
60    Trust that the Trustees or Trustee for the time being of this my will do
61    and shall convert my said real estate into money and for that purpose
62    (subject as to my Brewery business at Gosport aforesaid the the proper-
63    ty counsisted therewith and my several messuages public houses and
64    malt houses to the provisions hereinafter contained giving to my
65    sons Samuel and Thomas Naish the right of presumption thereof
66    upon the conditions hereinafter mentioned) do and shall make sale
67    and dispose of so much of the same real and personal estate as shall
68    not consist of money or securities for money hereinafter described at
69    such time and in such parts and with such condition and whether
70    by public auction or private contract and in such manner in all res-
71    pects as to the Trustees or Trustee for the time being of this my will
72    shall seem meet with power to my said Trustees or Trustee to com-
73    pound for any debt which may be owing to me at my decease or
74    accept security for the same and to submit to arbitration any ques-
75    tion which may arise in relation to my estate and the better to
76    enable them to obtain payment of any money which may be
77    owing to me on mortgage I give to my Trustees their heirs executors
78    and administrators according to their respective natures the estates
79    vested in me on mortgage and in case my sons Samuel Blake
80    and Thomas Naish Blake or either of them should be desirous of
81    continuing and carrying on upon the conditions hereinafter men-
82    tioned the business of a Brewer carried on by me at Gosport afore-
83    said and of such desire shall on my decease give notice to my said
84    Trustees  I direct that immediately upon my decease a valuation
85    be put upon the Brewery and premises whereon such business is
86    so carried on including therein the portion thereof the purchase
87    whereof I have herein before directed to be completed and also the
88    dwelling house in which I lately resided in South Street Gosport
89    and also including the plant utensils stock in trade and effects em-
90    ployed by me in the said business and the debts due from and in res-
91    pect of the said business but I direct that in respect of the Goodwill
92    of the said business no valuation shall be put upon the same as
93    in reference to my said two sons but instead thereof and as a com-
94    pensation for the same there shall be paid to my said wife du-
95    ring her lifetime out of the profits of the said business one clear
96    yearly annuity of one hundred and fifty pounds by equal quarterly
97    payments from the time of my decease Provided nevertheless and
98    I hereby direct that out of the provision made by this my will
99    for my said wife I direct my said Trustees during the life of my
100    said wife to pay to each of my daughters Mary Ann Blake and
101    Eliza Blake the sum of one hundred pounds per annum during
102    such time as each of my said daughters shall remain sole and
103    unmarried Provided and I hereby declare that the said Samuel
104    Blake in the event of his electing jointly with the said Thomas
105    Naish Blake to purchase and carry on the said business upon the
106    Terms herein mentioned shall submit my said son Thomas Naish
107    Blake into Partnership in the said business and to an equal share
108    and participation in the net profits thereof upon being thereunto
109    requested by the said Thomas Naish Blake and upon condition
110    that the said Thomas Naish Blake shall consent to the several
111    payments out of his moiety of the profits of the said business here-
112    inafter mentioned and also on condition of the said Thomas Naish
113    Blake contributing equally with the said Samuel Blake in the
    [Page 3]
114    payment of the aforesaid annual sums to my said wife and in the
115    event of my dying before the said Thomas Naish Blake shall have
116    attained the age of twenty seven years I direct that the said Tho-
117    mas Naish shall pay unto the Trustees or Trustee of this my will
118    such portion of his moiety of the net profits of the said Trade or
119    Business as shall exceed the sum of three hundred pounds in each
120    and every year until he shall attain the age of twenty seven
121    years and from thenceforth shall in like manner pay to my said
122    Trustees or Trustee such portion of his moiety of the net profits of
123    the said Trade or Business as shall exceed the sum of five hundred
124    pounds in each and every year until the said Thomas Naish Blake
125    shall attain the age of Thirty years and from thenceforth shall in
126    like manner pay to my said Trustees or Trustee such portions of his
127    moiety of the net profits of the said Trade or Business as shall ex-
128    ceed the sum of six hundred pounds in each and every year until
129    the said Thomas Naish Blake shall attain the age of thirty five
130    years at which time the whole moiety of the net profits of the said
131    Business shall belong to the said Thomas Naish Blake such sev-
132    eral sums to be paid by equal half yearly payments the first payment
133    thereof to be made at the expiration of six calendar months from
134    the time when the said Thomas Naish Blake shall become pos-
135    sessed of a share in the said business and I direct and declare that
136    the Trustees and Trustee of this my will shall stand possessed of the
137    said several sums of money so directed to be paid to them by my
138    said son Thomas Naish Blake out of his share of the profits of
139    the said business in manner last aforesaid Upon Trust to invest
140    the same in Government or real securities and to pay the interest
141    dividends and proceeds thereof to my said wife for her life and af-
142    ter her decease Upon Trust to pay either from the principal
143    trust so to be invested or form the interest or dividends thereof as the
144    case may require unto each of my said daughters Mary Ann Blake
145    and Eliza Blake so much and such sum or sums of money yearly
146    and every year as shall added to and united with interest at the
147    rate of five pounds per centum per annum on their shares in the
148    said Trust funds hereinafter bequeathed to them be necessary to
149    make up to each of them an annual sum of one hundred and
150    fifty pounds so long as they my said daughters shall respectively
151    remain sole and unmarried and so soon as the principal sums to
152    be invested by my said Trustees as lastly hereinbefore mentioned
153    shall be in amount sufficient to secure to each of my said daughters
154    when added to and united with interest at five pounds per centum
155    per annum on their shares in the Trust funds bequeathed to them
156    respectively by this my will the annual Income of one hundred and
157    fifty pounds Then I direct that my said Trustees shall pay and di-
158    vide the surplus of the said monies so to be paid to them by the
159    said Thomas Naish Blake as aforesaid equally unto between
160    and amongst my five several children Mary Ann Blake James
161    Blake Alfred Blake Eliza Blake and Frederick Blake and
162    and on the marriage of either or both of my said daughters I direct
163    that my said Trustees shall pay and divide the principal monies
164    invested for the purpose of increasing as aforesaid the Income
165    until marriage of such daughter or daughters so marrying equal-
166    ly unto between and amongst my said five several last named
167    children and on the death of either or both of them my said
168    daughters whilst unmarried I direct my said Trustees to pay and
169    divide the said last mentioned principal monies unto between and
170    amongst the survivors or survivor of them my said last named
    Page 4
171    five several children And I further direct and declare that in case
172    the said Trade or Business shall be carried on after my decease by the
173    said Samuel Blake and not by the said Samuel Blake and Thomas Naish Blake in
174    copartnership the said Samuel Blake shall pay to my said Trustees
175    or Trustee such sum or sums of money as the said Thomas Naish
176    Blake would have been required to pay to my said Trustees or Trus-
177    tees respect of his share of the profits of the said Trade or business
178    pursuant to the direction lastly herein before contained in case the
179    said Thomas Naish Blake had carried on or joined in carrying on
180    the said Trade or business after my decease and my said Trustees or
181    Trustee shall stand possessed of the monies so to be paid by the said
182    Samuel Blake in manner last aforesaid Upon the same Trustees
183    are hereinbefore declared respecting the monies directed to be paid
184    by the said Thomas Naish Blake as last aforesaid And I direct
185    that the valuation hereinbefore directed to be made shall be made
186    by two valuers or an Umpire and according to the usual course
187    of valluation  one of the valuers therein being nominated by my
188    Trustees or Trustee for the time being and the other by my said
189    sons or my son desiring to purchase as aforesaid and the Umpire
190    to be elected by the valuers and I direct that the property the subject
191    of such valuation shall be offered by way of sale and in priority
192    to any other sale thereof at the amount of such valuation in equal
193    proportions to my said two sons Samuel and Thomas Naish or
194    in case either of them shall decline to purchase or shall have
195    previously died than to the other of them and (should my said sons
196    of son for the purpose of this my will require an investment of
197    such portion of the trust funds thereof) upon the terms of the
198    whole purchase money for the same being allowed during their
199    direction of the Trustees or Trustee for the time being hereof and
200    the continuance of such purposes to remain on the security of
201    mortgage of the premises so to be purchased and the Warrant
202    of Attorney of my said sons or son in such sum as my Trustees or
203    Trustee shall think right for further collaterally serving such
204    purchase money and also for serving the said annuity payable
205    to my said wife during her life And I declare that subject to the
206    purposes of security affording any unforseen or particular occa-
207    sion for calling the same in (of which emergency however I
208    constitute my Trustees or Trustee for the time being sole Arbiters)
209    It is my desire that such purchase money shall be allowed to
210    remain on such security during the lifetime of my said wife
211    Provided nevertheless and I hereby direct that all such purchase
212    money as aforesaid shall bear interest at the rate of five pounds
213    per centum per annum and be secured by proper deeds of mort-
214    gage to my said Trustees and with powers of sale for better secu-
215    ring the principal monies and interest the subject thereof and pore-
216    ces of distress for securing the interest and with the usual cove-
217    nant for payment of the mortgage money so to be acrured and
218    convenants for the insurance and keeping in repair of the premises
219    and with provision giving to my said Trustees acces to and
220    liberty of inspecting the books of the said Brewery Business to
221    be carried on by my said son or sons on the said premises and
222    I also direct that in the event of my said son Thomas Naish
223    Blake becoming a partner with my said son Samuel he shall
224    secure the payment of the said several sums hereby stipulated
225    to be paid to my said Trustees out of the moiety or half part of
226    the net profits of him the said Thomas Naish Blake of and in
227    the said Trade or Business by this Warrant of Attorney in such
    [Page 5]
228    sum of money as my said Trustees shall require and shall also
229    join with my said son Samuel in a Warrant of Attorney to secure
230    the annual sum herebefore given to my said wife out of the
231    profits of the said Business and in case my said son Samuel shall
232    alone carry on the said Trade or Business then I direct that he
233    shall secure the payment of the said annual sums so hereby
234    directed to be paid to my said Trustees by my said son Thomas
235    Naish Blake by his Warrant of Attorney and in case my said
236    sons Samuel and Thomas Naish or either of them shall elect to
237    carry on the said Trade or Business of a Brewer on the Terms
238    and conditions hereinbefore mentioned Then I direct that the
239    same persons or person who shall be appointed to make and shall
240    make the before mentioned valuation shall also put a valuation
241    separately upon each of the messuages or public houses malthouses
242    and premises belonging to me in Gosport Bingham Town and the
243    neighbourhood or otherwise belonging to or enjoyed by me in
244    connection with the business of a Brewer carried on by me at
245    Gosport aforesaid and that a fair rental shall by the same per-
246    sons or person be affixed to each of the said last mentioned
247    messuages or public houses malt houses and premises and I direct
248    that a Lease of the said several messuages public houses malt
249    houses and premises shall be executed to my sons or son who
250    shall have elected to carry on the said Business of a Brewer as
251    aforesaid by the Trustees of this my will for a Term to expire at
252    the end of five years after the decease of my said wife at the
253    rental to be affixed to the same premises by the said valuers du-
254    ring the lifetime of my said wife and after her decease at a
255    rental which shall be equivalent to Interest at the rate of five
256    pounds per cent per annum upon the amount of valuation which
257    shall be affixed to the said messuages public houses malt hou-
258    ses and premises by the said valuers and which said Lease
259    shall contain all usual and necessary clauses and covenants and
260    especially covenants on the part of the Lessees or Lessee for pay-
261    ment of rent and taxes and for keeping the said hereditaments in
262    good and tenantable repair and Insured from loss by fire at the
263    amount of the said valuation thereof and the said Lease shall
264    also contain a covenant on the part of the said Lessees or Lessee to
265    become the purchasers or purchaser of the said messuages public
266    houses malt houses and premises thereby intended to be demised at
267    the expiration of five years from the decease of my said wife at the
268    amount of the valuation which shall be put upon the same immedi-
269    ately after my decease as aforesaid and I direct that on payment of
270    the amount of such last mentioned valuation the Trustees of this my
271    will have convey and assure the said several messuages public houses
272    malt houses and premises to my said sons or son who shall have
273    executed the said Lease or a counterpart thereof Provided always
274    and in case my said sons Samuel and Thomas Naish or either of them
275    shall not within the space of Two Calendar months after such valua-
276    tion as aforesaid shall have been made have elected to exercise their
277    right of pre emption hereinbefore provided for and have communicated
278    such election to the Trustees or Trustee for the time being hereof Then
279    I direct and declare that it shall and may be lawful for the Trustees or
280    Trustee for the time being of this my will and I do hereby authorize
281    them him or her to cov[en]ent and carry on my said Business for the
282    purpose of carrying out the Trusts and intents of this my will in
283    reference to the provision for my said wife and daughters and I direct
284    and declare that any losses which may be sustained in carrying out
    [Page 6]
285    my said Business by my said Trustees or Trustee shall be borne and
286    sustained by my said Trust estate unless such losses shall arise by
287    their his or her wilful neglect or default and I further declare that
288    my said Trustees or Trustee in their or his discretion shall be at
289    liberty to offer my said Brewery Business and the property connected
290    therewith and the dwelling house in which I lately resided and also all
291    my other said property in case my said sons or son shall not exercise
292    the right of pre emption thereof as aforesaid to any other person or per-
293    sons upon the same Terms and conditions as the same are hereby di-
294    rected to be offered to my said sons and to take such security for the pu-
295    rchase moneys of the same as are hereinbefore directed and authorized
296    to be taken from my said sons Provided always that in the event of
297    my said sons or either of them not exercising the right of pre-emption
298    hereinbefore given and in case my said Trustees or Trustee shall deem
299    it most expedient for the benefit of my estate absolutely to make
300    sale and dispose of the said Brewery Business and the property connect-
301    ed therewith and the dwelling house in which I lately resided and
302    the said messuages public houses malthouses and premises or any
303    part thereof either by public auction or private route act Then I direct
304    that the property as to which such election shall not have been
305    made as aforesaid or which shall not be required by my said Trus-
306    tees or Trustee for the purposes aforesaid shall become subject to the
307    general Trusts of sale and conversion hereinbefore declared thereof
308    but so nevertheless that the same Trusts may so far as regards the
309    property the subject of such election be exercised by my said Trustees or
310    Trustee in the lifetime of my said wife and I direct that no purchaser
311    under such Trusts shall be bound to enquire as to whether such
312    election shall in fact have been had and I direct my said Trustees or
313    Trustee to stand possessed of the money to be produced by every such
314    sale and conversion as last aforesaid including therein such sale to my
315    said sons or son as aforesaid and of my residuary personal estate
316    hereinbefore directed to be converted Upon the Trusts and for the pur-
317    poses hereinafter directed that is to say Upon Trust to invest the
318    same in the names of the said Trustees or Trustee in the public
319    stocks or funds of Great Britain or on Government or real Securities
320    with power from time to time to vary the securities whereon any
321    part of my estate may be from time to time invested and I direct my
322    said Trustees or Trustee to stand possessed of all such residuary monies
323    stocks funds and securities Upon Trust to pay the interest dividends
324    and annual produce thereof and the rents to be reserved on any
325    Lease granted under the aforesaid power (if any) to my said wife
326    for her life for her own sole and separate use and benefit and from
327    and after the decease of my said wife I direct my said Trustees to
328    stand possessed of the whole of the said trust funds and of the
329    money to arise from the sale of my said real estate hereinbefore di-
330    rected to be converted on the decease of my said wife In Trust for
331    such of them my seven children the said Samuel Blake Mary Ann
332    Blake James Blake Alfred Blake Eliza Blake Frederick William
333    Blake and Thomas Naish Blake as shall be living at my decease
334    and the issue then living of such of them as may have died leaving
335    issue such issue however taking only equally between them the
336    shares of their respective parents But inasmuch as I have already
337    advanced from time to time certain of my children different sums
338    of money and in different proportions and I may hereafter continue
339    in the like course of advancing I direct that what shall at my de-
340    decease be found in my private Ledger debited by me in account
341    against such children respectively shall be brought into account
    [Page 7]
342    by such children respectively or by the issue of any deceased child by way
343    of hotchpot and set off against their shares of the said Trust funds and it
344    be allowed for by them in account by way of deductions charges accord-
345    ingly Provided always and I do hereby declare it to be my will and
346    meaning that my said son Samuel Blake and Thomas Naish Blake
347    shall not be entitled to share with their brothers and sisters any part
348    of the monies which I may have saved and accumulated out of the
349    profits of the business carried on by me at Gosport and at Ryde from
350    and after the first day of November one thousand and eight hundred and
351    forty six and which savings and accumulations will be directed and
352    shown by me by entries in my private book of account and I direct
353    that out of the monies constituting such savings and accumulations
354    the Trustees or Trustee of this my will shall pay to each of my said
355    daughters the sum of three hundred pounds or such proportionate
356    part thereof as the same will amount to and shall and do pay and
357    devise the residue of such monies equally between and amongst my
358    said two daughters and my sons James Blake Alfred Blake and Fred-
359    erick William Blake share and share alike any thing hereinbefore con-
360    tained to the contrary notwithstanding Provided further and I
361    direct that in the event of my said sons Samuel and Thomas
362    Naish or either of them exercising the option of purchase hereinbe-
363    fore given to him his share in the said Trust funds shall in the first
364    place be taken and satisfied so far as the same will extend for that
365    purpose out of the respective subjects of such purchase and in the first
366    place out of the said Brewery property the subject of the valuation first-
367    ly hereinbefore directed in priority to the said messuages and public
368    houses the subject of such further valuation as aforesaid and any
369    loss in the securities for the purchase monies of such subjects of purchase
370    respectively shall in the first place fall on the shares or share of the
371    said Samuel Blake and Thomas Naish Blake or either of them
372    electing to carry on the said business and I direct as respects the share
373    of my son Frederick William Blake in the said Trust fund, it shall be
374    lawful for my said Trustees at any time with the consent in writing
375    of my said dear wife first had and obtained to raise out of the said
376    Trust property to advance and pay to my son the said Frederick William
377    Blake a proportion not exceeding two third parts in value of the
378    share and interest of him the said Frederick William Blake under
378    my said will for the purpose of advancing him in his profession
380    otherwise he paying to any said Trustees interest for the sum so ad-
381    vanced at five per cent during the life of my said wife Provided and
382    I do hereby declare that the receipt of the Trustees or Trustee for the
383    time being hereof for any money forming part of the Trust monies
384    hereof whether payable by the purchasers of my real estate under
385    the Trusts for sale hereinbefore contained the general conversion of
386    my estate the change of the securities on which any part thereof may
387    be invested or otherwise howsoever shall be a sufficient discharge for
388    the same and no persons paying such money to such Trustees or
389    Trustee and taking the receipts in writing of such Trustees or Trustee
390    for the same shall be responsible for the application thereof Pro-
391    vided that it shall be lawful for the Trustees or Trustee for the time
392    being hereof subject as to the share of my said sons Samuel and
393    Thomas Naish in the event of their exercising the option of pre-
394    emption thereinbefore given to them as aforesaid to the declarations
395    hereinbefore contained to make any appropriation or division of
396    the securities or hereditaments in or upon which the Trust funds
397    hereof may at any time be Invested for the purpose of distribution
398    of the same among the parties was shall become entitled to any portion because
    [Page 7}
399    of the same and all parties taking any interest hereunder shall be bound
400    by the same appropriation and that notwithstanding any subsequent fail-
401    ure or depreciation in the value of such securities or hereditaments or
402    any other loss or amount affecting the same or from any other cause
403    whatsoever and I direct and declare that in case the Trustees or
404    Trustee for the time being of this my will or any Trustees or Trustee to
405    be appointed under the present provision shall be or become unwill
406    ling or unable to act in the aforesaid trusts before the same shall be
407    fully performed then and in every such case it shall be lawful for
408    the surviving or acting Trustee or Trustees for the time being of this
409    my will of if there be none such for the unwilling or incapacitated
410    Trustees or Trustee or in case all the Trustees shall have departed
411    this life then for the executors or administrators of the last surviving
412    Trustee to nominate any fit person or persons to supply the place or
413    places of the Trustee or Trustees so dying or becoming unwilling or
414    unable to act as aforesaid and that immediately after every such
415    nomination the said Trust premises shall be conveyed and trans-
416    ferred so and in such manner as that the same may rest in the
417    surviving or continuing Trustee or Trustees and in such new Trus-
418    tees and Trustees jointly or in such new Trustee or Trustees solely as
419    the case may require and such new Trustee or Trustees shall be enti-
420    tled to exercise the same powers and authorities in relation to the
421    said Trusts as if he or they had been appointed a Trustee of Trus-
422    tees by this my will and I hereby further declare that the Trustee
423    and Trustees for the time being of this my will shall be charged
424    and chargeable only with such monies as they respectively shall
425    actually receive by virtue of the Trusts hereby reposed in them res-
426    pectively not withstanding their joining in any receipt or other ack
427    nowledgement for the sake of conformity only and shall not be answerable
428    for any Banker Broker or any other person with whom or in
429    whose hands the said Trust monies or any part thereof shall be
430    placed for safe Custody or otherwise nor for the insufferance of any security on which the
431    same shall be invested or for any other loss misfortune or dam-
432    age which may happen in the execution of the aforesaid Trusts or
433    any of them or in relation thereto except the same shall happen
434    by or through his or their own wilful default and also that it
435    shall be lawful for the said Trustees respectively by or out of the
436    monies which shall come to their hands to retain and allow to
437    each other all costs charges damages and expences and fees to
438    Counsel for advice which they respectively may sustain or expend
439    in or about the execution of the said Trusts or in relation thereto
440    And I nominate and appoint my said wife Mary Blake and the
441    said Frederick William Blake John Richard King and George
442    Turner the younger joint Executrix and Executors in Trust
443    of this my will In witness whereof I the said Testator James
444    Blake have to the first twelve sheets of this my will and also at
445    the foot or end hereof set my hand this seventh day of April in
446    the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty
447    James Blake [signed] Signed by the said Testator James Blake
448    as and for his last Will and Testament in the joint presence of
449    us who in his presence at his request and in the presence of each
450    other have hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses thereto
451    the several interlineations and erasures appearing in the first
452    ninth and eleventh pages hereof and also on this thirteenth and
453    last page or sheet of paper and against which we have respective-
454    ly placed our Initials having been first made Kate King [signed] of
455    Southampton Spinster James Hoskins [signed] of Gosport Solicitor
456    This
    [Page 8]
457    This is a Codicil to the last Will and Testament of me James Blake
458    late of Gosport in the County of Southampton Brewer but now of Greatbridge
459    in the Parish of Romsey Extra in the same county Gentleman which codicil
460    bears date on or about the seventh day of April one thousand eight hundred
461    and fifty Whereas by my said will I have declared it to be my will and mean-
462    ing that my sons Samuel Blake and Thomas Naish Blake shall not be
463    entitled to share with their brothers and sisters in any part of the monies
464    which I may have saved and accumulated out of the profits or of the bus-
465    inesses carried on by me at Gosport and at Ryde from and after the first
466    day of November one thousand eight hundred and forty six and which
467    savings and accumulation would be denoted and shown by me by En-
468    tries in my private book of account and I directed that out of the monies
469    constituting such saving and accumulation the Trustee or Trustees of
470    my said will should pay to each of my said daughters the sum of three
471    hundred pounds or such proportionate part thereof as the same would
472    amount to and should pay and divide the residue of such monies
473    equally between and amongst my said two daughters and my sons
474    James Blake Alfred Blake and Frederick William Blake share and share
475    alike Now I do hereby revoke and make void the whole of the said
476    declaration in reference to the said Savings and accumulations and I
477    do hereby direct and declare it to be my will and meaning that after
478    the decease of my said wife and before the general residue of my estate
479    and effects shall be equally divided between my seven children name-
480    ly Samuel Blake Mary Ann Blake James Blake Alfred Blake Eliza
481    Blake Frederick William Blake and Thomas Naish Blake the Trustees
482    or Trustee of my said will shall pay to each of my said daughters Ma-
483    ry Ann Blake and Eliza Blake the sum of three hundred pounds to
484    and for her own absolute use and benefit And I do hereby in all
485    other respects ratify and confirm my said will In witness whereof
486    the said Testator James Blake have set and subscribed my name
487    at the foot of the first sheet hereof and at the end of this my codicil
488    the fourteenth day of October in the year of our Lord one thousand
489    eight hundred and fifty James Blake [signed] Signed by the said testa-
490    tor James Blake as and for a Codicil to his last Will and Testament
491    in the joint presence of us who in his presence at his request and in
492    the presence of each other have hereunto subscribed our names as
493    witnesses thereto James Hoskins [signed]Solicitor Gosport
494    Ann Croucher [signed] Servant to Mr. Blake
495    Proved at London with a Codicil 5th February 1851 before
496    the Judge by the oaths of Mary Blake widow the relict John Richard
497    King and George Turner the Younger three of the executors to whom
498    Admon was granted having been first sworn by Commission duly to
499    Administer Frederick William Blake the son the other executor and
500    one of the Residuary Legatees In Trust having first renounced as
501    well the probate and execution of the said will and codicil as Letters
502    of Admon (with the said will and codicil annexed) of the Goods of the
503    said deceased (as by Acts of Court appears).

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