Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Will of John Blake, clothier of Deveril Longbridge - The National Archives PROB 11/27/321, probated 12 Sep 1538

John Blake Clothier at Deverill Longbridge gives us quite a bit of detail in his will. He has three daughters Alice, Margaret and Philip and he has three sons Thomas, William, and John. He doesn't mention his wife so we are left to assume she has died.

Deverill Longbridge is just 2.4 miles south of Warminster in Wiltshire. We know there are Blakes at Warminster from two earlier wills:

http://kippeeb.blogspot.ca/2012/10/will-of-william-blake-of-warminster.html  and


William Blake in the first will does not mention any siblings and he has a large family with daughters Elizabeth and Angnes and sons Harry, Stephen, Thomas, William and John and is probated in 1539.

Thomas Blake in the second will has a brother William who lives at The Ashes/Ashyes and Thomas has children: John, Edward, Barbara and Edith. This will is probated in 1584 and perhaps this Thomas and William are the sons of William Blake in the first will.

However John Blake Clothier is likely a contemporary of William Blake since they both leave their wills at the end of the 1530s. Neither of them mention siblings but it is interesting that they live in close proximity to each other at the same time.

There is a will for Thomas Ashelock, clothier of Heytesbury, Wiltshire probated 14 Nov 1557 (PROB 11/39/524). Heytesbury is 3.7 miles WSW of Longbridge Deverill and 3.5 miles WNW of Warminster. Interesting that he is also a Clothier and Tutor to his sons. He has outlived this John Blake by nineteen years so it is hard to say if his will will add to my knowledge of this Blake family.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 27 Oct 2012
Source:  The National Archives PROB 11/27/321
Name of testator: John Blake, Clothier
Place: Deverill Longbridge, Wiltshire, England
Type of Record: Will
Dated: 3 Aug 1538, 12 Sep 1538
Read: Electronic file images
Condition: early to mid 16th century, middle English, tiny writing
[Margin] Testa[ment] Jo.
[Margin] Blake

1    In the name of God Amen The thirde day of the month of August the
2    yere of our Lord god a Thousand five hundreth and xxixviij and the xxx th yere of the Reign of o[u]r sov[er]aign
3    Lord King henry the eight I John Blake Clothier of Deverilangbrige being of hole mynde and in good and
4    parfect remembrance make and ordeyn this my p[re]sent testament after this maner ensuyng First I comend
5    my soule unto almighty god And my Body to be buried in the Church yarde of Saint Peter and Paule in
6    Deverell Langbrige Item to the same Church I beque[a]th a paire of vestments and vj s viij d Item to the Kings
7    high maj[est]ies w[i]t[h]in the same parishe iij s iiij d Item to the mother Church of Sa[lisbur]y xij d Item to my three
8    daughters Alice Margaret and Philip to every one of them vj li xvij s iiij d Item to twoe childers of
9    Thomas Phypp xls Item to Thomas Phyp tenne pounds of the which v li is due for his labour
10    Item to every oon of my ser[v]ints xii d Item to every oon of my godchylders iiij d Item to the high aweter iij s iiij d Item
11    to two chylders of Thomas Knight xls The Rest of my goods not bequest I do geve to my thre sonnes Thomas
12    Will[ia]m and John the whyche childers I do make ordeyn and constitute my hole executors And the eldest
13    sonne to have halfe of my goodes the Rest to be devided betwext the twoo youngest by the discrecion of
14    Thomas Asthelok whom I make my overseer and my Chylders Tutor provided also yf any oon of these thre
15    chylders dye before they come to the state of marriage Then the goodes to returne to hym that shall longest
16    lyve Witnesse to thys my last will Sir John Taillor Senior Thomas Phypp Richard Ratifford Thomas
17    Pope with other more
18    Be it known to almen that the 10 day of August above written the said Testator]
19    being of good mynde and memory called that where he had gevyn to every of his thre daughters
20    unmaryed xv li xiiij s iiij d he willed that every of them shulde have tenne pounds a peece and their
21    mothers apparell amongs them by the discrecion of the said Thomas Ashelok hys overseer to Whom
22    he bequethed xls for his labour and to Sir John Tailor vj s viij d being put the witness abovenamed

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