Monday, October 29, 2012

Will of John Blake, yeoman of Stoverd South Newton - National Archives PROB 11/174/183, probated 20 May 1637

I had hoped that by transcribing all the earlier wills that I have for the Blake family at South Newton I might be able to place this present will for John Blake at Stoverd South Newton.  He refers to himself as John the elder so one of his grandchildren is perhaps a John Blake or is he the elder in a group of cousins and we know that in 1616 there was a John Blake son of Maud (from her will) and a John Blake son of Robert Blake (from the will of Maud) or are there simply two John Blakes in the area and one has been named elder and the other presumably younger.

Maud Blake's will:

The Blake family at South Newton and the testator is John Blake married to Agnes. Maud Blake names her sons Henry, Severan, John and Robert. She states that Robert Blake has sons Thomas and John (not Maud's son Robert). William Blake has son Henry and Henry Blake has sons William and Henry.

This John (testator) has sons Thomas and Robert and daughter Joane Bigges. He has many grandchildren with only a few named - Thomas has seven children, Robert has two children, Joane Bigges has a son Anthony and other children not named or counted.

There was a Joane Bigges buried 10 Apr 1646 (B00190-2 Family Search Patron entry).

There are a lot of Blake families at South Newton. We know that a William Blake has sons John and Charles according to his will probated 1610.

Baptisms at South Newton from the IGI:

Charles Blake
Agnes Blake daughter  of Charles Blake 7 Nov 1624
Joane Blake daughter of Charles Blake 8 Apr 1626
Anne Blake daughter of Charles Blake 1 May 1629 buried 2 Jul 1629
Charles Blake son of Charles Blake 2 Oct 1631
Edith Blake daughter of Charles Blake and Joane 2 Jul 1634   

Francis Blake
Thomas Blake son of Francis Blake   27 May 1627   

George Blake
George Blake son of George Blake and Frances 5 Oct 1634
John Blake son of George Blake and Frances 2 Apr 1637 buried 15 Apr 1637

Henry Blake
Thomas Blake son of Henry Blake   27 Nov 1608   
Alice Blake daughter of Henry Blake   8 Sep 1620   
Frances Blake daughter of Henry Blake   23 Apr 1626 buried 14 Nov 1627
Philip Blake son of Henry Blake   7 Sep 1628   
Elleanor Blake daughter of Henry Blake   8 Jan 1631   
Sarah Blake daughter of Henry Blake and Elleanor 26 Jul 1635   

John Blake
Joseph Blake son of John Blake   1 Jun 1625   
Elizabeth Blake daughter of John Blake   9 Sep 1627   
Robert Blake son of John Blake   18 Nov 1629   
Anne Blake daughter of John Blake   1 Feb 1631   
Elizabeth Blake daughter of John Blake   21 Jun 1632   
John Blake son of John Blake   3 Dec 1633   
Joane Blake daughter of John Blake   1 Mar 1633
Elizabeth Blake daughter of John Blake and Elleanor 27 Sep 1635   
Alexander Blake son of John Blake and Elleanor 7 Oct 1637   

Robert Blake
Joane Blake daughter of Robert Blake   1 Apr 1633   
Joane Blake daughter of Robert Blake and Alice 7 Apr 1634   
Elizabeth Blake daughter of Robert Blake and Alice 2 Apr 1637   

Thomas Blake (two sets)
Thomas Blake son of Thomas Blake   11 Jun 1626   
Thomas Blake son of Thomas Blake   18 May 1628   
William Blake son of Thomas Blake   15 Jun 1628   
Elizabeth Blake daughter of Thomas Blake   14 Nov 1632   
Joseph Blake son of Thomas Blake   30 Mar 1632   
Elizabeth Blake daughter of Thomas Blake   30 Oct 1631   
Richard Blake son of Thomas Blake   8 Apr 1632   
Dorothy Blake daughter of Thomas Blake and Frances 10 Jan 1635 buried 19 Jan 1635
Mary Blake daughter of Thomas Blake and Frances 23 Apr 1634   
Eleanor Blake daughter of Thomas Blake and Frances 20 Jul 1634   
Thomas Blake son of Thomas Blake and Jane 15 Mar 1634   

Marion Blake married Thomas Lane 25 Apr 1608
Henry Blake married Alice Walles 28 Nov 1608
Henry Blake married Ellen Homans 20 Sep 1624
Anes Blake married Simon Pike 14 May 1626
Mary Blake married Roger Kingman 29 Oct 1632
Edward Blake married Sarah Webbe 26 Nov 1632
thomas Blake married Jane Mackerill 27 Dec 1632
Johne Blake married Elleanor Beckett 26 May 1633
Joane Blake married Alexander Percye 17 Feb 1633

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 26 Oct 2012
Source:  The National Archives, PROB 11/174/183
Name of testator: John Blake, yeoman
Place: Stoverd, South Newton, Wiltshire, England
Type of Record: Will
Dated  probated 4 Mar 1636/37, 20 May 1637
Read: Electronic file images
Condition: light text, middle English writing, 17th century
[In margin] T[estator] Johannis
[In margin] Blake

1    In the name of God Amen I John
2    Blake th[e ]elder of Stoverd wilts in the Parrish of South Newton in the County
3    of Wilts yeoman being weake in bodie but of a go[o]d memorie (God be praysed) doe
4    make and ordaine my last will and Testament in manner and forme followinge
5    (that is to saye) First I bequeath my soule into the hands of Almightie God my
6    Creator and redeemer, and my Bodie to the Earth Desiringe it may bee interred in
7    my Parrish Church of Southnewton, trustinge that through the alone meritts of my
8    Saviour Jesus Christ I shal[l ]be partaker of a joyfull resurrection into eternall life
9    Item I give to the Parrish Church of Newton aforesaid six shillings and Eighte
10    Pence and to the poore of the same parrish Five shillings, To the Parrish Church
11    of Wishford Five shillings, And to the poore of the same parrish Five shillings, And
12    Eight eene pence to the Cathedrall Church of Sarum commonly called our Ladie
13    Church. Item I give to my eldest sonne Thomas Blake Twenty shillings And I
14    forgive him a debt of One hundred pounds which he oweth me Item I give to ev[er]y
15    one of his seaven children Twentie shillings a peece Then I give and bequeath to
16    my sonne Robert Blake, All my Stocke of Cattle Corne and Hay which I have or
17    ought to have (except onely my riding Haggs) and to my sonne Roberts two children
18    I give Twentie shillings a peece Item I give to my daughter Joane the wife of John
19    Biggs Threescore and five pounds in money. And I forgive the said John Biggs
20    Fifteene pounds which he oweth mee Item I give unto Anthoine Biggs eldest
    [Page 2]
21    sonne of the said John Biggs and Joane his wife the somme of Twenty pounds. And
22    I give to everie one of the said John Biggs other children Twenty shillings apeece
23    Item I geve unto my servant John Perrye the somme of Twenty shillings. Item my
24    Will is that all the said Legacyes shal[l ]bee paid as soone after my decease as my
25    Executrix after named Can gett in debts, and money oweing to mee to discharge the
26    same yet for as that shee shall not be compelled to pay any of the said Legacyes till
27    after the expiration and one of Sixe Moneths next after my decease. All the rest
28    of my goods and chattells, my debts and the said legacyes being paid, and funerall
29    expences discharged I give, and bequeath unto my loving wife Agnes Blake whome I
30    make full and sole Executrixe of this my Last will and Testament. And I desire
31    my loving freinds John Voke of Wishford husbandman and John Horne of Stoverd
32    abovesaid Smith to bee the Overseers of this my Will, and for their paynes to bee
33    ymployed herein I give them Tenn groate a peece In witnes whereof I have hereunto
34    sett my hand and seale the fowerth daie of March Anno duodecimo _____ Caroli
35    Ang etc etc Anno qz d[o]m[ini] millesimo sexcentesimo tricesimo SextoThe Marke of John
36    Blake Signed sealed published and declared to be the last will and Testament of the
37    abovenamed John Blake in the p[re]sence of Ambrose Ringwood, John Perre, The marke
38    of John Voke

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