Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Will of Nicholas Blake, yeoman of Wootton Rivers - National Archives PROB 11/187/287, probated 29 Nov 1641

Nicholas Blake testator in this will mentions a number of his relatives and their children which is always helpful. One of his brothers is Stephen (deceased) with sons Edmond, Nicholas and Stephen and daughter Elizabeth Hatherill (widow).  He also mentions a Nicholas Blake his kinsman of Wootton Rivers who also has a son Nicholas. I wonder what manors were at Wootton Rivers and whether Nicholas Blake can be tracked in the manor papers. He isn't wealthy but he is a yeoman. He also mentions another cousin Katherine Edington.

Since his brother in law is Geoffrey Winter, perhaps his wife was Elizabeth Winter.

Wootton Rivers is 16 miles NW of Andover Hampshire, 19 miles NNE of South Newton, and 14 miles ESE of Calne. A rather interesting spot to be in roughly half way between Calne and Andover.

There is a will for Jeffery Wynter/Winter yeoman of Wootton Rivers probated 3 Feb 1620 which might prove interesting for this family.

The entry that I am finding that might be interesting for this Blake family at Wootton Rivers is labeled Ludgershall (Wootton Rivers is 9 miles NNW of Ludgershall). There is a burial for Katherine Edington at Ludgershall 24 Jul 1644 (wife of Edward Edington).

There is a baptism for Elizabeth Blake daughter of Steven Blake at Warminster (Saint Denys 22 Apr 1609 C15334-2 Family Search) which might seem rather distant at 23 miles WSW of Wootton Rivers.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 27 Oct 2012
Source:  The National Archives PROB 11/187/287
Name of testator: Nicholas Blake, Yeoman
Place: Wootton Rivers, Wiltshire, England
Type of Record: Will
Dated: 31 Oct 1640, probated 29 Nov 1641
Read: Electronic file images
Condition: 17th century, middle English, small clear writing
[Margin] T[estament] Nicholas
[Margin] Blake

1    In the name of God Amen
2    the last day of October in the yeare of our Lord God one thousand sixe hundred
3    and fourtie I Nicholas Blake of Wotton Rivers in the Countie of Wilts[hire] yeom[an]
4    considering the uncerteinty of this mortall life doe ordaine and make my last
5    will and testament as followeth Viz[a vi]t First and principally I committ my soule
6    into the hands of Allmighty God and my bodie to be buried in the church of
7    Milton Livornye after this life ended to enioye life everlastinge in heaven And as touching
8    such transitorie goods as it hath pleased god of his goodnes to endowe mee with all I doe
9    leave devise will and bequeath them as herein is hereafter sett donne and appointed and
10    That is to say First I give devise will and bequeath to my parish church of Wotton
11    Rivers Twentie shillings And I give to bee distributed to the poore of that parish att
12    the tyme of my funerall Twenty shillings Item I give to the parish church of Milton
13    aforesaid Twenty shillings And to the poore people of that parish Twenty shillings Item
14    I give unto Edmond Blake the sonne of my deceased brother Stephen Blake thirty pounds
15    in money) Item I doe give unto Edmond Blake and Stephen Blake the sonnes of
16    the said Edmond Blake fourtie pounds to bee delivered to my overseers within one
17    yeare next after my decease to be ymploied by my said overseers to the uses of the said Edmond
18    and Stephen untill they shall bee of the ages of one and twentie years and then to
19    bee paid to them or the survivor of them with the encrease thereof Provided nevertheles
20    that yf both of them shall die before theire ages of one and twentie years then the s[ai]d
21    fourtie pounds with the encrease thereof shall bee paid to the executors or administrators
22    of the survivor of them within one yeare after the decease of the survivor of them the said
23    Edmond and Stephen Item my Will is that within one yeare next after my decease the
24    somme of Thirtie pounds shall bee devided into the hands of my overseers the p[ro]fitt
25    whereof arisenge shall bee yearly paid unto Nicholas Blake sonne of the said Stephen
26    Blake deceased duringe the life of the same Nicholas and after his decease the same am[ount]
27    Thirty pounds to bee equally devided and paid unto such of the nowe children of the same
28    Nicholas as shall be then livinge Item I give unto Elizabeth Hatherill widdowe daughter
29    of the said Stephen Blake deceased fyve pounds in money Item I give unto John day
30    the sonne of John day of Berwicke the somme of sixe pounds to bee delivered to
31    his father to the use of the said John the sonne Item I give unto Robert day the
32    sonne of Edmond day the somme of sixe pounds to bee delivered to the said Edmond
    [Page 2]
33    to the use of the said Robert Item I give to Nicholas Blake the sonne of Nicholas Blake
34    of Wotton Rivers my kinsman fourtie pounds to be delivered to my overseers to his use And
35    to bee paid to him with the increase thereof at his age of eighteene years And If hee
36    die before his said age then the same to remayneth his executors or administrators And to bee
37    paid within on yeare next after his decease Item I give unto George Stagg the sonne
38    of Lawrence Stagge sixe pounds to be delivered to his use into the hands of the said Lawrence Stagg
39    and unto James Stagg sonne of the said Lawrence Stagg I give the somme of fowre
40    pounds to be dleivered to his use to the said Lawrence Item I give unto Jeoffery Winter
41    the sonne of Jeoffry Winter my brother in lawe five pounds to be paid to the father to
42    the sonnes use Item I give to Elizabeth Whitehart daughter of Geoffery Whithart
43    fourtie shillings to bee paid to her father to her use And I doe make and ordaine Elizabeth my Wife 
44    the executrix of this my last will and testament giveing her to that purpose all my goods
45    and chattles And I doe appointe and desir the said Lawrence Stagg  And Edmond
46    Day to bee the overseers of this my Will and testament and in token of my love I doe
47    give to everie of them twentie shillings a peece Item I give to Katherin Edington
48    my cosen fower pounds in money Nicholas Blake Witnesses hereunto Thomas
49    Bennett notary publique and William Smith

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