Thursday, October 4, 2012

Will of Peter Blake of Andover - National Archives PROB 11/418/296 - probated 16 Feb 1694

Peter Blake testator is the son of Peter Blake whose will was transcribed earlier.

From the Visitation of Hampshire and the Isle of Wight in 1686, Peter Blake was the son of Peter Blake and Margaret Smith (daughter of Vincent Smith). He was at Balliol College, University of Oxford and was said to be 20 years of age in 1686 (hence he was 28 years of age when his will was probated). Peter does mention his step mother Elizabeth in his will (Elizabeth daughter of James Gould of Dorchester, Dorset). This Visitation is the one that I question most often as the father of Peter (will 1692) is said to be William (will 1642) son of Richard Blake of Andover (will in 1622) son of William Blake and Anne Tutt (1st son William mentioned in his grandfather's will of 1606). It just isn't possible for a younger son Richard to have married Jone Blake daughter of William Blake and for them to have had their 14 children who were mostly adults by 1622. Indeed Richard did have a son William (baptized c1587) who was the linen draper and a son Peter baptized in 1596 and William (baptized 1615) suspiciously had a daughter Dorothy who married John Smyth and a son Peter baptized 1619) . Dorothy Smyth having been mentioned in Peter (father of this testator Peter Blake) Blake's will. Only one brother of Peter is mentioned in the Visitation and that is John Blake (baptized 1624 at Andover) and he was apprenticed to Robert Mason merchant 11 Jul 1642 (he would be 18 years of age).

There is a second visitation for the Blake family in the 1686 version and it lists Peter as a brother to William Blake of Eston towne and Anne Tutt and hence son of William Blake of Eastontowne. The question is does this make him too elderly to have been the testator in the will although would have been born only ten  to twelve years earlier since he is not mentioned in his grandfather's will of 1607. In 1692 he would have been 72 years old according to the earlier visitation mentioned. No ages are given on the second Visitation. Anyway a puzzle thus far that joins the other puzzles that the wills have introduced into my Blake study.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 2 Oct 2012
Source:  The National Archives, PROB 11/418/296
Name of testator: Peter Blake
Place: Andover, Hampshire, England
Type of Record: Will
Dated:, 2 Nov 1693, probated 16 Feb 1694
Read: Electronic file images
Condition: tiny middle English writing, smeared copy
[In margin] T[estato]r
[In margin] Petri Blake

1    In the name of God Amen
2    this second day of November Anno Dom[ini] one thousand six hundred ninetie
3    and three I Peter Blake of Andover in the County of south[amp]ton Esq[uir]e doe
4    make this my last will and Testament in manner following and first I
5    resigne my soule unto the hands of God who gave it trusting in the
6    merritt of Jesus Christ to be made partaker of life everlasting and
7    my body I comitt to the Earth to be decently buried in the parish Church
8    of Andover at the discretion of my Executrix hereinafter named and
9    as concerning my worldly Estate I dispose thereof in manner
10    following Impr[im]is my will is that all my just debts which shall be due
11    and owing unto any person or persons whatsoever at my decease be by my
12    Executrix hereafter named with all concern and Speede paid and
13    satisfied and I doe hereby charge all my Mannors Farmes
14    Messuages and Tentements Landes and premisses whatsoever lying and
15    being in the County of South[amp]ton or elsewhere for payment of my
16    said just debts and Legacyes hereafter mentioned and after
17    payment of my said just debts and Legacies hereafter given
    [Page 2]
18    in and by this my will I give and bequeath all my said Mannors Farmes Messuages
19    Lands Tenements hereditaments and premisses whatsoever lying and being in the
20    said County of South[amp]ton or elsewhere with all and singular there and every of their
21    appurtenances unto my deare and loving sister Mrs. Sarah Lambert the now
22    wife of Edward Lambert of Boyton in the County of Wilts[hire] Esq[ui]r[e] To have and
23    to hold the said seveerall Mannors Farmes Messuages Tenements Lands
24    hereditaments and premisses whatsoever unto the said Sarah Lambert for
25    and during the terme of her naturall life without impeachement of or for
26    any manner of wast and from and after the decease of the said Sarah Lambert to the
27    use and beheese of the first son lawfully begotten or to be begotten on the
28    body of the said Mary [Sarah?] Lambert and of the heires males of the body of such
29    first sonne lawfully to be begotten and for default of such issue to the use and
30    beheese of the second third fourth fifth sixth and all and every other the sonne and
31    sonnes lawfully begotten or to be begotten on the body of the said Sarah
32    Lambert and of the heires males of the body and bodyes of all and every
33    such sonne and sonnes lawfully issuing severally and successively one
34    after another as they shall be in senority of age or priority of birth the
35    older and first borne of every such sonne and sonnes and the heires males
36    of his body issuing being alwayes preformed before the younger and the heires
37    males of their bodyes issuing and for default of such issue to the use and beheese
38    of all and every the daughter and daughters lawfully begotten or to be
39    begotten on the body of the said Sarah Lambert and of the heires of the
40    body and bodies of all and every such daughter and daughters severally
41    as Tennants in Com[m]on and for default of such issue to the use and beheese
42    of such person and persons and for such Estate and Estates as the said
43    Peter Blake shall by this my last will and Testament sealed and
44    published in the presence of three or more credible witnesses direct and
45    appoint and for want of such direction and appointment to the use and
46    behesse of my said Sister Sarah Lambert and the right heires forever
47    Item my will is in case my said Sister Sarah Lambert shall depart this
48    life without any issue male or Female of her body living at the time of
49    her decease Item I give and bequeath unto the Master Fellowes of Baliall
50    Colledge in the University of Oxon and their Successors forever or by what
51    other name or names they now are or hereafter may be called one annuity
52    or yearly rent of Eighty pounds of lawfull money of England free from
53    all taxes and payments whatsoever to the uses hereinafter mentioned
54    and upon trust and confidence that they the said Master and Fellowes of Baliall
55    Colledge and their Successors shall yearly forever pay the said Annuity
56    of eighty pounds in manner following (that is to say) fifteene pounds
57    p[er] time a peice unto the four Junior Fellowes for the time being of Baliall
58    Colledge foresaid as an augmentation to their fellowshipps and five
59    pounds p[er]Annum as an augmentation unto the four smallest apeice
60    Scholarships of Balliall Colledge aforesaid to be forever yearely paid
61    on the Feast of St Michael the Archagell the first payment thereof to
62    be made on the Feast day of St Michaell the Archangell which shall
63    first happen after the decease of my said sister she dying without
64    issue as aforesaid and my further will and meaning is that the said
65    eighty pounds p[er] Annum be forever given unto those fellowes and schollars
66    who are of Mr. John Baliall's foundation and that those of Mr. Peter
67    Blundells foundation have nothing to doe there with or have any benefit
68    thereby Item my will is in case my said Sister dye without any issue as
69    aforesaid then I give and bequeath unto the Vicar of Andover for the time
70    [Page 3]
71    being however one annuity or yearly rent of twenty pounds of
72    lawfull money of England free from all taxes and payments whatsoever as an
73    augmentation to the Vicarage of Andover aforesaid to be forever yearly
74    paid on the Fast day of St Michaell the Archangell the first payment
75    thereof to be made on the first Michaelmas day as shall next happen after
76    the decease of my said sister she dying without issue and aforesaid Item
77    my farther will and meaning is in case my said sister dye without
78    issue as aforesaid Item I give and bequeath unto the poore of Andover
79    aforesaid forever one Annuity or yearly rent of twenty pounds of
80    lawfull money of England free from all taxes and payments w[ha]tsoever
81    to be forever yearely received and paid by the Churchwardens and
82    overseers of the poore of Andover for the time being unto the most
83    ancient poore inhabitants of the said Parish of Andover who were of
84    not Alins from the said parish on the five and twentieth day of March
85    and on the nine and twentieth day of September com[m]only called Lady
86    day and Michaelmas day by equall portions the first payment thereof
87    to beginne on such of the said dayes as shall first and next happen
88    after the decease of my said sister she dying without issue as afores[ai]d
89    And I doe hereby declare my farther will is and I doe charge all my
90    Mannors Farmes Wills Messuages Lands Tenements hereditam[en]ts
91    and premisses whatsoever lying and being in the parish of Andover
92    aforesaid for payment of the said severall annuities or yearly
93    rents of eighty pounds twenty pounds and twenty pounds and my
94    will is that if at any time it shall happen the severall yearly sumes
95    of eighty pounds twenty pounds and twenty pounds or any part
96    thereof is behind or unpaid by the space of twenty dayes next after
97    any or either of the said dayes on which the same ought to be paid as
98    aforesaid being lawfully demanded that then it shall and may be
99    lawfull to and for the said Master and Fellowes and their Successors
100    the Vicar of Andover for the time being the Churchwardens and
101    Overseers of the poore of Andover for the time being upon any my said
102    Mannors Farmes Mills Messuages lands and premisses in Andover
103    or any part thereof to enter and distraine and the distress and distresses
104    there taken to leade drive carry away and impound and inpound
105    to keepe untill the said Annuities of Eighty pounds twenty pounds
106    and twenty pounds be fully satisfyed and paid and the arreares
107    thereof if any be Item I give unto my deare Mother Mrs. Elizabeth
108    Blake twenty pounds to be paid unto her within three months after
109    my decease Item I give unto Mr. Robert Yard of Kimpton my silver
110    tobacco box and twenty shillings to buy him a ring and I desire
111    that he may bury me Item I give unto Grace Cooke and all my
112    Servants that shall be living with me at my decease twenty shillings
113    a peice and unto Elizabeth Mrs. Tho: Westcombes maid if I dye there
114    and she living there at my decease twenty shillings Item I give unto
115    Mr. William Westcombe and Mr. Stephen Barton five pounds a peice to
116    be paid them within three months after my decease Item I give unto the
117    poore of Andover tenne pounds and unto the poor of Abbotts Anne five
118    pounds to be paid and distributed amongst them within one moneth
119    after my decease all the rest of my goods and chattles I give and
120    bequeath unto my said deare and loving sister Sarah Lambert
121    whome I make full and whole Executrix of this my last will and Testament
122    In Witness whereof I have hereunto sett my hand Seale the
    [Page 4]
123    day and yeare first above written Peter Blake Signed Sealed and
124    published the words to be forever yearly paid on the Feast of St Michaell the
125    Archangell being first interlined in the presence of Will: Westcombe Ste:
126    Barton John Greene

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