Saturday, October 6, 2012

Will of Richard Blake, Yeoman of Beaulieu - National Archives PROB 11/1852/307 - probated 17 Oct 1835

Richard Blake and Susan Larkham were married 21 Oct 1812 in Hampshire and this from Family Search I03915-6 with the bride's age being 27 years (born circa 1785) and also listed Richard Blake of Exbury Hants widower married Susan Lacham October 1812 at St Thomas Salisbury (patron submission).

One of the legatees in the will below William Larkam Blake was baptized 1 Aug 1819 at Exbury Hampshire England and the son of Richard and Susannah Blake. Exbury is located in the liberty of Beaulieu six miles north east of Lymington and 9 miles from Southampton (Winchester Diocese).

Children of Richard and Susannah Blake:

Henrietta Blake baptized 3 Sep 1815 at Exbury (I04053-1 Family Search)
Matilda Blake baptized 15 Jun 1817 at Exbury (I04053-1 Family Search)
William Larkam Blake baptized 1 Aug 1819 at Exbury (I04053-1 Family Search)
Elizabeth Mary Blake baptized 29 Jul 1821 at Fawley (I04296-6 Family Search)
Sarah Larkam Blake baptized 7 Dec 1823 at Exbury (I04053-1 Family Search); married Henry Thomas Crew Kemp Dec quarter 1850 (1851 Census he is a grocer and draper and they are living next door to Henry Blake who is a malster)

There is a Charles Blake (legatee in the will below) baptized at Fawley 19 May 1806 and son of Richard and Ann Blake. There are two records for a Henry Blake baptized 24 Apr 1810 and 12 Apr 1812 at Fawley and the son of Richard Blake and Anne Whitlocke (C15074-1 Family Search).  There is a marriage 12 Feb 1805 at Lyndhurst Hampshire for Richard Blake and Ann Whitlock (M14510-1). This would appear to be likely the first wife of Richard and his two sons mentioned in the will below - Charles and Henry.

He mentions his children in birth order in the will except he placed William Larkam Blake before his sisters.

Looking at the OPC Hampshire site for Exbury there are no marriages for Blake from 1756 to 1909.

Stephen Barney the one non family executor is likely the person found at Beaulieu on the 1841 Census and his date of birth is circa 1791 in Hampshire. On the 1851 census he is at Bishop Stoke with his family. Probably the best way to learn more about Richard Blake at Hilltop Farm is to look at the Tax Records in this time period in Beaulieu.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 5 Oct 2012
Source:  The National Archives, PROB 11/1852/307
Name of testator: Richard Blake, Yeoman
Place: Beaulieu, Hampshire, England
Type of Record: Will
Dated:, 16 Jul 1835, probated 17 Oct 1835
Read: Electronic file images
Condition: cramped English writing, 19th century, bold copy
[In margin] Richard
[In margin] Blake
[In margin] 24

1    This is the last Will and Testament
2    of me Richard Blake of Hill Top Farm in the Parish of Beaulieu in the
3    County of Southampton yeoman I request my Trustees and Executors herein
    [Page 2]
4    after named to distribute the plate that may be in my house at the time of my decease
5    among my children in such proportions as they may think fit I give and bequeath unto
6    my son Charles Blake the sum of one hundred and ten pounds which I trust to be
7    paid to him within six months after my decease which sum together with the sum of
8    one hundred and forty pounds which my said Son is now indebted to me but from
9    the payment of which I hereby release him will make up a Legacy to him of Two
10    hundred and fifty pounds I give and bequeath unto my wife Susanna Blake my
11    said son Charles Blake and Stephen Barney of the said parish of Beaulieu Merchant
12    their executors administrators and assigns All my monies in the Funds and all
13    such monies as I may leave in the Lymington or any other saving Bank and in
14    my house or elsewhere at the time of my decease and  also all my Stock of every
15    description on the said Farm called Hilltop Farm household furniture and effects
16    except plate debts accrued to me at the time of my decease and All my
17    Personal Estate and property whatsoever and wheresoever Upon trust in the
18    first place to pay all my just debts funeral and testamentary expences and if the
19    money in my house or in any Bank at the time of my decease should be
20    inadequate to the payment thereof then upon trust to dispose of such part of my
21    landed property as shall be sufficient for that purpose and subject thereto to stand
22    possessed thereof upon the trusts hereinafter declared concerning the same that is to
23    say upon trust in the first place to place out of the sum of Three hundred and thirty
24    three pounds six shillings and eight pence Three pounds per centum consolidated
25    rent annuities in their or his own names or name and from time to time to advance
26    and pay so much and such part thereof as they or the survivors or survivor of
27    them or the executors or administrators of such survivor in their discretion shall
28    fit to my Son Henry Blake to and for his own use during the term of his
29    natural life and subject thereto to pay the interest and dividends thereof with my said son
30    Henry Blake during the term of his natural life and from and after his decease to
31    divide and pay so much of the said principal sum as they shall not have paid to
32    him in his lifetime unto and equally between such child or children as he shall
33    leave him surviving and in case of his dying without leaving child or children then
35    to divide so much of the said principal sum of Three hundred and thirty three
36    pounds six shillings and eight pence three pounds per centum Consolidated bank
37    annuities as shall remain unto and equally between each of this the said Henry
38    Blakes brothers and sisters as shall survive him and subject to the payment of the
39    Legacies and bequests hereinbefore expressed and contained to my said sons Charles
40    and Henry upon trust if my said trustees or the survivors or survivor of them
41    the executors or administrators of such survivor should think fit so to do to carry
42    on the business of the said Farm called Hilltop Farm until my son William
43    Larkham shall attain his age of twenty one years or if he shall die before that
44    time up to and until the time of his decease And I expressly direct that if my said
45    Trustees or Trustee shall carry on the business of my said Farm that all losses
46    charges and expences of carrying on managing and conducting the same shall be borne
47    and paid by my said Trustees or Trustee with and out of the monies which shall
48    come to their or his hands by virtue of this my Will and that they shall have the
49    fullest powers over the said business which I can give them by this my Will so
50    to enable my said Trustees or Trustee to carry on manage and conduct the same in
51    the same manner in all respects as I myself could do if I were living and acting
52    therein But if my said Trustees or Trustee for the time being should not think
53    proper to carry on the business of the said farm or shall not carry it on until the
54    time of my said son William Larkham attaining his age of twenty one years or
55    his death or shall carry it on until he should attain that age then and in either of
56    such cases my said Trustees or Trustee for the time being shall pay out of my
57    then estate and effects to my said wife the sum of Four hundred pounds for her
58    own use and benefit and the sum of fifty pounds to my said son William
59    Larkam for his own use and benefit in addition to his share hereinafter mentioned
60    And then shall invest one sixth part of share of the then residue of my said
61    estate and effects (the whole into six equal parts or shares to be divided) in or
    [Page 3]
62    upon government or real securities at interest and pay the interest dividends and
63    annual product thereof to my said wife during her life or as long as she shall
64    continue my widow and after the decease or marriage again the said one sixth part
65    or share shall be in trust for such of my seven children who may then be living and the
66    issue of such of them as shall have previously died leaving lawful issue such issue to
67    take only the share or shares of his or her parent or parents And as to the remaining
68    five sixth parts or shares of my said residuary estate upon trust for and to divide the
69    same between such of my said children William Larkam, Henrietta, Matilda,
70    Elizabeth Mary, and Sarah Larkham as shall be then living in equal shares and pro-
71    portions provided always that notwithstanding anything hereinbefore contained to
72    the contrary if any or either of them shall marry or if any or either of them shall wish
73    to be apprenticed to any trade or business before the division of my property amongst
74    them shall take place that then and in any such case it shall and may be lawful to and
75    for my said Trustees or the survivors or survivor of them to advance and pay to such
76    child marrying or on being apprenticed any part of his or her respective portions not
77    exceeding one half part thereof And I declare that my said Trustees or Trustee from time
78    to time may lay out alter vary and transpose all the hereinbefore mentioned trust
79    monies upon Government or real securities as they or the survivors or survivor of them
80    shall in their his or her discretion think fit I declare that my mother Frances  Pearce
81    shall be permitted to reside with my family and be maintained out of the profits of my
82    farming business until my said son William Larkam shall attain twenty one years  or that
83    in case she shall before he attains that age cease to reside with my said family
84    then that my said trustees or trustee shall pay to her until my said Son shall attain
85    twenty one years the annual sum of fifteen pounds And I declare that all persons
86    paying to my said Trustees or Trustee any trust monies belonging to my Estate and
87    taking their or his receipt for the same shall be effectually discharged from all responsi-
88    bility in respect of the application thereof And I hereby appoint my said wife my
89    said son Charles Blake and the said Stephen Barney Executors in trust of this
90    my Will but I direct that if my said Wife shall marry again after my decease then
91    that shall no longer act in any manner as a Trustee or Executor under this my Will but
92    that her appointment as such Trustee and Executor shall on her subsequent marriage
93    immediately cease and so terminate And I direct that in case my said Trustees or either of
94    them or any Trustee or Trustees to be appointed under this present provision shall be
95    or become unwilling or unable to act in the aforesaid trusts before the same be fully
96    performed then and in every such case it shall be lawful for the survivors or active
97    Trustee or Trustees for the time being of this my Will or if there be none such for the
98    unwilling Trustee or Trustees or in case all the Trustees shall have departed this life then
99    for the Executors or Administrators of the last surviving Trustee to nominate any fit
100    person or persons to supply the place or places of the Trustees or Trustee so direct or
101    becoming unwilling or unable to act as aforesaid And that immediately after such
102    nomination the said Trust premises shall be transferred to and in such manner as that
103    the same may vest in the surviving or continuing Trustees or Trustee and in such new
104    Trustees or Trustee or in such new Trustees or Trustee solely as the case may require and
105    such new Trustees or Trustee shall be entitled to exercise the same power and authorities
106    in relation to the said Trusts as if she or they had been appointed a Trustee or Trustees
107    by this my Will And I hereby further declare that the Trustee and Trustees for the time
108    being of this my Will shall be charged and chargeable only with such monies as they
109    respectively shall actually receive by virtue of the trust hereby reposed in them
110    respectively notwithstanding their joining in any receipt or other act for the sake of
111    conformity only and shall not be answerable or accountable for any banker broker or
112    other person with whom or in whose hands the said trust monies or any part thereof
113    shall be placed for safe custody or otherwise nor for the insufficiency of any security
114    upon which the same shall be invested nor for any other loss misfortune or damage
115    which may happen in the execution of the aforesaid trusts or any of them or a relation
116    thereto unless the same shall happen by or through their his or her own wilful default
117    And also that it shall be lawful for the said Trustees respectively by and out of the
118    monies which shall come to their his or her hands respective to retain or allow
    [Page 4]
119    each other all costs charges damages and expences and fees to Counsel for advice which
120    they respectively shall sustain or expend in or about the execution of the said trusts or
121    in relation thereto In Witness whereof I have to this my last Will and Testament
122    contained in five sheets of paper at the foot of the first four sheets thereof set my
123    hand and to this the fifth and last sheet my hand and seal this sixteenth day of
124    July On thousand eight hundred and thirty five Richard Blake
125    Signed sealed published and declared by the said Richard Blake the Testator as and
126    for his last Will and Testament in the presence of us who in his presence at his request
127    and in the presence of each other have hereto subscribed our names as witnesses
128    William Pinnick Beaulieu Yeoman Wm Henry Moberly Sol[icito]r
129    Southampton
130    This is a Codicil to my Will dated the sixteenth day of
131    July One thousand eight hundred and thirty five I declare that if my Wife shall
132    depart this life before the sum of four hundred pounds which I have bequeathed
133    to her by my Will shall become payable that the said sums shall be divisible
134    between my five children William Larkam Henrietta Matilda Elizabeth Mary
135    and Sarah Larkam in equal shares In witness whereof I have hereunto set
136    my hand the day and year above mentioned Richard Blake [signed]
137    Witnesses William Pinnick [signed] Wm Henry Moberly [signed]
138    This is a further Codicil to my Will dated
139    the eighteenth day of August One thousand eight hundred and thirty five I give and
140    bequeath my Family Bible unto my Wife Susanna Blake. In Witness hereof
141    I have hereunto set my hand the day and year above mentioned Richard Blake [signed]
142    Witness John Warn [signed]
143    Proved at London with two Codicils 17th October 1835 before the Judge by
144    the Oaths of Susanna Blake Widow the Relict Charles Blake the Son and Stephen
145    Barney the Executors to whom Admon was given to having been first Sworn by
    Commission duly to Administer.

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