Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Will of Thomas Rigges, Gentleman, of Fareham - The National Archives PROB 11/178/702, probated 11 Dec 1638

Although this will is for Thomas Rigges and not the usual Blake one, Thomas' mother was Mary Blake daughter of William and Elizabeth Blake of Eastontown. Mary would be a sister to Richard Blake whom I feel is one of the ancestors in my Blake line. The will didn't have anything Blake related as it turned out so will publish for descendants of the Rigges family if they happen to come upon my blog. He does manage to mention most of his nieces and nephews as well as his siblings and other related individuals. It is a colourful will as you can practically imagine this poor man in his illness being visited probably daily by family members curious about how he was going to deal with the family fortune that he had inherited as the eldest son of his father. Thomas never married.

One of the places mentioned near Titchfield was interesting as I wondered if it was misspelled but indeed the name Chillinge belongs to a house of the Elizabethan period and a write up can be seen below and in the attached webpage from British History Online:
Hill Head consisted, till lately, of a few cottages and fishermen's sheds at Titchfield Haven, but is now developing into a seaside resort with rows of houses along the shore. Chillinge is a desolate-looking house of Elizabethan date, now cut up into two cottages, standing alone by the seashore a little to the east of Hook. Hook House Park, east of the parish of Hook with Warsash, is well wooded, but a large tract of bare heather land stretches from there to Warsash. A great part of it is now being brought under cultivation as strawberry ground. Hook House, built by Mr. William Hornby, governor of Bombay, at the end of the eighteenth century, which was a reproduction of Government House, Bombay, was burnt down a few years ago. From Warsash House, the property of G. A. Shinley, the road descends a sharp hill to the shore where, by the Crab and Lobster inn, the crab tank of the well-known local industry is built. The village of Warsash is small, and its inhabitants are chiefly employed in the crab and lobster trade, which occupies them through the late autumn, winter, and spring, many of them in the summer working as sailors on the many yachts which make their head quarters in the Solent and Southampton Water.

The Rigges family can be found on the Visitation of Sussex 1662 and referring to the Riggs of Eastbourne. Raphe Riggs of Fareham (Southampton) married Mary Blake daughter of William Blake of Eastontown near Andover, gent and their son Raphe Riggs (three times Mayor of Winchester) married Mary Johnson daughter and coheir of William Johnson of Reding in Berkshire. Their son Ogle Riggs of Hollis House in the parish of Eastbourne Sussex, gent. 1662 (died 1705 aged 59) and will probated 1705 (Chichester 30, 797) married Mercy Lock eldest daughter of John Lock of Hollis House, Sussex. Their children were Thomas son and heir 11 years of age in 1662, Ogle, Mary, Elizabeth and Mercy.

Looking at the family of Raphe Riggs (buried 16 Oct 1604 at Fareham) and Mary Blake (buried 1 Sep 1612 at Fareham) the following children:

William buried 3 Apr 1580 at Fareham

Thomas (testator) buried 8 Aug 1638 at St Peter and St Paul, Fareham (Find My Past)

Robert (married to Margery Chambers) with children: Margery married to John Earlsman, Margarett married to Thomas Baker, Robert (never married and he was heir at law of Thomas), Mary married to Sir John Otway (knight), and Elizabeth married to Robert Coates

Francis (deceased by 1638) (married to Katherine Knight) with children Francis, Joseph, Benjamin, Alice, Elizabeth married to Mr. Masey, Catherine married to Mr. Mitchell,  and Susan

Mary (deceased by 1638) baptized 27 Jun 1585 at Fareham and married to James Harris (Clerk) 25 Jul 1605 at Fareham with children John (buried 9 Jan 1634) and James

Raphe Blake (buried 8 May 1647 at Fareham) married to Mary Johnson with children: Ogle (above), Francis, Raffe, Thomas married to Elizabeth Bennett, Edmond married to Margaret Savage, Mary married to Anthony Yeldon 8 Apr 1634 at Winchester

John married to Mary Hopgood with children: John, Mary, Elizabeth, Anne, Francis and Thomas

Elizabeth baptized 5 Aug 1591 at Fareham

William baptized 14 Jul 1593 at Fareham

Anne baptized 3 Oct 1596 at Fareham and married to Richard Hill

Sir John Shelley of Michelgrove to whom the testator refers is the 1st Baronet of Michelgrove (first named 1611) and he died circa 1644.

Sir Basil Brook of Madeley Court (instrumental in the Industrial Revolution) was born in 1576 so would have been 58 at the time of the writing of the will.

Sir John Ingilby is possibly the John Ingilby admitted to Gray's Inn 8th February 1602-3 which might make him about 18 years at that time and so 52 at the time of the will being written.

It is an interesting will in that Thomas has passed over the two brothers next in line (one deceased) to give his estates to Raphe Blake Rigges the sixth child of Ralfe Rigges and Mary Blake. He doesn't mention William (youngest brother) so perhaps he has died before 1636.

Thomas writes that he is sickened with old age and I estimate that he was probably born circa 1578 and thus would be about 58 at the time of writing his will. The first baptismal date was Mary baptized in 1585 and she was child number 5 with the eldest son William buried in 1580 as an infant/young child. Probably 1577 to 1579 is a reasonable time span for his birth. This is one of the timeline dating that I use for the family of William and Elizabeth Blake. I know that they are buried in 1582 and 1589 respectively and that their daughter Mary is buried 1 Sep 1612 at Fareham after the birth of her ten children youngest baptized in 1596 putting her birth year in the early 1550s likely and she was child number eight in her birth family.

His sisters Avise and Tamosin are somewhat of a mystery (do not appear to be sisters in law) and his sisters were: Mary, Elizabeth and Anne. Mary is deceased (no mention of the Harris family), Elizabeth did not marry (perhaps now deceased) and Anne married Richard Hill (and perhaps also deceased) as the Hill family is not mentioned.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 15 Oct 2012
Source:  The National Archives, PROB 11/178/702
Name of testator: Thomas Rigges, Gentleman
Place: Fareham, Hampshire, England
Type of Record: Will
Dated:20 May 1636, probated 11 Dec 1638
Read: Electronic file images
Condition: 17th century, middle English,  tiny writing (smudges)
[In margin] T[esta]m[ent] Thome
[In margin] Rigges

1    In the Name of God Amen the twentith day
2    of May Anno Domini one thousand six hundred thirtie and six and in the
3    tweleth yeare of the raigne of our Souveraigne Lord Charles by the grace of god
4    King of England Scotland France and Ireland defender of the faith etc I
5    Thomas Rigges of Fareham in the Countie of Southampton gent being nowe so sicken
6    with old age and thereby being putt in mind of the uncertaintie  of this life am
7    verie willing duringe the contynuance of my perfect memorie and such reasonable
8    strength of bodie as I have to dispose of my personall estate goodes and chattles in
9    suche sorte as may be best pleasing to Almightie god to the nowe quiett of my
10    owne minde and for good of my kinsfolkes and freinds hereafter in this my Last
11    Will named soe farr forthe as they will extend to the end I may lyvieth my daies in
12    more quiet att such tyme as it shall please his divine Maiestie to take me out
13    of this world and to prevent as much as in me lieth that noe variance strife or debate
14    may arrise about ye same after my decease For which causes and respectes I doe make
15    ordaine and declare this my last will and Testament in manner and forme followeing
16    First and principally I commend my Soule into the handes of Almightie god my maker
17    and creator and to his dearelie beloved  Sonne Jesus Christ my onely Saviour and redeemer
18    by whose death merrittes and passion I doe trust and firmely believe to have full and
19    free remission pardon and forgiveness of all my synnes and life everlasting my body I
20    commit to the earth from whence it came and to be buried according to the discrecion of
21    my executor hereafter named Imprimis I doe give and bequeath to ye poore people of
22    Fareham aforesaid five poundes of lawfull money of England to be distributed
23    amongst them Item I doe give and bequeath to John Rigges and Francis Rigges the
24    twoe sonnes of my brother John Rigges to eache of them fiftie poundes apeece Item I
25    doe give and bequeath to Raphe Rigges brother of me the said Thomas Rigges five
26    poundes to be disposed of in such manner as Sara Twyne my kinswoman shall lymitt
27    and appointe Item wherein my brother John Rigges doth owe unto me by bond one
28    hundred poundes I doe freely give and bequeath the same unto him And whereas
29    my brother Francis Rigges nowe deceased did owe unto me three score poundes I doe
30    freely give and bequeath the same unto Katherine Rigges my sister in lawe late
31    wife of the said Francis Item I doe give and bequeathe to my brother Raphe
32    Rigges his executors administrators and assignes All that the Scite of the Mannor
33    Capitall Messuage or Farme of Fareham aforesaid and all the Landes tenementes
34    meadowes pastures and hereditamentes thereunto belonging And all my estate interests
35    tearme of yeares clayme and demande of in and to the same nevertheless upon the
36    condicion that my said brother Raphe Rigges shall paie unto my sister Tamison of
37    Portsmouth in the countie of Southampton within twelve moneths next after
38    my decease all such moneys which hee oweth unto her by bondes billes specialties or
39    elsewise And shall likewise paie unto my brother Robert Rigges within the tyme
40    aforesaid fiftie poundes towards all such charges which he hath disbursed and paid for
41    the buildinge of my hall and kitchin of my said Mansion house att Fareham Item I give
42    and bequeath to my Nephew Francis Rigges sonne of my brother Francis Rigges
43    deceased fiftie poundes Item I doe give and bequeath unto Beniamyne and Josephe
44    twoe of the youngest sonnes of my said brother Francis Rigges to each of them
45    fiftie poundes apeece Item I doe give and bequeath to Anne Terrell of Southwarke
46    in the countie of Surrey my kinswoman five poundes Item I doe give and
47    bequeath unto Margerie Earlesman my neece fiftie shillinges to bestow upon a
48    ringe to weare in remembrance of me Item I doe give and bequeath to my brother
    [Page 2]
49    Robert Rigges fiftie shillinges to bestowe upon a ringe to weare in remembrance of
50    me Item I doe give unto my sister Margerie Rigges fiftie shillinges to bestowe
51    upon a ringe to weare in remembrance of me Item I doe give to my sister Tamison
52    fiftie shillinges to bestowe uppon a ringe to weare in remembrance of me Item I doe
53    give and bequeathe to my said brother John Rigges fiftie shillinges to bestowe upon
54    a ringe to weare in remembrance of me Item I doe give unto my said brother Raphe
55    Rigges fiftie shillinges to bestowe upon a ringe to weare in remembrance of me
56    Item I doe give to Margarett Rigges daughter of my said brother Robert Rigges fiftie
57    shillinges to bestowe uppon a ringe to weare in remembrance of me Item I doe give to
58    my sister Avise fiftie shillinges to bestowe upon a ringe to weare in remembrance of
59    me Item I doe give to Mr James Clayton fiftie shillinges to bestowe upon a ringe
60    to weare in remembrance of me Item I doe give to Marie Rigges one of ye daughters
61    of my brother Robert Rigges fiftie shillinges to bestowe upon a ringe to weare in
62    remembrance of me Item I doe give unto Elizabeth Rigges one other of ye daughters
63    of my said brother Robert Rigges fiftie shillinges to bestowe alsoe uppon a ring to
64    weare in remembrance of me Item I doe give and bequeath to Mistris Bearmont
65    widowe dwellinge in the parishe of Titchfield and neare Chillinges in my County
66    of South[amp]ton five poundes Item I doe give to Alice alias Mary Rigges Elizabeth Rigges
67    Katherine Rigges and Susanna Rigges daughters of my said brother Francis Rigges
68    to every of them twentie poundes apeece to bee paid unto them within twelve
69    monethes next after my decease Item I doe alsoe give to my cosen Mr John
70    Chapperlaine my verie lovinge friend a mourning cloake and suite Item I doe
71    give and bequeath unto John Ingleby of Graies Inne in the countie of Midd[lesex]
72    Esquire the said John Chapperlayne of London gentleman and William Birch
73    of Chillinges in the said countie of South[amp]t[on] gentlemen fiftie shillinges apeece
74    to bestowe in a Ringe to weare in remembrance of me Item I doe give to Thomas
75    Rooper of London Esquire fiftie shillinges to bestowe in a ringe to weare in
76    remembrance of me And as for and concerninge all and singuler the residue
77    of my goodes and chattles whatsoever not before herein given and bequeathed
78    I doe give and bequeath unto Sir John Shelley of Michelgrove in ye County
79    of Sussex Knight and Baronett Sir Bassill Brooke of Meadeley Court in ye
80    countie of Salop Knight John Caryll of Westhartinge in the said Countie of
81    Sussex Esquire and the said Thomas Rooper And I doe hereby make them the
82    said Sir John Shelley Sir Bassill Brooke John Caryll and Thomas Rooper
83    Executors of this my last will and testamente And I doe alsoe hereby make
84    and ordaine them the said John Ingleby John Chapperlaine and William Birch
85    Supervisors of this my last will and testament desiringe them and every of them
86    to see the same performed in every respect according to the tenor and true meaning
87    thereof Provided allwaies and my will and meaninge is that if att any tyme
88    hereafter any questions and diferences shall arrise amongst my executors or my
89    other to whom I have herein given my legacies that then the same questions and
90    differences  shall arrise amongst my executors or any other to whom I have herein
91    given my legacies that then the same questions and differences shal[l ]be decided
92    and determined by the Supervisors of this my last will And if the said
93    p[ar]ties betweene whom the said diferences and questions shall arrise shall not abide
94    and stand to the ends and determinacion of the said Supervisors That then my
95    further will and meaninge is that such legacie soe given to such person or p[er]sons
96    whoe shall soe refuse shal[l ]be utterly voide to the same person or p[er]sons any thing
97    in this my last will and Testamente before contained to the contrary thereof
98    in any wise notwithstandinge In witnes whereof I the said Thomas Rigges
99    to every sheete of this my last will being in number seaven have subscribed my
100    name and to the labell thereof which fast with them on topp have sett my seale
    [Page 3]
101    the day and yeare first above written Signed sealed published and declared to be
102    my last will in the presence of Tho Hamond James Hinde the marke of John
103    Dorn George Smithson Thomas Frost Item I give to Robert Rigges ye sonne
104    of my said brother Robert Rigges fiftie shillinges to bestowe on a Ringe to weare
105    in remembrance of me Tho: Rigge [signed] Item I give to my lovinge friend Mr
106    Thomas Hickes of Fleetestreete fiftie shillinges to make him a ringe Item
107    I give to Captain Williams of Cheapside fiftie shillinges to make him a ringe
108    Thomas Rigge [signed] The said Mr Hamond is a Barrister and Counsellor of Graies
109    Inn and att this present lodgeth att Mistress Conynestes house in Holborne att
110    the entrance into Graies Inne Lane James Hinde liveth in Holborne in ye Middle
111    Rowe neare to Mistres Conynestes house att the entrance into Graies Inn lane
112    George Smithson dwelleth att the same Taverne in Holborne right against
113    Chansery Lane Captaine Frost dwelleth in Blomsberry

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