Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Will of William Blake, Slacksteed - The National Archives PROB 11/285/239, probated 31 Dec 1658

Testator William Blake of Slacksteed Hampshire has given a Noncupative will which was recorded by his Overseers Stephen Rogers and Richard Ewens. William's wife at the time (not the mother of his children) was Avice. William's children were John, Anthony, Thomas, Elizabeth Collice, Richard and Katherine Rogers (the two daughters being married).

Slacksteed is his present abode but he does mention Sparsholt which is interesting as I have already transcribed Blake wills at Sparsholt. Slackstead is a tything in the parish of Farley-Chamberlayne and this parish is just 5 miles north east of Romsey and hence six miles south east of Winchester. Sparsholt is 3.5 miles north west of Winchester just to give a location to the named places.

I did not find a marriage for William and Avice in Family Search of Find My Past.

Looking at the children mentioned in the will of William Blake (http://www.knightroots.co.uk/transcriptions/Parishes_S/Sparsholt/Marriages/marriages.htm):

Richard Collys married Elizabeth More (widow - Blake?) 11 Apr 1630 at Sparsholt
Joane Blake married John Coloway 7 Oct 1633 at Sparsholt
Thomas Blake married Sarah Blake 5 Oct 1646 at Sparsholt
John Blake married Agnes Blake 24 Sep 1660 (both of Sparsholt) at Sparsholt

Blake baptisms at Sparsholt (http://www.knightroots.co.uk/transcriptions/Parishes_S/Sparsholt/Baptisms/baptisms.htm)
Margaret Blake baptized 29 Sep 1610
Jone Blake baptized 1 Nov 1612
John Blake baptized 27 Sep 1613
Katherine Blake baptized 16 Feb 1614
Robert Blake baptized 1 Jan 1615

Missings are baptisms for Anthony, Thomas and Richard. The baptisms for Blake children continue but they are likely for the grandchildren of the testator.

The burials begin in 1628 and I found: (http://www.knightroots.co.uk/transcriptions/Parishes_S/Sparsholt/Burials/burials.htm):
Will Blake (old is the notation) and he was buried 18 Jan 1657

These pages from Knights Roots OPC Hampshire website contain a lot of Blake entries and I will revisit this later when I am working on the Blake family in the Sparsholt area. William's children are baptized early the 1600s and William is noted as old in the burial register and perhaps in his 70s or 80s His daughter Jone was married in 1633 and her sons Thomas and John Calloway are mentioned in the will but not Joane so presumably she has died (although not listed in the Sparsholt Parish Register).

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 15 Oct 2012
Source:  The National Archives, PROB 11/285/239
Name of testator: William Blake, Yeoman
Place: Slacksteed, Hampshire, England
Type of Record: Will
Dated:8 Jan 1657, probated 31 Dec 1658
Read: Electronic file images
Condition: middle English, 17th century, tiny writing, smudged but legible copy
[In margin] William Blake
[In margin] 370

1    Memorandum, That upon, or
2    About the eight day of January in the yeare of our Lord God, one thousand six hundred
3    fifty and seven I William Blake then of Slacksteed in the County of South[amp]ton yeoman
4    being visited with his last sicknes, yet of good and p[er]fect memory and understanding
5    did make, and declare his last Will and Testament Noncupative in manner and forme
6    following, or to the lyke effect. First, After he had Committed his soule to God, and his
7    body to the earth, he gave and bequeathed unto Avice his wife all those goods that were hers
8    before he marryed her and five pounds in money, and to her children five shillings a peice
9    Item, he gave, and bequeathed unto John Blake his sonne his best brasse pann Item he
10    gave, and bequeathed unto his sonne Anthony Blake twenty markes. And unto his children
^ his sonne Thomas Blake the table board at Sparsholt and to his children five shillings a peice. Item he gave, and bequeathed unto
11    five shillings a peice  Item he gave and bequeathed unto ^ Elizabeth Collice his daughter
12    twenty markes. Item he gave, and bequeathed unto his daughter Alice Arnell twenty
13    pounds, and to her children five shillings a peice. Item, he gave, and bequeathed unto his
14    grandaughter Susan Wassell five pounds. Item, he gave, and bequeathed unto his grandsone
15    John Calloway five shillings. And unto Thomas Calloway his other grandsone he gave
16    and bequeathed twenty shillings. Item, he gave, and bequeathed to his grandchildren (vis)
17    The children of Richard Blake his sonne, and of Katherine Rogers his daughter five
18    shillings a peice. And all the rest of his goods and Chattells was bequeathed (after his debts and
19    Legacies paid, and his funeral expences discharged) he gave, and bequeathed unto the said
20    Richard Blake his sone, and Katherine Rogers his daughter equally to be devided
21    betweene them whom he made the ioynt Executors of this his last Will and Testament
22    Noncupative; And desired Stephen Rogers and Richard Ewens to be Overseers
23    thereof. Allwith or the lyke in effect the Testator William Blake did publish, declare
24    as, and for his last Will, and Testament Nuncupative in the p[re]sence and hearing of the
25    s[ai]d Stephen Rogers, and Richard Ewens who in testemony thereof have hereunto
26    sett their hands, the marke of Richard Ewens, the mark of Stephen Rogers
27    This Will was proved at London, the one and thirtyth day of December, One
28    Thousand six hundred fifty eight, before the Judges for Probates of Wills etc by the
29    oaths of Richard Blake his sone and Katherine Rogers the daughter ioynt
30    Ex[ecu]tors to whom Admon etc was Committed they being first by Commission sworne
31    truely to Administer etc

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