Thursday, November 22, 2012

Will of Ann Blake of Kensington, Middlesex - National Archives PROB 11/313/302, probated 15 Mar 1664

An interesting will to follow that of her father William Blake (Esquire of Inner Temple) blogged earlier:

The family links as she mentions her brother Christopher and sister Mary. I wonder where she traveled to all those years ago as she talks about going over the "seas" perhaps she means to America as there were a lot of people going there in the early 1660s. Charles has returned as King Charles II of England. She has done well with her fifty pounds from her father as she now have more than three hundred pounds to dispose of in her will. Her father died in 1645 so this is sixteen years later when she is writing her will.

Whatever happened to Mary and did Ann go to the Americas? However I am sticking strictly to my one name study and only record the marriages of Blake daughters and their children if I find them. My interest is in the Blake surname only.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded:  14 Nov 2012
Source: The National Archives PROB 11/313/302
Testator: Ann Blake of Kensington
Place: Middlesex, England
Type of Record: Will
Dated: 6 Jan 1661, probated 15 Mar 1664
Read: Electronic copy images
Condition: middle English writing legible, copy clear

[Margin] Testament
[Margin]: Anna Blake

1    I Ann Blake daughter of
2    William Blake late of Kensington in the Countie of Middlesex Esquire
3    deceased whilst I enioy health and memory I doe make and ordaine this my
4    Last Will and Testament restoring my Soule to God and my Body to the Earth
5    to be privately buried at the discretion of my Executrix hereafter named or such
6    other my freind whoe shall be on or neare the place where I happen to die
7    They not exceeding the summe of Twentie pounds in the Expences of my fune-
8    rall To my only Brother Christopher Blake Esquire I give five pounds to
9    buy him a Ring To my only Sister Mary now wife of Joseph Dornoy of London
10    Merchant I give my greene wrought Bedd Greene hangings and all other fur-
11    niture to the same belonging except Linnen The Residue of my Estate Reall and
12    personall I give and bequeath unto Sir Allen Brodrick of Wandsworth in the
13    countie of Surrey Knight John Duke Esquire sonn and heire apparant of
14    Sir Edward Duke of Banhall in the Countie of Suffolk Barronett and
15    Elizabeth Duke wife of Doctor Edward Duke whome I make and ordaine
16    ioynt Executors of this my last Will and Testament in Trust and confidence
17    That within Six moneths next after my decease if I dye in England or within
18    Six moneths after the certaine knowledge of my death in case I dye in parts
19    beyond the Seas They shall pay or cause to be payed the summe of Three
20    Hundred
    [Page 2]
21    Hundred pounds sterling to such person or persons as my aforesaid Sister
22    Mary shall nominate and appoynte if she be living at that time my intent being that
23    her sayd husband Joseph Dornoy should have no interest or share in the same but
24    that it be freely and clearelie at her dispose for the use of her selfe and her children
25    and in case she and they happen to dye in the meane yeare then the said summe
26    to be paid in manner as before is exprest unto my godsonn Toste "_____" Duke unto
27    whome I give and likewise bequeath the Residue and Remainder of my Estate Reall
28    and personall if he be then living And in the case of his death the same to be given unto
29    his Mother Mistres Elizabeth Duke aforesaid In witness whereof I have hereunto
30    sett my hand and Seale This Sixth day of Januarie Anno domini One thousand
31    six hundred sixtie one Anne Blake Signed and sealed in the presence of John Torry
32    Jane Smith

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