Friday, November 30, 2012

Will of Elizabeth Blake widow of Ebbisham Surrey - The National Archives PROB 11/199/754, probated 16 Mar 1646/47

Elizabeth Blake is the testator in this will and she is a widow of Ebisham Surrey (Ebbisham and now Epsom although called in the Domesday Survey Ebbisham and the name is derived supposedly from the name Ebba (princess of Northumbria).  I have used the double dating for this will to show that it was probated just five months after it was written. As mentioned earlier I normally do not add the extra /two digit date as I do not find it inconvenient to think in terms of the year beginning in late March and ending in March up to 1752.

Elizabeth reveals a number of interesting details which includes her daughters Joan Fulke and Elizabeth Parkhurst (deceased). Her sister Anne Bowyer and her brother Rathyar Wrench and hence the maiden name of Elizabeth is Wrench. Her grandchildren namely a grandson and grand daughter Fulke of Beddington and a grandson William Parkhurst of Ewell. Nothing about her husband has been found to date.

Time is shortening for me at the moment with Christmas coming so have taken a cursory glance at Family History website (IGI), Ancestry and Find My Past but did not locate any information on this family. Will investigate later.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded:  29 Nov 2012
Source: The National Archives PROB 11/199/754
Testator: Elizabeth Blake, widow
Place: Ebbisham, Surrey, England
Type of Record: Will
Dated: 18 Nov 1646, probated 16 Mar 1646/47
Read: Electronic copy images
Condition: middle English writing fine, light copy

[Margin] T[esta]m[ent] Elizabethe
[Margin] Blake

1    In the name of God Amen
2    The Eighteenth daie of November in the yeare of our Lord God One thousand
3    sixe hundred fortie and sixe I Elizabeth Blake in the Countie of Surrey and of
4    the parish of Ebisham in the said countie widdowe doe make this my last will
5    and Testament in manner and forme followinge First I bequeath my Soule
6    unto God my Maker trustinge assuredly through the merritts of his Sonne
7    Christ Jesus my Savyour to have eternall Salvation Secondly I bequeath my
8    bodie to bee buryed in the parish churchyard of Ebisham if I dye in the said
9    parish Inprimis I bequeath unto the two children of my daughter Fulke
10    (namely Joane Fulke of the parish of Beddington in the countie of Surrey above-
11    said one sonne and a daughter to each of them the summe of Fortie shillinges a
12    peece within sixe monethes after my decease if they then bee lyvinge And if
13    it channce that either of these said children dye before mee That his or her parte
14    shall goe to the Survyvour And if it happen that both these said children dye
15    before mee That then it shall goe unto William Parkhurst of Ewell in Surrey
16    Sonne unto my daughter Elizabeth Parkhurst of Ewell aforesaid deceased Item
17    I give unto the aforesaid William Parkhurst my daughter's sonne of Ewell
18    likewise the summe of Fortie shillinges To be paid unto the said William
19    Parkhurst alsoe within sixe monethes after my decease And if it channce that
20    the said William Parkhurst doe dye likewise before mee That then his said
21    portion shall goe unto my sister Anne Bowyer Item I give unto my cozen
22    Joane Stanesnore a paire of hempen sheetes Item I give unto the daughter
23    of my Brother Rathyar Wrench namely Jeane Wrench likewise one paire of
24    hempen sheetes Item it is my will that my sister Anne Bowyer shalle bee
25    my full and sole Executrix of this my last Will and Testament and to have
26    all my goods whatsoever As alsoe my lease after my debts beinge paid and
27    these legacies aforesaid performed To have the remaynder Item it is my Will
28    That Anthony Price and Thomas Rogers of Ebisham to bee thee Overseeers of
29    this my last Will and Testament Memorandum that the said Elizabeth Blake
30    Widdow was at the makeing of this Will in good and perfect mynde and
31    memory praised bee God and walked about the house of Elizabeth Blake Widdowe
32    her marke Witnesses by us whose names are here underwritten Tho: Boyse
33    Anthony Price Thomas Pearkeare Aryhillis Richball her marke Alice Kinge
34    her marke

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