Saturday, November 10, 2012

Will of Hannah Blake wife of Saint Mary Abchurch, City of London - National Archives PROB 11/309/329, probated 20 Nov 1662

Hannah Blake testator is the wife of Edward Blake. She was Hannah Brushe baptized 26 Apr 1628 at Saint Mary Abchurch, London, England and the daughter of Thomas Brushe and Margaret. in 1655 when she married Edward Blake she would have been 27 years of age and when she was first widowed in 1649 she would have been 21 years of age which is, of course, possible. She must have then married a second time to an unknown Clarke although I was not able to identify that marriage in the IGI.

There is an infant Hannah Blake baptized 27 Nov 1658 daughter of Edward and Hannah Blake at Saint James Garlickhithe, London (C02249-2 Family Search). There was also a daughter Mary Blake baptized 1 Mar 1656 also at Saint James Garlickhithe.
The marriage of Edward Blake and Hannah Clarke was celebrated at Saint Mary Abchurch, London 5 Jan 1655 and there is an estimate of 1628 as the year of birth for Edward as he was 27 years of age. The bride was 23 (probably a transcription error as she was likely 27 years of age and hence born circa 1628 (M04589-1 Family Search). Hannah Pond now Blake was a widow in 1649 by the Indenture. She would have been only 21years of age and a widow. Her surname marrying Edward Blake was Clarke and she identifies her father as Thomas Brush.

Probably not a really valuable will in terms of learning about the Blake family.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 3 Nov 2012
Source: The National Archives, PROB 11/309/329
Name of testator: Hannah Blake, wife
Place: Saint Mary Abchurch, City of London, England
Type of Record: Will
Dated: 18 Nov 1659, probated 20 Nov 1662
Read: Electronic file images
Condition: clear flowing writing, middle English, some smudging but clear

[Margin]: T[estator] Hanna
[Margin]: Blake

1    In the name of God Amen The
2    Eighteenth day of November in the yeare of our Lord god one
3    Thousand Six hundred fiftie and nyne I Hannah Blake wife of
4    Edward Blake Citizen and woodmonger of London being very sicke
5    and weake in body but of sound mynde and memory praysed be
6    Almighty god for the same doe make and declare this my last will and
7    testament in manner and forme following That is to say First and prin-
8    cipally I committ my precious Soule into the hands of Almighty
9    god which gave it Trusting and assuredly beleeving that through the
10    death and merritts of his deare Sonne Jesus Christ my only Saviour
11    most mercifull redeemer I shall have everlasting life with him in his
12    glorious kingdom my body I committ into the earth until the tyme
13    of
    [Page 2]
14    of its ioyfull resurrection And as touching such worldly estate as it hath
15    pleased Almighty God to blesse me withall And is by lawe in my owne
16    power and propper right to dispose of according to my owne will
17    and disc[ret]ion viz[ a vi]t a messuage or Tenement lately called or knowne by the
18    name or signe of the three Tennes and sometymes called the House and
19    all and singuler other then messuages erections buildings yards orchards
20    gardens wayes casiments proffitts comodities and hereditaments there-
21    unto adioyning and belonging scituate lyeng and being in the parrish
22    of Saint Runwalds and Saint Martins in the towne of Colchester in
23    the County of Essex formerly in the tenure or occupation of George
24    Harrison Edward Killington William Cooker Joane Wilson widdowe
25    Peter Smith Roger Cocke and John Wallis or some or one of them or
26    some other person or persons their assigne or assignes or undertenants in Fee
27    The rever[s]ions of all and singuler the said messuages tenements erections
28    and other the premisses being fully and absolutely vested and titled upon
29    me the said Hannah Blake by vertue of an Indenture dated the Six-
30    teenth day of February which was in the yeare of our Lord god one
31    Thousand six hundred forty and nyne made between Elizabeth
32    Whale of the parrish of East Smithfield in the Countie of Middlesex
33    widdowe of the one parte And in the said Hannah Blake in the tyme
34    of my widdowhood by the name of Hannah Pond of London
35    widdow I geve devise and bequeath the same as followeth viz[ a vi]t I
36    give devise and bequeath all and singuler the said messuages
37    erections buildings and all and singuler other theis premasies setled
38    upon me by the said recited and entire unto my deare and Loving
39    husband Edward Blake for and dureing the terme of his naturall
40    life and after his decease I give devise and bequeath the same premis-
41    ses unto my dear daughter Hannah Blake and such child or chil-
42    dren as I now goe withall living and the life of the longest liver of
43    them And from and after the decease of the longest liver of them
44    I give and bequeath the same premisses unto the right heires of
45    the body of my said daughter Hanna Blake and for default of such
    issue unto the right heires of the body or bodyes of such child or children
46    as I now goe withall And for default of such issue unto the righte
47    heires of the body of my said husband Edward Blake And for want
48    such issue unto Isaack Brush sonne of Edward Brush and his heires
49    for ever Item I make and constitute my deare and honoured father
50    Thomas Brush Cittizen and Clothworker of London James
51    Beech Cittizen and Cooper of London and Christopher Conyers
51    Cittizen and Blacksmith of London Joynt executors of this my
52    last will and testament who I doubt not will be very carefull to see
53    the same due executed and performed In witnes whereof I the
54    said Hannah Blake have set my hand and Seale the day and
55    yeare first above written to this my last will and Testament con-
56    teyned in the preceding sheet and in this present sheete of paper
57    Hannah Blake Signed Sealed Published and declared by the
58    said testatrix on the daye of the date to be hereby will and testa-
59    ment in the presence of us Thomas Brush James Beech
60    Christopher Conyers Anno   S: Ro___

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