Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Will of John Blake, Mariner, Redderith Surrey -- The National Archives PROB 11/171/26, probated 8 May 1636

The first of my five wills for Blake family members in Surrey with John Blake as Testator and he is a mariner living at Redderith (or Rotherhithe or Rotherhithe St Mary).

The other four wills include:

Will of Humfry Blake, Nailsmith of Saint Olave Southwark, probated 15 Feb 1638
Will of Elizabeth Blake, widow of Ebbisham, probated 16 Mar 1647
Will of Ellen Blake, widow of Croydon, probated 10 Jul 1647
Will of Elizabeth Blake, widow of Rederith, probated 11 Sep 1654

After yesterday's difficult will this one was a pleasure to transcribe.

The testator identifies his brother Peter Blake, his sons John and James Blake and his wife Mary/Marie Blake. Interestingly he identifies his mother as Johan Hamond and his father in law as John Hamond and his mother in law as Francie Browne. That sounds like an interesting story and perhaps explains the comment in his will if his wife makes a second choice if he is dead and remarries. The mother in law is confusing though as divorce was pretty unusual in those days. There are a few other names in the will but they are not related to the testator as far as one can tell in the reading.

As always I go to the Family Search website to see if there is any information on this family.
There is a burial for Peter Blake 26 Nov 1643 at St Mary Rotherhithe Surrey and a marriage 5 Jun 1620 for Peter Blake and Abigail Mulford at St Mary Rotherhithe Surrey. Nothing conclusive on the rest.

An interesting finding with regard to William Blake, Poet Laureate, England, and he was born 28 Nov 1757 in St James parish, Westminster. The grandfather of William Blake was a James Blake from Rotherhithe. The older brothers of William were James and John. History records that James Blake, a gentleman of Rotherhithe was sufficiently prosperous to pay sixty pounds to apprentice his son James Blake (father of William above) as a draper but this son would have been born in the 1720s so not likely the son of the testator above plus his brother Peter Blake was also living in Rotherhithe but it is rather interesting. As time permits I will try to collect more information on the Blake families in Surrey.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded:  27 Nov 2012
Source: The National Archives PROB 11/171/26
Testator: John Blake, Mariner
Place: Redderith, Surrey, England
Type of Record: Will
Dated: 25 Jan 1632, probated 8 May 1636
Read: Electronic copy images
Condition: middle English writing legible, bold copy

[Margin] T[estament] Johannis
[Margin] Blake

1    In the name of God Amen
2    the Five and Twentith daie of Januarie Anno Dom[ini], one
3    Thousand Sixe hundred Thirtie Two. And in the Eight yeare
4    of the raigne of our soveraigne Lord Charles by the grace
5    of God kinge of England, Scotland, Fraunce, and Ireland
6    defender of the faith etc I John Blake of Redderith in the Countie
7    of Surrey Marriner being att this p[oi]nte in good health, and p[er]fecte
8    memorie (thankes bee therefore given unto Almightie God, But
9    being nowe bound for sea, and my returne being uncertaine, doe
10    therefore make, and declare this my last will, and Testament in
11    wrytinge in manner and forme followinge, That is to saie First and
12    principallie I doe com[m]end my soule into the hands of my most
13    gracious and mercifull God hopeing and undoubtedlie beleevinge
14    through the merritts death passion and resurrection of my Lord and Saviour
15    Jesus Christ to have free pardon, and forgivenes of all my Sinnes, and to
16    enioy everlasting blessednes with him in the kingdome of heaven hereaft[e]r
17    And my Body I committ the same to the Earth to bee buried in decent
18    manner att the discretion of my Executrixe hereafter named, And
19    as for such lande, goods, and estate whatsoever which it hath pleased God
20    to lend to mee I doe dispose of the same manner and forme following
21    That is to say Imprimis I doe give and bequeath unto my Lovinge wife
22    Mary Blake All those my Three messuages or Tenements with their
23    appurten[an]cs, and the Garden and wharfs thereunto adioyninge and
24    belonging which I latelie purchased to mee and my heires and
    [Page 2]
25    and assignes forever of Robert Osborne Cittizen and draper of
26    London scittuate lying and being in Redderith beforesaid in the said
27    countie of Surrey and now in the severall tenures or occupa[t]ions of M[aste]r
28    Berrisford Mr Preston and Goodman Burroughes, To have and to
29    hold the saiid Three messuages or Tenements, and other the premiss[e]s
30    unto the said Marie my wife, and her assignes for and duringe her
31    naturall life And from, and after the decease of the said Marie
32    my wife, Then I doe give and bequeath the sake Three messuages, or
33    Tenements with th[e ]appurten[an]cs and the said Garden and wharfe
34    unto my Two sonnes namely John Blake and James Blake equallie
35    betweene them to be devided, To have and to hould unto them my said
36    sonnes John Blake and James Blake equally betweene them, and to
37    their heires, and assignes forever. Item I doe give and bequeath unto
38    my said Two sonnes John Blake, and James Blake the lease of my
39    nowe dwellinge house in Redderith aforesaid to mee grannted from my
40    father in lawe James Hamond with my Interest tytle and terme of
41    yeares of in and to the same house with th[e ]appurten[an]cs equallie betwixte
42    them, To have, and to hold the same my dwellinge house with th[e ]appurten[a]ncs
43    unto them my said Twoe sonnes equallie betweene them, and their executors
44    and assignes for and duringe all such terme as shal[l ]bee to come, and unexpired
45    by vertue of the Indenture of Lease by which I hold the same att the tyme
46    of my decease provided alwaies that they my said sonnes doe pay
47    and performe such Rent Covenants and agreements as if my Executors
48    and assignes are, and stand charged to pay by vertue of the said lease
49    provided alsoe that they my said sonnes doe permitt and suffer the said
50    Marie my wife peaceably and quietly to have and enioy the same my
51    dwelling house with th[e ]appurten[a]ncs for, and during her naturall life
52    upon condition that shee or her assignes doe pay the rent and performe
53    the covenante, conteined in the said Lease. Item I doe desire my said
54    wife to permitt, and suffer my said sonne John Blake to have and enioy
55    the noyety or one halfe of my said nowe dwellinge house ymediately
56    from and after my decease for, and duringe the naturall life of her
57    my said wife, hee payinge his rateable share of the rent, and for the
58    repara[t]ions thereof. But yf shee the said Mary Blake my wife shall
59    refuse to suffer my said sonne to have and enioy the moyetie of my
60    said dwellinge house as aforesaid, Then I doe give and bequeath unto
61    my said sonne John Blake his executors and assignes one Annuity
62    or yearelie payment of Fyve pounds of lawfull money To bee
63    paid unto him my said sonne John his executors and assignes
64    halfe yearelie out of my personall estate duringe the life of the
65    said Marie my wife. Item I doe give and bequeath unto my said
66    sonne John Blake the somme of One hundred pounds of lawfull
67    money of England, To be paid unto him within Twentie dayes next
68    after the marriage of the said Mary my wife (yf in case shee shall
69    make a second choice) or within Twenty daies next after her decease
70    which shall first, and next happen, And if in case the said John my sonne
71    shall fortune to decease before the same one hundred pounds shal[l ]be
72    due, and payable unto him as aforesaid, Then I doe give the same
    [Page 3]
73    One hundred pounds unto, and amongst such children as my said
74    sonne John now hath or shall have of his body lawfully begotten equally
75    amongst them share and share like. And if my said sonne John shall
76    then have noe child or children livinge, Then I doe give the same one
77    hundred pounds unto my said sonne James Blake his Brother Item
78    I doe give, and bequeath unto my said sonne James Blake the somme
79    of One hundred pounds of Lawfull money of England, To be paid unto
80    him within twenty daies next after the marriage of the said Mary my
81    wife (if in case shee shall make a second choice) or within Twenty
82    dayes next after her decease which shall first, and next happen, And
83    yf in case the said James my sonne shall fortune to decease before
84    the same One hundred pounds shal[l ]be due, and payable unto him
85    as aforesaid, Then I doe give the same One hundred pounds unto
86    and amongst such child or children as it shall please God my sonne James
87    to have of his bodie lawfully begotten equally amongst them and the
88    survivors of them share and share like. And if my said sonne James
89    shall then have noe child or children livinge, Then I doe give the same
90    One hundred pounds unto my said sonne John his brother. And if my
91    said sonne John shal[l ]bee then dead, Then I doe give the same One
92    hundred pounds unto, and amongst such child or children as my said
93    sonne John now hath, and then shall have of his body lawfully begotten
94    share, and share like Item I doe give and bequeath unto my said
95    sonne James One hundred pounds more of lawfull money of
96    England, To be paid unto him my said sonne James at such tyme,
97    and when as he shall attaine to the full age of Twenty and one
98    yeares. And yf in case my said sonne James shall decease before
99    hee shall ataine the said age Then I doe give the same one hundred
100    pounds unto my said sonne John. And yf hee shal[l ]bee then dead
101    Then I doe give the same one hundred pounds unto and amongst
102    such child or children as my said sonne John shall then have of his
103    Body lawfully begotten equally, and propor[t]ionably share and
104    share like. Item I doe give and bequeath unto my said Twoe sonnes
105    John Blake and James Blake the moyety, or one half of such
106    plate as I shall have att the tyme of my decease, or Twenty pounds
107    in money at the election and choice of the said Mary my wife equallie
108    betwixt them share and share like. Item I doe will and appoint that my
109    Executrix hereafter named shall find provide and allow unto my
110    said sonne James meate, drinke, Apparrell, and other necessaryes
111    duringe his minoritie, and shall keepe him att schoole, Item I doe
112    give and bequeath unto John Blake sonne unto my said sonne John
113    Blake the somme of Fiftie pounds of lawfull money of England
114    To be paid unto him my said grand sonne within Twentie daies next
115    after the decease of the said Mary my wife. And if my said grand sonne
116    shal[l ]bee then dead then I doe give the same Fifty pounds unto
117    and amongst such child or children as my said sonne John shall
118    then have equally, and propor[t]ionablyshare, and share like, And yf
119    my said sonne John shall then have noe child, or children livinge
120    Then I doe give the same Fifty pounds to my said sonne John, And
121    yf hee shal[l ]bee then dead, Then I doe give the same Fifty pounds to
122    my said sonne James Blake. Item I doe give and bequeath unto my
    [Page 4]
123    Brother Peter Blake the somme of Five pounds of lawfull money
124    of England, To bee paid unto him within Twentie dayes next after
125    the decease of the said Mary my wife, And if my said Brother Peter
126    Shal[l ]bee then dead Then I doe give the same Fyve pounds unto, and
127    betwixt my said Two sonnes John Blake and James Blake equally, and
128    the survivor of them. And yf they shal[l ]bee then both dead then I doe give
129    the same Five pounds unto and amongst such children as my said sonnes
130    shall then have lyvinge equally amongst them. Item I doe give unto my
131    mother Mrs. Johan Hamond Fortie shillings, To my Father in lawe James
132    Hamond Twenty shillings, And to my mother in law Francie Browne
133    Twenty shillings, To be paid unto them, or such of them as shal[l ]bee lyvinge
134    within twenty dayes next after the decease of the said Mary my wife.
135    Item I doe give, and bequeath unto all my Godchildren that shall bee
136    lyvinge Twenty dayes next after my said wives decease the somme of
137    Twenty shillings apeece. All the rest and residue of my goods chattells
138    shipping money, plate household stuff, wages, and estate whatsoever
139    after my debts paid, and my funerall expences discharged I doe give
140    and bequeath unto my kind and Lovinge wife Mary Blake, And I
141    doe hereby make ordaine and appoint the said Mary my wife to bee
142    sole executrix of this my Last will, and Testament intreatinge her of
143    all Loves heretofore betwixt us, And as I have beene kind to her in
144    giveinge unto her the greatest part of my estate by this my will,
145    That soe shee would be kind to my sonnes duringe her life and
146    liberall to them att her death And I doe nominate, and appointe
147    my said Brother Peter Blake, and my said sonne John Blake to
148    bee overseers of this my will intreating them to bee aydinge and
149    assistinge and assisting unto my said wife in the due execu[t]ion thereof
150    And I doe hereby renounce, anihilate, and Revoke all former wills
151    and testaments by mee made, And I doe pronounce this pre[sen]te to
152    be my last will and Testament In witnes whereof I the said John
153    Blake th[e ]elder to this my Last will and Testament have putt my
154    hand and seale geven the day and yeare first written p[er] me Jno
155    Blake, This present will concisting of Nyne sheets was by the said
156    John Blake, signed sealed, and delivered as his Laste will, and
157    Testament after the interlyninge of the word Fyve in the seaventh
158    sheete of his Brother Peters Legacie in the p[re]sence of us, John Davids
159    Scr John Harvey Cittizen and Merchantaylor of London dwellinge in
160    Saint Swithins Lane in London, Fra: Harrison servant to the said Scr

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