Friday, November 2, 2012

Will of Robert Blake yeoman of Castle Coombe - National Archives PROB 11/163/729, probated 4 Jun 1633

Another interesting will by a Robert Blake. He does not appear to leave any descendants and Castle Combe is 11 miles WNW of Calne Wiltshire. He is married to Margaret and no children are mentioned. He has a couple of godsons but no other Blake mentioned in the will than himself and his wife. His wife has several relatives including Elizabeth Wallop and Marie Smith wife of John Smith.

Probably the most interesting item is the closeness to Calne Wiltshire where the Blake family lived from the 13th century on and probably earlier.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 28 Oct 2012
Source:  The National Archives, PROB 11/163/729
Name of testator: Robert Blake, yeoman
Place: Castle Combe, Wiltshire, England
Type of Record: Will
Dated  23 Nov 1632, probated 4 Jun 1633
Read: Electronic file images
Condition: fine light text, middle English writing, 17th century
[In margin] T [estator] Robti Blake

1    In the name of God Amen the three and Twentieth of
    [Page 2]
2    November in the yeare of our Lord Christ one thousand six hundred thirtie and two And in the eight yeare of the
3    raigne of our Soveraigne Lord Charles by the grace of God king of England Scotland Frannce and Ireland, defender
4    of the Faith etc I Robert Blake of Castle Combe in the Countie of Wiltes yeoman being weake in bodie but
5    of good and perfect memorie thanks bee to God and being taught and instructed by the word of God that it is
6    appoynted that all men shall die As is nothyng is more certayne than death soe, nothing more uncertayne
7    then the houre of death in a true and unfayned acknowledgement and confession of all my sinnes unto allmightie
8    whom I have as a most wretched sinner most grevouslie offended and whereof by the onely merritts perfect
9    obedience and suffering of Jesus Christ my all sufficient Lord and Savyour apprehended and taken hereby upon
10    by a true and lively faith I assuredly beleeve to have free pardon and forgivenes of all my sinnes the same never
11    to bee layd to my Charge doe ordayne appoynt and declare and make this my last Will and Testament in
12    manner and forme following First I commend my soule and spritt unto God that gave it mee as unto a most
13    faithfull Creator And my bodie unto the Earth from whence it came to bee buried in the parish Church of
14    of Castle Combe aforesaid at the care and discre[c]ion of my Executors verely beleveing according to the
15    truth of the holy Scripture that I shall receive the same legacie att the generall resurrec[t]ion of all Flesh
16    to bee reunyted to my soule noe more from thenceforth subject to corruption but mortall glorious and
17    incorruptible like unto the glorious bodie of the sonne our Lord and Savyour Jesus Christ of whom I hope
18    to receive life everlasting and glory in the Communion of S[ai]nts for ever And touching those temporall blessings
19    and goods which the Lord in mercy hath bestowed upon mee in this transitorie life I thus dispose of them
20    Imprimis I give and bequeath unto the poore of the parish of Castle Combe fortie shillings to bee given and
21    distributed att my Funerall Item I give and bequeath to the poore of Yatton Keinill  tenne shillings to
22    bee paid within five weeks after my funerall Item I give and bequeath unto Marie Smith wife to
23    John Smith of Castle Combe in the Countie of Wiltes my Wife's kinsewoman fortie pounds to bee paid
24    on St John Baptists daie next and immediately after my decease Item I give and bequeath unto
25    Elizabeth Wallop my now household servant and wife's kinsewoman Fortie pounds to bee paid on St John
26    Baptists day next and immediately after my decease Item I give and bequeath to William Osborne of
27    Marshfield Tayler in the Countie of Gloucester tenne pounds to bee paid him at Michaelmas next and
28    immediately after my decease Item I give and bequeath to Robert Smith sonne to John Smith of Castle
29    Combe my Godsonne  one sheep Item I give and bequeath to Robert Moodie my Godsonne one sheepe
30    All the rest of my goods chattell plate and Implements of housholdstuffe whatsoever not before bequeathed
31    and disposed I give and bequeath unto my wife Margarett Blake whom I make my full and sole Executrix
32    of this my last Will and Testament nothing doubting but that shee will see this my last Will and
33    Testament here expressed and declared in all things performed according to the trust and confidence I
34    repose on her my loveing wife And allso I doe nommyate and entreate my severall good friends Mr Thomas
35    Cullenor and Robert Smith both of Castle Combe in the Countie of Wiltes aforesaid to bee
36    overseers of this my last Will and Testament desireing them and either of them to bee aideng and
37    assisting unto my said Executrix to the best of their advice and power in the execu[t]ion and performance
38    of the premisses And for their paines and diligence to bee taken therein I doe give unto them twelve
39    pence apeece in remembrance of mee In wittnes whereof I have sett my hand and Seale to this my last
40    will and Testament the daie and yeare first abovewritten in the presence of Robert Blake his kres[t]
41    and marke Thomas Cullynor Robert Smith his marke

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