Thursday, November 1, 2012

Will of Stephen Blake, yeoman of Warminster - National Archives PROB 11/48/504, probated 22 Jun 1566

Stephen Blake testator has mentioned his children, his wife and his siblings - a perfect will! His children includes sons: Richard, William, Henrie, David, and William the younger and daughters Cicely, Johan the elder, Edithe and Johanne the yonger. Not unusual to find two children with the same forename in the Blake family. Nine children is a large family and all but Richard underage and perhaps Richard also he doesn't actually say. He doesn't name Richard executor though he names his wife Johane. There is a Cicely Blake who married Roger Tappe 24 Nov 1567 at Saint Denys, Warminster (M15334-2 Family Search). There is an Edeth Blake marrying Robert Bristow 10 Feb 1581 at Saint Denys (M15334-2 Family Search). A Jone Blake was married 16 Jul 1565 at Saint Denys to John Yearbury. Henry Blake married Alis Newman in 1581 at Saint Denys (M15334-2 Family Search).These are perhaps the children of Stephen marrying.

Stephen's sisters are Elizabeth and Agnes and brother in law Lawrence Pilchard. He has a brother Nicholas and a brother John. There is a will at Warminster for a William Blake in 1539 and he mentions his son Stephen although Harry was his eldest son. There were also sons Thomas, Nycholas and John. The daughters were Elizabeth and Angnes and Stephen has named his sister Agnes.

Henry the eldest brother is not mentioned in Stephen's will nor is Thomas only Nicholas and John the two youngest brothers are mentioned. However it is always wonderful to have wills that link together. This clinches the thought that the Thomas Blake at Warminster leaving his will in 1584 is not a sibling to Stephen. Thomas had mentioned that his brother was William. Thus there are two distinct Blake lines at Warminster which may or may not be related but certainly the wills do not indicate a relationship between the two families there.

Transcriber: Elizabeth Kipp
Recorded: 28 Oct 2012
Source:  The National Archives PROB 11/48/504
Name of testator: Stephan Blake, Yeoman
Place: Warminster, Wiltshire, England
Type of Record: Will
Dated: 20 Jul 1564, probated 22 Jun 1566
Read: Electronic file images
Condition: 16th century, middle English, small clear writing
[Margin] T[esta]m[ent] Stephan
[Margin] Blake

1    In the name of God Amen the Twentithe day of Julie In the yere of our lord god
2    a thousande fyve hundred three score and fower  in the Sixte yere of the reigne of our sovereigne
3    Ladie Elizabethe by the grace of god of Englande Fraunce and Ireland l2none defenorr of ye
4    faithe and I Stephan Blake of Warminster in the Countie of Wilts y[e]oman beinge of good and perfect
5    memorie and remembrance thancks be to god make my last will and testament in manner and forme
6    followinge First and principallie I bequethe my soull to allmightie god who is my onelie maker and
7    redemor and when it shall please god to call me to his mercie And my boddie to be buried in the Church
8    of Saint Dennice in Warminster aforsaide Item I give to our ladis Church of Sarum twelve pence Item
9    I give and bequith to Richard my eldest sonne thirtie pounds in money And after the deceasse of Johanne
10    my wife I give and bequithe to the saide Richarde all my Free Landes that I boughte and purchased of
11    Mr. Chr[ist]ofer Kirton Item I give and bequethe to the saide Richard all the state that I have for terme
12    of yeres in my Gergeyne called Butlers with the App[ur]tenancs to the same belo[n]ging after the decesse
13    of Johanne my wief Item I give and bequethe to the saide Richard my sonne my Silver salte w[i]th
14    the Cover the which I hadd of the gifte of my Father. Item I give and bequethe to Willi[m] my second sonne
15    thertie poundes in money and All the state of yeres that I have in the Farme in Warminster Item
16    I give and Bequeathe to henrie my sonne thirtie poundes in money Item I give and bequethe to
17    David my Sonne thertie poundes in money Item I give and bequithe to my sonne William the
18    yonger Fortie poundes in money to be delivered them at their day of Mariage or ells when they
19    shall coom and be of full age of twentie and one yeres And yf it fortune anie of my saide sonnes
20    henrie, David and William the yonger to departe this p[re[sente Wordle before they shal[l ]be married or
21    accomplisshe the full age of one and twentie yeres that then I will all suche Legacie to them before
22    bequethed so decessed shall remeyne to them lyvinge to be equallie devided amo[n]ge the lyvin[g] Item I
23    give and bequethe to my fower daughters Cicely Johan the elder Edithe and Johanne the yonger
24    to either of theym Fortye pounds apece of Lawfull money of England if they will be ordered in
25    marriage by their mother and by my overseers whom I will nominate and appointe Item I give and
26    Bequithe to my Mother fortie shillinges in money Item I give and bequethe to my Brothe[r] Nicholas and
27    to my brother John to either of them half a quarter of wheate Item I give and bequithe to my
28    Sisters Elizabeth and Agnes to either of them half a quarter of wheat Item I give and bequith
29    to my Brother in Lawe Laurence Pilcharde my Russett gowne furred w[i]th Foxe Item I give and
30    Bequethe to the poore people in Warminster Fouretie shillinges to be given at the discretion of mye
31    overseers All the Rest of my gooddes bothe moveable and unmoveable my dettis and Legacies paid
32    and my funeralls ended I give unto Johanne my wief whom I make my wholl Executrix to receve
33    my Dettes and to paye my Dettis allso I constitute Ordaine and make mye wel[l] beloved frendes and
34    neighboryes John Bennett of Sinalbrock William Middelcoate of Warminster and my brother in Laww
35    Lawre[n]c Pilcharde overseers of this my Last will and testament and they to have for their paines
36    takinge either of them Fortie shillinges Theise beinge wittness Sir John Croker the Curatt of
37    Warminster Richard Middlecoate of Busshopstrowe John Bennett of Simalbroke William Middelcote
38    of Warminster and Lawer[en]c Pillchard with others

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