Friday, December 14, 2012

Will of Andrew Question of Dunster - The National Archives PROB 11/151/157, probated 12 Feb 1626/27

This is the third will in the series for the Question family at Dunster in the 1600s and early 1700s. Again I have not proofread this will transcribed in 2009 but will do so after Christmas and correct the online copy if any. Andrew was my 8x great grand uncle. To the best of my knowledge he did not marry; he does not mention a wife or children. He is young when he died having been baptized 9 Sep 1601 at Dunster (son of Augustine Question and Johane Horman) and buried 11 Nov 1626 at Dunster. His father's will was posted just prior to this one so he was only nine years old when his father was buried (6 May 1611 at Dunster). Interestingly I only just asked the OPC at Dunster (Liz Jones) for some of these early records a few months ago. I had run across a mention of the Question family in my Blake line when I was working on the Somerset Blake wills and Jone Question (sister of my 7x great grandfather) married Nicholas Blake.

Date: 29 Sep 2009
Document: Will
Source: The National Archives, PROB 11/151/157
Date of document: 5 Nov 1626, probated 12 Feb 1626/27
Author: Andrew Question
Relationship: 8x great uncle
Location: Dunster Somerset England
Document quality: 17th century English, bold, even writing

[In margin] T[estator] Andrew Question
1    The last will of Andrew Question made the fifth daye of
2    November Anno Dom[ini] 1626
3    Imprimis I give unto the poore of Dunster
4    viz Item I give unto my Mother my house and unto my Mother the house that John
5    Cartter now dwelleth in and the ground belonging unto it called by the name of
6    Fracsoord and the house the Hugh Saunders now dwelleth in and that ground and after
7    My Mother unto my Brother John Question and of Dunster Field I give unto Johane
8    Poole for her life Moreover I give unto Johane Poole xx pounds and onto John Poole 20 pounds and unto
9    my brother John Question xx pounds And for all the rest of the moneys I leave unto my Mother
10    during her life and after her unto my brother John and his assignes Moreover I give unto
11    John Poole and Johane Poole three silver spoones betweene them and onto my Brother Johns
12    first child one Silver Spoone guilt with was given mee by my father ___ Item I give unto
13    my Sister my second bedsteed after my Mother and I give unto my Sister my Cupbord and a
14    chest w[hi]ch I bought of my brother law Christopher Poole Item I give unto Johane Poole my
15    little cofer Item I give unto Peeter Hormane my worsersuit of apparell Item I give unto
16    my brother John Question my silver Salt and my Sheepe and tablebord and my best
17    apparell and best bedsteed and all the rest of my goods and I make him my Executor Witnesses
18    Hereunto The marke of Johane Hooper John Question
19    Probatum fuit Testamentum supra scriptum apud London
20    Coram venerabel vuio domino Henrico Marten Wihte legum doctore curit
21    Puerogatiive Cantuarieusio Magistie Custode sive Cominssario ltuit constituto duodecuno
22    dit mensio Februarij Anno Domini inxta cuusum et computacoem Ecctio Anglicant nullimio
23    sexieute sinno vicesimo Sexto Juranento Johannis Question Fratrio dicti defunti et executoris
24    vonorum urinum et creditor un dicti defuncti devent et fideliter Administrando cademas
25    Santa dei Evangelia Coram Thoma Smith Clerico Pigort Commissiaris in
26    Ta p[ar]te als Emanat Jurat

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